the last chapter ☕️x32

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"Oh gosh, he's probably so mad at me." I put my head in my hands, and Pam gently rests her hand on my forearm.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay," she says gently, I look up to her. "He's not mad at you, he wants to clear things up with you."
She looks at her watch.

"Wow, we've been here for awhile, it's seven! I have to get going," she looks back up at me. "Again, I'm sorry for everything. I hope this clears things up."

I nod and smile to her as she stands up and gathers her things.

"Thank you so much Pam." She smiles back at me.

"Of course. I'll see you at work tomorrow." She smiles again, and leaves the Starbucks.

When the door closes, I sigh and let everything sink in. I have to go talk to him. I feel so bad for everything. I throw my drink away, and excuse myself to the bathroom, not to use it, but to text Erin.

"Erin, I've made a mistake."


I walk up to the door and knock on it. I sigh out of nervousness and I can see my breath as I hear footsteps get closer to the door. It opens.

"Y/n? Hey!" Jim says, in an almost relived way.

He's wearing blue pajama pants and a gray t-shirt. And his hair is super messy.

"Hey, I...can I come in?"

He moves to the side and opens the door a bit more, inviting me in. "Of course."

I walk in and sit on the couch. I look around, remembering when we had our first date here. I remember the little lights and the table, and the smell of the nice coffee. The pancakes that following morning.

When Jim sits next to me, I lose my train of thought, and remember what I actually came here for.

"So uhm," Jim scratches his head, and slams his hand down into his knee. "How's the thinking been going?"

"I had a talk with Pam, and-"

"Wait. I'm gonna stop you right there. I already know what you're gonna say," He says. "Give me just a moment." He stands up and quickly runs up the stairs.

He just sat down, where is he going? That was short lived.

I laugh to myself and roll my eyes, trying to seem not so confused.

This is a serious time, where is he going?

He comes back down fully clothed, and wearing a coat.

"I wanna do this the right way." He offers his hand, and I take it standing up, and we walk out the door, and climb into his car.

I think I know where we're going.

We climb into the car, and Jim immediately turns on the heat.

He buckles up and he looks at me.
"Look, I know this is very important, but just trust me." He backs out and heads in the direction of the office.

I nod and sit quietly. I'm just gonna let him do whatever.

We pass the office, and end up at the Scranton coffee shop. He parks.

"Here we are!" he gets out and I get out with him.

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now