Chapter ☕️x21

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"Uh oh." Phyllis says to herself.

Jim sighs, and leans back in his chair.

"There it is!" Stanley laughs.

"Wait isn't she married to Roy Boy?" Meredith asks.

"Yeah, they dated before that though. After that, Pam started dating Roy, they got married, and moved away." Oscar confirms.

"How do you know that you stalker." Angela comments.

"Oh my god." Jim whispers to himself. He looks over at me and mouths, "I'm so sorry."

I throw a fake smile, and mouth back, "It's okay."

I don't really know what to do, I don't know why it's such a big deal.
I mean, if she comes back, she's not taking my job or anything.

I think its because Jim might think I'll flip out or something.

I'm drop dead okay with whatever this is.

"Looks like someone's got a lot of explaining to do." Dwight sits back and laughs.

Jim just sits there and shakes his head.
Stanley's still laughing, and Dwight is almost doing some kind of victory dance.

What the hell is happening right now?

Micheal suddenly opens his door. Murmuring from the phone emits from the room. Micheal starts whisper-yelling at Dwight.

"Dwight! Dwight! Stupid! I'm on a very important call!" He points back into his office. "Shut up!"

Dwight immediately stops laughing, and Stanley starts to quiet down.

"Sorry Micheal." He mumbles.

Micheal closes his door, and everyone awkwardly sits in silence, but gets back to work.

There was a lot of whispering going on thorough out the rest of the day.



Over the sounds of glass clinking and murmuring around the café, Jim lightly says,
"I am so sorry for everything that happened today."

I smile, and try to reassure him, "No, no it's okay it's totally fine."

I'm in the middle of stirring my decaf coffee with loads of creamer. I slowly watch the clouds of white take over in my mug. It's currently like 6 and I'm so tired.

"It's just that I wanted to tell you on my own time, you know? Right now was supposed to be my time." He says.

I nod understandingly. "Totally. Dwight was kinda being a prick about it," I say, ripping another sugar packet open. Some of the beads spill out onto the table.

Somehow no matter what I make a mess with this god damn thing.

He chuckles and smiles only for a second, saying, "Yeah." and it disappears again.

"Hey, but I still don't know who Pam really is, so, you could still tell me a bit about her." I crinkle up my sugar packet and put it to the side.

The energy around us suddenly lifts.

"Okay," He says, suddenly smiling. "Pam. She's a beautiful red-head, a total art nerd, and she's one of the funniest people to be around. Also, she's not short but she's not tall, ya know? She moved away with Roy after they married, which was someone who worked in the warehouse downstairs."

I nod, trying to ignore the fact that my boyfriend just called his ex beautiful. I mean like, sure, I bet she is a pretty girl, I totally believe him, but you just don't call your ex beautiful in front of your girlfriend. She's stirring trouble and she isn't even here...what the hell Pam? I mean, she might not even be coming here so who cares I guess.

"The thing is, one of the last things Pam told me before she left was-"

We get interrupted by a waitress, asking if we wanted a snack from a small wicker basket full of cookies. She explains that they're free today, so we take a few, and thank her.

There's a weird pause after she leaves. "What were we talking about?"

"Uhm, I'm pretty sure we were talking about Pam talking to you about something."

"Oh, what she said to me before she left, right?"

I kindly smile and nod. He reaches across the table and grabs my sugar packet and starts playing with it.

"She just said that she'd miss me is all. Told me to keep in touch." He says quickly.

I can totally tell that's not what she said.

more soon! :)

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