Chapter ☕️x23

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"So what's up?" Erin asks.

"There's something going on with Jim. Now I know I shouldn't be suspicious, but I kind of am?"

We hear a loud pound, and the door flies open.

Kelly stands in the doorway.

" I just heard everything. I saw you guys run in here and I got curious. I was eavesdropping. A sister ain't gonna lie." She sits down next to Erin. "So, problems with Jim? I can confront him."

"No no! That's alright. I just wanted to vent to Erin. It's just that super suspicious."

"Oooh! Love affairs? Give me the info."

She doesn't get the hint that I just wanted to talk to just Erin, but I guess I can't force her out.

I tell them both everything. I don't trust Kelly to keep her mouth shut, but maybe she could give me advice.

"What?! He called Pam beautiful? Y/n, you got a problem on your hands." Kelly says.

"Yeah, I think you should talk to him about it y/n." Erin says, trying to be nice.

"Or better yet, I will!"

"No, Kelly, that's fine, I can do it, but I was wondering if you had any advice?"

"Oh. I see. You came to the office bitch to give you advice! Well you've come to the right place!"

"Well I mean you actually came to m-"

"So, what you want to do is have a barbecue, invite-"

"Kelly, Kelly, it's winter." Erin says.

"Oh yeah, I haven't been outside in awhile."

"But you-"

"No! Shh!" She puts her index finger on my lips. "That's not important. Do you want your advice or not?"

I nod with her finger still pressed to my lips. She takes it away.

"Well, Christmas just ended, and New Years is coming up this Friday. Maybe you could have a New Years party, invite everyone from the office, and see if Jim does anything with Pam." Erin says.

"Omg Erin that's perfect!" Kelly says, giving her a high five.

"Great minds think alike." Kelly says.

Holy shit Erin is a genius.

"That's actually a really good idea. Alright. That's perfect. I'll go set up invitations right now!" I say getting up.

"Perfect!" Kelly claps.

"Need some help?" Erin asks.

"No no, I think I got this part. You guys go back to work. I'll call you if I need anything from you guys."

"Alright, it'll just be online shopping then. See ya!" Kelly says, going back to her nook.

Erin follows me out, and we silently go back to our desks.

Jim and Pam stopped talking, and everyone is quiet.

I sit down at reception, and get my document for the invitation set up.

Jim walks over, and rests his elbows on the top of my desk.

"Whatcha doing?" He asks, as I open a new tab.

"Nothing much," I say, looking up at him. "I was just about to play Solitaire."

He smiles.

"Mm, Solitaire. Hey, I don't have any work, want me to help you play?"

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