"I can't do it to her"

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twenty one- "I can't do it to her"

I pulled her chin to make her look at me, and I found myself fully holding her crying face.

"Baby- all you have to do it say it." I spoke.

Another tear slipped down her cheek.

"I can't" she cried

"You can- I can help you, I promise, you'll never have to face the things she says to you again."

"She's done so much for me Ash" she sobbed.

"And along with that she's continually pushing you into a eating disorder." I spoke quickly.

"Baby, she doesn't love you the way a mom should love her daughter." I spoke

"I mean- look at you. You're being forced to talk to a therapist and crying in his office because you're fucking hurting." I stressed to her.

"Payton." I spoke, making her eyes hit mine, her hands grabbing my wrists gently.

"Baby, I won't let anyone hurt you. She won't be able to anything- just say it, you can live with us- we'll give you the love you deserve." I spoke- and just as I finished, the door opened

"It's been an hour-" her mom froze

"What the hell is happening, why is she crying?" She spoke quickly.

"I'm extending our meeting-" "Ashton, I have places to be!" She yelled, Calum appearing from behind her as Payton tucked her head to my shoulder, making me pull her almost completely into my lap.

"Step out- he extended it." Calum spoke sternly.

"She doesn't fucking need this shit, we agreed on an hour-" "the police said he could extend it, if you need him to come here and tell you again, I can make it happen." Calum spat to her quickly.

That caused her to sit her ass down.

Calum shut the door, joining us.

Payton held her arms around me, holding herself close to me.

"Baby, we already know what's happening- but we need proof." Calum spoke simply.

"She made me promise." She cried into me

"Made you promise what?" I asked.

"That I wouldn't tell you guys." She continued to cry- and I knew what she was trying to do

She was trying to tell us- without saying it

"You don't have to say it" I spoke to her, making Calum's eyes widen as if saying 'what the fuck'

"Are you being mentally abused?" I asked her, feeling her grip tighten around me


This made Calum immediately shoot up as I pulled her more into my lap, letting her continually cry, holding me as tightly as she needed.

"You're okay- everything will get better from this point on- I promise you." I mumbled to her, kissing her forehead gently.

Calum called security along with the police officers we dealt with the other night- going along with exactly what they told us to do once we got it out of her.

He then joined me back on the couch, leaning against her back, holding her along with me.

Thankfully- it was less than ten minutes before the two officers from before returned into the room.

"She said it?" He asked

"Yeah" I confirmed, making him immediately nod- heading back out the room, to her mother.

And that's when the yelling started.

"You have no right to do this to me!"

"I do not abuse my daughter!"

"I want what's best for her!"

"She's just sensitive and wants attention, she's being a little bitch!" She yelled, and that's when I heard the officer chime in

"You calling your own daughter a little bitch is all the proof that I need."

"Okay- I can either take her with us and contact child services to see what happens until court, or you guys can keep her- its up to her and you of course" he spoke simply.

"Do you want to stay with us?" I asked, rubbing her back gently.

"Do you guys mind?" She breathed out as she sat up, blood red and puffy eyes.

"Of course not, we would prefer that you stay with us actually" Calum spoke.

She gave a nod, leaning back over to lay her head on my shoulder.

I held her close to me, my hand lightly resting on her swollen ribs, which reminded me to ask Calum about it- at a better time of course.

"Okay- you guys know my number if you need anything of course." He nodded, giving a small smile as he looked down on her.

"Give her what she deserves"

I left Payton with Calum- running to my boss, getting the day off before running to Luke's office.

"Payton admitted to the abuse- I'm going to take her home and get her comfortable" I informed him.

"Oh- okay, cool, good- that's great" he spoke- obviously a little shocked at the news

I then went to Michael- telling him the same thing

"Fucking, good!" He yelled immediately

"That's fucking the best news I've gotten all day! We got her!" He yelled, standing from excitement.

Then I paused- texting Jake

She admitted it. She's coming to our place, come if you want

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