"Don't thank me"

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twenty-two: "don't thank me"

She was hurting- that was something much too obvious for me.

I held her hand, feeling her firm grip as I drove us home.

As soon as we pulled into our driveway, Jake's car was there, which made me breathe out.

I didn't mean show up the second I texted you...

Her eyes met mine
"I don't really want to talk to him right now"

"I'll talk to him for you." I nodded, which made her thank me quietly before opening the door.

We got out together- Jake stepping out at the same time.

"That's my girl!" He yelled- fully excited, and completely unexpected, Payton broke out into tears.

"W-why are you crying?" He shot at her- and I quickly knew that this would be going downhill, quickly.

"You're happy that I just sent my mom to jail?" She cried out, jerking her sleeves down her arms, putting one out, touching his chest to keep him from touching her.

"This is so fucked up Jake" she cried out

"You literally left me at one of the hardest times of my life, and now that I threw my only blood family member that I know- away you wanna come back?" She cried.

"I never left you-" "don't even fucking start!" She almost yelled, so many emotions seeping off of her

"You didn't have my back when I needed you the most and now that you got what you wanted you want to come back?" She sobbed out.

"Payton you're upset, you're speaking irrationally." He spoke- making me slowly start putting myself between them, wanting to get Payton away from him, she was only going to get more upset from him.

"You're so self conceded." She cried.

"I needed you while I was going through hell and you left me crying outside because it was too hard on you- think about how hard it already was on me and how much harder you made it for me!" She sobbed out, making me slowly pull her into my body.

"I need time away from you Jake, it's my turn to leave."

With that, she fully planted her body into my own.

"Call me when she's not so upset." He mumbled as I slowly migrated to the door.

I gave a small nod, unlocking her door, still holding her as I walked inside.

Knowing the guest room was closest- and that's where she would be sleeping, I led her there.

We both laid in the bed together, I let her cry into me.

I stayed quiet, giving her forehead kisses and back rubs while also playing with her hair- massaging her head as she slowly stopped crying.

Her head laid over my heart, one hand on my stomach, the other was against my side.

"You need to sleep your medicine off" I spoke- remembering she didn't sleep at all last night.

She nuzzled herself into me a little more, allowing me to pull the blankets more onto her shoulders- knowing I was a little cold, so she had to be cold.

"Thank you" she breathed out

"Don't thank me-" "you deserve more thank you's than I'll be able to tell you."

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