To Be or Not To Be

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Yesterday, Matthew kissed me. I kissed him back. Then kissed him. Was this a message for us to be together? Would #Mannabelle be a "thing"?

I received a text from Esmee.

E-Z-Being-Esmee: So...are u guys a thing or wut?

Belle-A-Boo: Ha. I wish. Maybe in the future.

E-Z-Being-Esmee: Ooo. Spill the beans, girl. I want details.

Belle-A-Boo: I'll spill the major details l8r. For now, I'll tell you that he kissed me yesterday. And I kissed back....and kissed him again.

E-Z-Being-Esmee: Woah, girl! You hit home run with that dude.

Belle-A-Boo: Oh, shut up. Gtg. Ttyl. Details to come.

Without waiting for a reply, I shut off my phone and flopped on my bed, closing my eyes. I soon drifted off.


I woke up to a poke in my side and Matthew staring at me straight in the face.

"Go away," I groaned, putting my pillow over my head. "Tired. No motivation."

He cocked an eyebrow. "Oh really?" He wiggled his fingers threatingly.

"No!" I wiggled in nervous anticipation. I really didn't want to be tickled at the moment, but some small part of my brain was telling me otherwise.

He chuckled. "Fine. But get up," He whacked my head with a throw pillow. "Or else, I will tickle."

I groaned and flipped over on my stomach. I closed my eyes again. "Leave me be!"

"But Annabelle," he whined. "I'm bored. Plus your parents are gone for the weekend."


I sat up like a bolt. "What do you mean?"

"They left a note on the counter. They're visiting your father's distant cousin who has cancer, sort of as a goodbye before he dies, I guess."

"Oh, okay." I flipped onto my back. "Still not getting up. If they're not here, I can sleep as much as I want."

"Hmm, you sure about that?" Matthew wiggled his fingers into my neck.

I giggled lightly. "I don't mind the tickles. Joke's on you." As much as I didn't really want to be tickled today, I didn't mind them.

He lifted my shirt and plunged his tongue into my bellybutton.

Okay, that I minded. He knew me too well.

"NEOHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOT THAHAHAHT! EEK!" I twisted and squirmed as he wiggled his tongue around, pressing into the folds of my navel.

He grinned. "Thought you didn't mind the tickles." He blew a raspberry.

"This I mind! Hehehehehahahaha!" I giggled.

"But your laugh is so cute!"

I stopped squirming and let him continue his assault. This would be the only way to get him to stop. No laughter = No motivation.

He seemed to catch on to this, and dug into my waist with his wiggling fingers. My break point.


"Hmm. Thought so." He kissed my navel, then traced kisses along my belly and sides, up my arms, to my neck, and finally my cheek.

"Hehehe." I was still giggly. I kissed his  nose. "Okay, let's go eat."

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