"I'm not going to lie- it's going to hurt like hell"

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three- "I'm not going to lie- it's going to hurt like hell"

Slowly the pain started subsiding, and I felt myself getting almost sleepy.

"Want to go get some pizza after this?" Jake asked my mom- making my eyes look to them.

"She can't eat pizza- she's on a strict diet" mom spoke, making Jake roll his eyes- but also catching Ashton's attention, who was setting out a few things.

"I think if she wants it- she deserves some damn pizza after this" he laughed out, bringing ass tons of gauze and setting it beside me.

"Can't argue with the diet" mom laughed lightly.

"Aw come on" he smiled lightly.

"You can let yourself have a cheat day- you deserve it" he smiled to me, lightly touching beside my nose and under my eyes.

"Would if I could" I spoke quietly, making his eyebrows move together.

"I set the diet for her" mom told him- making his eyebrows raise quickly.

"Oh" he breathed out, looking to me again

"That's very unusual- a mom setting a diet for her daughter" he laughed lightly- but my mom shrugged lightly- letting the conversation dismiss itself.

Soon another doctor entered- also smiling.

"Dr.Clifford- orthopedic doctor" he introduced- shaking my mom and Jake's hand quickly.

"And you must be Payton" he smiled, moving straight to me, gently touching my chin to look at my nose.

"Luckily- it's a clean break, meaning we can easily just set it back into place" he spoke with a small nod.

"But you were very very close to needing surgery- consider yourself lucky" he laughed lightly, moving to the cabinets at the other end of the room.

He brought several things over to me, setting them on my lap.

"Okay- so what's going to happen, is that you have a job" he spoke, rubbing my shoulder gently.

"You're going to sit just like you are right now except we're gonna have your head all the way back- against the bed, and you're going to close your eyes and not open them until I tell you to" he spoke, breathing out

"Now for your hands, my best friend- who's name is Luke- he's a pediatrician, he's going to come in here and hold your hands- and it's very important that you don't let go of his hands, okay?" He spoke.

"And that's it?" I questioned.

"That is all that you have to do, easy enough?" He spoke, and I nodded slowly.

"Now, Ashton and I are going to rip the bandaid off- we're going to quickly set it, catch the blood that falls and get some ice onto it, it'll be over in seconds and I'm going to quickly get you another relaxer and a small about of more pain relief" he spoke to me as a tall blonde entered with the same smile.

"Wait- is this going to hurt?" I questioned.

"I'm not going to lie- it's going to hurt like hell"

I couldn't respond due to him looking to the blonde who was shaking my mom and Jake's hand.

"That's Luke, he's going to hold your hands, okay?"

I didn't respond, I didn't want to respond- I didn't even want to do this.

I looked to Jake and my mom who were looking straight at me.

"You're okay" Jake assured me quickly, standing and moving to my legs, giving right above my knee a small squeeze.

I watched as Irwin, Clifford and Luke discussed how they should position themselves to do it easiest.

Soon Luke was completely in the bed with me, his legs thrown over my own- smiling as he did.

Clifford went to my right side, Irwin stayed on my left- both putting a knee into my bed, getting as close to me as they could.

"Okay, head back cutie" michael spoke, making me let my head fall.

"Hold Luke's hands for me and don't let them go, okay?" He asked as I felt his hands engulfing my own, rubbing my knuckles gently.

"Now just close those pretty eyes and sit relaxed- okay?"

I closed my eyes and as soon as hands hit my face- I tensed, preparing for the worse.

"No tensing sweetie- nice and relaxed, okay? Just relax" he spoke, which made a tear fall out of my eye, making me squeeze Luke's hands.

"No tears cutie- you're going to be okay- I promise." Clifford's voice spoke, and I felt Jake's hands gently rubbing my legs.

"Come on Payton- cooperate I'm losing money sitting here and not training-" Irwin cut my mom off

"We're going to do it on ten- just stay nice and relaxed for us, just like you are right now" he spoke, his hand gently pushing hair behind my ear.

I squeezed Luke's hands as they slowly counted- and at five- they did it, and holy hell.

I've never felt so much pain in my entire life.

"Head back, head back" Clifford spoke as my head immediately leaned off the bed- my whole body tensing fully.

Tears were now fully gliding down my face, they both continually apologized as gauze rested under my nose- ice resting on the bridge.

I felt a wipe on my arm, making me groan

"Two quick pokes"

I felt them both before I felt Clifford's hands very carefully rubbing beside my nose and my under eyes.

Someone wiped my tears as they glided down my cheeks, and Luke never let go of my hands, still rubbing his thumbs over my knuckles.

"Stop crying Payton- you're fine" mom's voice spoke

"Ma'am this is extremely painful- honestly she should be almost sobbing, these tears just slipping down her cheeks is absolutely nothing."

She stayed quiet as the gauze was pulled away,
making the ice pull away- someone barely gently feeling over my nose.

"You did amazing sweetie" Clifford spoke quietly, the ice pack going back over my nose.

"Can you open those pretty eyes for me again?"

I opened mine- seeing his green ones.

"I want to see her again next week, just for a follow up to make sure everything is okay" he nodded towards my mom

"How long until she can exercise?" Mom questioned, making the three doctors all look to each other

"A good amount of time- I'll have to clear her myself for that"

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