Chapter ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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(VERY short chapter!☺️☕️)
It's been 5 months since I started at Dunder Mifflin, & let me tell you, that I've learned a lot in these 5 months.

Micheal calls A LOT of meetings. A. LOT.

And some of them are just to talk about nonsense.

Dwight is assistant regional- oh wait, no, assistant TO the regional manager, & is practically Micheal's best friend.

Also, Jim is awesome! I've become great friends with him! We are always hanging out in the break room, and eating a lot of junk food.

He also likes to prank Dwight, which, in my opinion, is the funniest thing I've seen in awhile.
It always makes me smile.

I've also become friends with Erin, & we hang out a lot.

She really likes Andy.

Another thing, Andy calls Jim, Tuna.


He says he calls him that because the first time Andy saw him was when he was eating a tuna sandwich.

Yeah don't ask me.

Andy likes nicknames. He still calls me kiddo.

I've practiced playing Solitaire, & I've won only 1 game so far.

Out of these 5 months.

I seriously suck at that game.

It's in the middle of December and I'm freaking freezing.

We had a Halloween party that Angela and Phyllis hosted, and the whole time Angela argued with Phyllis on what she was serving and the decoration colors.

We also never had the party that was for me joining the office? I don't know what happened there.

For now, I'm sitting in Erin's apartment watching Wall-E with her. It's practically like a 8 year olds sleepover. We got popcorn, we've got or PJ's on, we're wrapped, sitting on blankets, & we're talking about our love lives. On a Saturday.

I don't think 8 year olds talk about love.

"Oh, seems we're out of popcorn. Should I make more?" Erin picks up the bowl, & some of the kernels come sliding to the top of the bowl.

"It's up to you. I could always go for more popcorn, but it's up to you."

Erin smiles at me, & gets up.
"Coming right up sis!"

Oh also Erin & I call each other sisters.

Neither of us have a sister, & we both always wanted one, so we thought it would be nice if we pretended.
Who cares that we're 28?

28 years olds can have fun too.
It's a little bit odd but I like it.

Erin grabs the last popcorn bag out of her cupboard, & tosses it into the microwave.
My phone screen lights up, & rings.

A text message, obviously.

Erin sits on the counter drinking a Pepsi.
"Who texted you?"

I pick up my phone. The screen is so bright that it takes a second for me to focus on it.

"Oh my god!" I look at her with wide eyes.
"What? What? Who is it (y/n)? Tell a sis!"

She comes running off the counter, bringing her Pepsi with her, as the popcorn pops like mad.

I show her my notification, as my jaw drops.

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