Chapter ☕️x12

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Jim grabs the Billy Madison CD & pops it in the DVD player.

A DVD player.

This kid is old school.

I like that.

Jim reaches his hand out to me. "While the movie is loading, I have to do a few things. Are you finished with your coffee?"

I look to down, and I swirl the last remaining drops of coffee in the mug.

"Yeah, thanks," Jim smiles, and grabs my mug.

"Wait! I can get it though! I'll wash and you set up?" I point back to the TV.

"No, no, no! You're my guest. Make yourself at home!"

I smile, and nod my head. "Alright. I'll be over here at the table."
I'm already sitting at the table, while Jim goes to the kitchen to wash up the mug.

Soon Jim pops back from the kitchen.
"Hey, I have to go upstairs for a minute. I have to grab some things. I'l be back."

"Sweet, I'll still be here." I smile politely.

The previews play through as I hear Jim upstairs opening and closely doors.
While I wait, I grab a few hair ties from my pocket, and put my hair in a bun, (which is always my important night routine.)
Soon I hear him walking down the stairs with a giant meatball of blankets.

"Oh!" I say, jumping up from the couch. "I'll help ya!"
I run over to the stairs, and grab a giant wad of blankets.

"Thanks! It was getting hard to breathe with the blankets in my face."
I laugh.
Jim throws the rest of the blankets of the couch. I do the same.
He reaches for the light switches and switches the off. The only lights left are the VERY dim star lights.

It's gorgeous.

"Oh, I also brought one of my sweatshirts in case you get cold. It gets really cold in my apartment for some reason." Jim takes the sweatshirt that was hanging off his shoulder, and gently hands it to me.


"Thank you!" I throw it on as Jim settles down on the couch.
To be honest his sweatshirt smells really good.

Is that creepy?

I should stop.

"C'mon, (l/n), a couch is waiting for you!" Jim pats the couch. "Also I like that little bun you got going on there."

I laugh, and I literally jump on the couch, and bury myself in the blankets, and slowly sink into the couch.

"Alright read to start the movie?" Jim says, grabbing the TV remote.

"Born ready!" I say, smiling.


I freaking love this movie. I've seen it so many times.

I lean over to Jim & say,
"I've seen this movie so many times, yet I still love it like this is the 2nd time I've seen it."

"Huh, I didn't know you liked this movie so much!" Jim says quietly.

"Yeah, it's true, I love Adam Sandler." I chuckle.

"No shame in it at all, (l/n)." Jim smiles. "Hey, also, can you come a little bit closer to me? I'm getting a little chilly now too."

I scoot over closer to him, and he immediately wraps his arm around me.

I start laughing, and he copies.

"What?" He asks mid laugh.
"Are you tryin to be sly here Halpert?" I ask up to him.

"What?" He says again and laughs. He's pretending he can't hear me.

I roll my eyes.

"Whatever, Halpert!"

We get about 30 more minutes into the movie and I'm already starting to fall asleep. It's really warm over here.
I keep noticing my head starts bobbing, and I just can't stay awake.

Jim turns the TV down a bit, and looks down at me.
"Are you falling asleep already (l/n)? I thought you liked this movie!" He whispers.

"I do," I mumble. "I just can't stay awake for some reason!"

Jim scoffs. "I'm sure Erin doesn't mind you staying over for tonight?"

"No, she'd be alright," I mumble again.

He rubs my arm softly, which is making me even more tired.

It's actually really weird.

"That's fine with me." He says calmly.

Next thing I know I'm dead asleep.

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Where stories live. Discover now