"Stairs are such a bitch"

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I successfully finished my pasta- immediately heading towards the freezer, glad I had some time home alone.

I grabbed three ice packs, taking exactly three steps up the stairs before I stopped, sighing.

"Stairs are such a bitch" I mumbled to myself- turning around and walking down them.

I grabbed a blanket, moving to my couch and getting comfortable before turning a movie on and situating all of my ice packs.

I ended up falling asleep- and was asleep for a good while until I heard the door open.

I silently prayed that it wasn't someone breaking in to kill me, because I had no way of defending myself and there was no way I was going to be able to get up from his couch without help.

"You look cozy." Jake's voice said swiftly, and I saw him appear.

I sent him a tired smile- hearing his laugh
"How are you feeling?" He asked me, moving around the couch to sit by my feet.

"Surprisingly, pretty good" I breathed out, slowly moving to sit upwards.

"No pain?" He asked me.

"Not yet, but I have to take more medicine at four" I mumbled, seeing him glance to his phone before nodding.

"Well, I just wanted to make sure you were okay- and everything was well" he breathed out.

"Thank you- I appreciate it" I spoke quietly, seeing him nod, his eyes scanning my face.

I felt like he needed me to offer him a reason to stay- so I did.

"Ya know" I breathed out

"I could really use someone to watch all of the Harry Potter movies with me" I smiled- knowing we've done it countless times before.

It was our thing

I was a smile on his face- and I just knew he was going to stay

"Payton" she breathed out, frustration in his voice.

"You can't get used to me being here like normal" he spoke, making me visibly drop.

And I this point

I was tired

And none of this is a valuable excuse

But I flat out said it

"Then why did you come? To rub in the fact that you won't stay?"

His eyebrows raised- he was certainly shocked that I said what I did.

"I came here to check on you" he spoke.

"Well I'm fine- you can go, since you're so good at that now." I spoke, hearing him sigh

"I have to do this for myself and your own good-"

"You know" I spoke

"I've asked you for hours before to leave me alone or to go home and you never would because you said you loved me too much" I spoke? Adjusting my ice pack to where I could lay back down

"And now that I've literally cried in your arms- begging for you to stay- all you wanna do is leave, does that mean that you don't love me at all?" I shot to him.

"I'm doing this because I love you Payton!" He yelled, watching me as I slowly turned away from him

"I think a few people would agree with me saying that you're going about it the wrong way."

focus (discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon