Chapter ☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️☕️

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(long chapter☺️☁️)
"(Y/n)! You have to answer it!"
Erin runs over to the microwave, & gets the popcorn out.

It smells amazing.

"I know! I know! We haven't read the message yet! What if it's just about work?"

"Well, you never know," Erin says from across the room. She pours the popcorn into the bowl. "He could be, you know," she starts whispering. "asking you out?"

"What? No way! We just got over this ordeal with Micheal. That would be totally nuts!"

"Hey, you never know," she says again, walking over with the popcorn. "let's just read it. I mean, why would he be texting you at 11pm on a Saturday?"
She turns down the movie, as I open the message on my phone.

"Okay okay wait. I'm too scared to read it. Will you read it for me?" I hand her the phone. "But don't make any expressions or any sounds, just pretend it's a super boring text, & then hand me the phone afterwards. I just want you to read it first."

She nods, & starts reading it.
I close my eyes. I'm realizing that this is so immature.

I'm almost 30 and I can't read a text message from a boy. What the hell?

It's been about a minute.

"Alright," she says, trying to be expressionless. "your turn."

I take the phone from her, & read the message.

Hey (y/n)! All my friends are out busy right now, so if you're available, would you like to go for a drink at Poor Richards? It's $1 drinks tonight! I would like to talk with you, & I also need a drink.

I look up at Erin, & she's smiling so wide.
"Looks like you have a date sis!" She pokes my leg. "You should go!"

"Really? But I'm having a girls night with you! Do you really think I should?"

"Absolutely! C'mon, you don't want to miss this. Get dressed up! We can hang out tomorrow instead. Here, I'll help you with your outfit!" Erin shovels a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

"Here, I'll grab my bag. You look for an outfit, & I'll get my makeup on."

"Got it! I'm so excited!" Erin squeals.

I reach over on the couch & drag my bag to the floor. I grab my makeup bag & run through the dark living room to the bathroom.

"Turn on the lights so you can see the clothes!" I yell to her.

"Oh, you're probably right. Stupid me," she laughs. "are you looking to wear anything in particular?"

"No, I don't even know what's in there. I just picked up a pile of clothes off my floor & threw it in there. Your choice!"

I cake on all of my makeup, & use Erin's hair straightener.

I look good.

"Alright sis! Come see your outfit!"

I grab my makeup & my makeup bag.

the coffee☕️ {Jim Halpert X Reader}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang