"You haven't seen abuse yet- you're blessed."

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ten- "you haven't seen abuse yet- you're blessed"

one week later

It's very easy to say that mom and I have not gotten along since the doctor's appointment.

We fight daily

She pretty much calls me fat daily

I cry daily

And she most probably regrets my existence daily.

Currently I was sitting on the counter in the kitchen- eating a bowl of lucky charms as my mom entered.

She sighed dramatically as she filled her cup up with water- making me almost immediately roll my eyes.

She then turned towards me- staring to me as she sipped her water.

She got what she wanted

I poured my cereal out, rinsing the bowl before putting it into the dishwasher.

"Your thighs are getting bigger" she spoke- making me immediately look to my thighs.

I didn't notice a difference- but I couldn't help but wonder if she was right

"Are they?" I mumbled- feeling a little, insecure almost.

"Yep" she spoke, hitting my thigh lightly

"That's not muscle sweet heart." She breathed out, shooting me a look.

I looked to her thighs- seeing how muscular they were- it was one of her best aspects.

"Mom-" I made her freeze

"Could I- maybe join Jake and your workout today?"

"Of course princess."

"Hell no." Jake spat out.

"Jake she wants to- I'm not making her-" "why do you want to?" Jake spat towards me, holding my shoulders tightly.

"My thighs are getting fatter-" "and who told you that?"

My eyes shot to my mom- which made him laugh.

"You know- you're really fucking sick, you know that?" He spoke loudly towards her.

"Get your stuff" Jake spoke towards me.

"She wanted to work out Jake- it's her choice!" She yelled.

"No" Jake laughed quickly

"You're fucking abusing your own child and I'm so sick of this shit!" He yelled.

"Payton- have I been abusing you?" Mom laughed- extremely loud, and I couldn't look to her

No lying this time

"Payton!" Mom yelled

"Verbally- yes-" "you haven't see abuse yet- you've been blessed!" She screamed, Jake standing between us.

"Have I not given you everything that you wanted?" She yelled.

"Except a normal fucking teenage life."

With that- Jake rushed me outside, us both getting into his truck.

"Meet us at the hospital if you give a fuck."

And that- freaked me out

I knew I hadn't gained much weight- if any at all

And the last thing I wanted was for another person to be mad at me over my weight.

Therefore- the waterworks started

"Please don't take me Jake- Calum's going to be pissed" I almost sobbed out as he ignored my cries- driving straight there.

"He's not going to be mad at you Payton" Jake spoke softly, looking between myself and the road.

I continued to cry into his arm, feeling him intertwine our fingers.

"I'm going to get you help- you're going to be healthy."

He gave me a few moments to compose myself, which just consisted of me trying to breathe for about five minutes.

"Let's go."

I held his arm as he led me inside.

"I need to see Dr.Hood as soon as he can" Jake spoke simply.

"Payton?" A voice soon said- Michael coming around the corner.

"You're not supposed to be back until next week- did you hurt yourself-" "Michael, we need to talk to you and Calum."

Michael rushed us to Calum's office, where he was doing paperwork.

"I can't keep watching this happen to her." Jake spoke as soon as we walked in- alarming Calum slightly.

"What's going on?" He quickly spoke- his eyes focusing on my half crying state as he stood, pulling me into his chest.

"Okay- okay shush" he spoke quietly, rubbing my back gently

"Listen to my heart and just relax"

I zoned out on everything that Jake said- I listened to Calum's heartbeat- focusing on the rhythm of it- finding myself counting the beats.


I kept my arms tightly around her, feeling her hands resting on my side as her head stayed against my chest- completely relaxing into me.

"Her mom fucking abuses her- I promise, I'm not making this shit up, it's so bad-" "we had the suspicion." Michael spoke for me.

"So what can we do?" He asked- looking to her as she stayed zoned out- which was probably best due to the conversation topic and her being already upset.

"Let's start with getting her weight now- it's been a week, she should've gained at least a pound, but I'm hoping to see maybe three." I spoke, making him nod.

"And then her and I will talk privately about the- situation." I spoke- knowing she wouldn't admit to being abused to a group of people.

So we did that.

She gained exactly one pound- which was honestly kinda a bummer.

As we went back to my office- her mom was stood at my door.

We all shook hands respectively.

She was pissed- that was clear.

"I'm taking her home." She declared- pulling Payton's wrist to where she was forced behind her mother.

"I would like to speak with Payton privately-" "your appointment is next week." Her mom spoke sternly.

Then her head flew to Jake

"You're lucky I didn't call the police for kidnapping-" "she willingly came with me." He spat out.

"Just like the four year old willingly gets into the ice cream truck for free ice cream before they get kidnapped."

She had a point there.

"Let's go." She spat to Payton, turning and pushing her towards the exit.

"Ma'am- you aren't leaving." I spoke quickly- laughing lightly.

"I told you I needed to speak to your daughter-" "you can't do anything I don't consent to." She spat out.

"All your rights over your daughter go away when you're accused of abuse- I will call the police."

"Call them."

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