"I love you- but look at yourself"

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one- "I love you, but look at yourself"

I watched my mom as she beat the hell out of her sparing partner- eventually knocking him down- winning her round.

My mom was a self defense teacher along with a physical trainer- meaning, her body was absolutely perfect, and she knew that.

She came to me after, a proud smile on her face.

"Wanna challenge Brian- he's easy to beat-" "cramps" I quickly spoke, making her roll her eyes.

"If you don't start getting active, your tummy fat is only going to grow more and more honey"

"Mom it's just one week-" "excuses, excuses, I don't want to hear it." She declared, making me roll my own eyes.

I followed her to her office.

"What do you want for dinner?" I asked, seeing her shrug lightly.

"I could go for some pasta from that new Italian restaurant" she raised her eyebrows.

"Okay- I'll call two pastas in" I spoke, pulling my phone from my back pocket.

"Oh honey- you don't need pasta- too filling, you're on a diet, remember?" She spat out.

"I don't think one day is going to affect much-" "that's what the obese lady next door says too- get something light, get a flatbread- those only have like a hundred calories" she smiled, making me roll my eyes before walking outside

I ordered her pasta and my fucking flat bread- not happy in the slightest.

I walked back into the gym- seeing her client, Jake entering.

"Hey sweetie" he smiled, immediately giving me a high five.

"Hi Jake" I smiled.

"How's my favorite girl?" He asked, dropping his bag in the chair beside me.

"I'm pretty good- what about you?" I asked him.

"Your mother has had me sore the past three days- wanna help me warm up so she doesn't completely kill me?"

I nodded in agreement, walking with him to the gym floor.

I got the punching gloves- letting him punch them as a warm up.

I threw the gloves at him when he gave up- making an evil smile spread across his face before he threw me over the shoulder- making me scream lightly- laughing into his back.

"Jake- put her down, she's too heavy for you to lift before a workout" moms voice spat, making my feet soon come into contact with the floor.

"She's really not that heavy-" "don't try to make her feel better- she needs to hear it or nothing is ever going to change"

I rolled my eyes- moving to walk away, but she grabbed me

"Don't get upset I was only-" "I don't understand why you can't just love me for who I am" I laughed quickly, seeing her face soften

"I do love you Payton." She announced

"I love you- but look at yourself"

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