Chapter ☕️x17

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After what feels like a complete hour of silence, Michael speaks up.

"Wallace! So great to s-"

The party literally just started.

Weirdly calm, Wallace says, "Michael. Come meet me in your office."

Michael shuts up immediately, and shamefully walks into his office with Wallace.

We all hear the door slam, and we start panicking. 

"Oh boy, here comes trouble." Phyllis sighs.

"We are in no danger!" Dwight says loudly. He starts climbing on the table with all of the food. "I will be in charge of this conference room while Michael is away."

I was expecting Angela to start screaming at him to get down, but she isn't here. Ha ha.

Actually nobody told him to get down.

Jim turns to Dwight, and tries to interfere. "Dwight I don't think we need someone-"

"Shut up peasant."

Jim turns back to me. "At least I tried," he whispers to me.

I laugh.

Everyone continued to party, but with no music. And Dwight continued to stand on the table, doing absolutely nothing.

Sooner or later Michael came back out with Wallace, and everyone went silent again.

"Listen up everyone," David says. "You can continue this party, but no alcohol. Whatsoever. And Dwight, why are you standing on the table?"

"No reason," He says quickly, jumping down.

Everyone groans, and starts to file out of the room, and going over to grabbing their coats.

"Wait guys don't go!" Michael exclaims.

Everyone continues to ignore him, getting their coats on.

"Poor Richards everyone!" Meredith exclaims. Everyone starts clapping, and starts heading out.

"I'll meet you guys there!" Michael says, but Wallace stops him. "Michael I still need to talk to you."

Michael rolls his eyes, and heads back in his office with him.

Jim helps me get my coat on, and Erin comes over to talk to me.

"Hey, are you coming to Poor Richards with me and Andy?"

Before I could groggily speak, Jim interrupts me.

"Actually guys, I think I'm going to take her home." Jim says, patting my shoulder.

"Oh, okay. Bye sis!" Erin says, quickly walking out with Andy.

"Bye Tuna! Bye Kiddo!"

After we hear them leave completely, Jim quietly speaks down to me.

"Okay first of all, where the hell did kiddo come from?"

I laugh at him. "He's always called me that."

He shakes his head. "Oookayyy. Let's get you home now."

Jim helps me down to the elevators, as I try to keep my legs from dying on me, and we slowly but surely make it outside.

He opens the door, and we're met by a crisp chilling wind that froze us up in two seconds.

And also ice.

I took my first step into the outside and I just fucking died.

Not even kidding.

I barely put any weight on the ice and slipped and hit my ass.

"Woah! (L/n), you okay? Here let's get you up."

He grabs my arms are helps pull me up as my legs frantically flop around like fish.

"We aren't home yet you can't just lay down wherever you wanna."  I laugh, as we slowly start walking toward the car.

After what seems like 8 whole ass fucking hours, we make it to the car, and get situated, and turn on the heat.

"Now, you just relax, and please please please don't throw up in my car." He smiles at me.

"I promise I won't."

And then I passed out after that.

I don't remember what happened.

But now I just woke up and I have no idea where I am.

I feel stiff.

It's pitch black and I'm getting really hot.
And I never have it pitch black in my room.

I guess it's nice.

I've clearly made it to my bed last night, so thank god.

My head isn't hurting either, which is actually really nice.

But I hear breathing next to me.

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