"You must fall to succeed"

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two- "you much fall to succeed"

one week later

"Come on- go against Mason, he'll go easy on you" mom spoke- pulling my out of my seat by my wrists.

"Mom he's huge-" "and you're going to be huge if you don't start doing the shit I tell you to do."

I rolled my eyes, letting her pull me across the mat- to the blocked off second where people practice defense methods.

"Mason- meet my daughter Payton, I want you to practice defense methods on each other."

"She's kinda small for my methods-" "go easy on her, she's tough- she'll do fine."

I rolled my eyes, throwing my hoodie off- pulling my shirt over my leggings.

We started simple and slowly- myself getting out of his arm grabs- practicing fake hits.

Within minutes- we were both out of breath.

"Get back in there!" Moms voice yelled.

I was grabbed from behind- and I used my elbows to jab his ribs- before pulling his arm at a twisted angle- making sure I wasn't actually hurting him.

And what happened next- I'm not actually sure of

I assume he went to hit my arm to release his own- but instead, I was pretty much sucker punched straight into my nose.

I hit the ground- hands and knees, my hands going straight to my nose as tears filled my eyes involuntarily.

It hurt like hell.

"I actually hit her- I didn't mean to-" "she's fine, Payton- get back up."

I stayed down.

"You must fall to succeed." She quoted

"Get back up and get revenge!" She yelled, anger growing in her tone.

I pulled my hands away from my face- seeing blood still pooling out from my nose.

"Blood" I announced- making both her and Mason almost run to me.

"Shit I broke her nose." Mason spat, his hands going to her face.

"Payton- I have fucking clients here, I can't take you to the damn hospital."

A tear fell down my cheek as I refrained from touching my nose- using my shirt to contain some of the blood.

Mason helped me up- him and I walking at a fast pace to her office.

He bundled tissues- making me hold it to my nose.

"I'm so fucking sorry." He panicked- and I heard the bell of the door ring- making me look.


"Holy hell." He immediately spoke- coming to me.

"Oh fuck- you're crooked honey-" "Jake, I can't leave until everyone is gone, can you please take her to the hospital?" Mom almost begged.

"Yeah- come on" he spoke, grabbing my arm quickly.

"Here's her medical card and insurance card"

He drove as fast as he could- rubbing my back supportively, trying to make me stop crying

But I was in a hella large amount of pain.

We pace walked into the hospital- Jake running to the desk.

"She broke her nose- and she's bleeding a lot." He said simply.

"Follow the nurse in pink to a room"

We did as said, and she let me throw away my blood covered tissues- placing something over my lap before giving me something else to hold to my nose, catching the blood.

Jake stood beside me as I stayed seated on the bed.

He rubbed my back gently- talking to me, trying to calm me down.

I hated hospitals- with a passion.

Soon a doctor entered with a wide smile.
"Dr.Irwin" he immediately smiled- shaking Jake's hand.

"Jake" he responded with a smile.

"Payton, correct?" He questioned, his eyes meeting mine as he put down his tablet,
slipping gloves on easily.

"Yes" I breathed out.

"How did you manage to do this, sweetie?" He questioned.

"I was practicing defense methods and was punched- accidentally" I spoke quietly, closing my eyes as he lightly touched the bridge of my nose- increasing my pain.

"They punched you pretty damn hard to get this bad of a break." He spoke, breathing out.

"So- its very clear, without x-ray that this is going to have to be set." He spoke.

"Our ortho is just scrubbing out of surgery- so I'm going to give you some good pain medicines- get your vitals and stop this bleeding while we wait on him, okay?"

I gave a small nod, looking to Jake as he stood, going to the cabinet and grabbing several things.

"You're okay" he assured me quietly, sending me a calm wink.

"Who were you practicing with?" He then asked me

"Mason" I breathed out- his eyes widening.

"Payton- I don't even practice with him- he's bigger than the fucking rock-" "moms idea."

Irwin returned, setting several items beside my hip on the bed.

"Okay so three shots, one is a relaxer just to calm your nerves, two of them are pain relievers, okay?"

I nodded slowly, making Irwin look to Jake.

"Hold the tissue for her, please." He spoke slowly, making Jake and I slowly exchange the paper thing, giving Irwin my arm.

I closed my eyes- feeling him quickly give me the three shots.

"You're going to start feeling pretty good soon" he smiled lightly- grabbing his stethoscope before slipping it down my shirt- making us all go silent.

He took most of my vitals before now taking Jake's job,

He slowly pulled the tissue away- nodding lightly.

"The blood has temporarily stopped- but it will most likely start again, just keep this over your lap so it catches the blood" he spoke, making me nod, leaning my head back to hit the bed.

Jakes hand ran through my hair gently- his eyes staying on me as Irwin got some of my simple information from Jake.

Soon my mom entered- exhaling

"You're the mother?" Irwin asked

"Yes- I watched it happen, it was a total accident, I would've came with her but I had to close my gym early" she breathed out.

"Well- better late than never"

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