Rain and A Surprise: Part 1 of 2

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They say rain is calming. They say it makes people really think about things, causing them to get lost in deep thought. That rain could sometimes be therapeutic; as if the sky is crying and makes you want to cry and pour your heart out to a complete stranger.

But who are they?
Who are any of us really?
Are we trapped in this bubble we call the universe? Are there really less than ten planets?
No one knows the answers. Too many questions with unknown answers.

In romantic movies, you always see this boy and a girl kissing under the stars or in the rain. Perfect fairytale life. But what happens in romantic movies are the opposite of what happens in real life.

In real life, the relationship you dream of is one of the hardest things to earn in life. Sometimes, you don't get what you want- or need. You need to shrug it off sometimes, hoping another door will open. A new possibility- a new adventure.

Matthew happened to come along. It's amazing that one single human being can change your life forever. Matthew is my world, my soulmate, my true love, my heart.  We've known each other for seven months now.

I had found out last month that Matthew had hidden his birthday from me. He had turned eighteen without telling me. I can understand that some people hate birthdays, or parties, for that matter, but I was his girlfriend.


I jumped five feet in the air, holding my pencil in my hand.

"Happy birthday!" Matthew and my parents were behind me, and Matthew was holding a cake with eighteen candles.

I had forgotten my own birthday.
I guess Matthew could be let off the hook.

"Yay me." I murmured, plastering a fake smile on my face. "Thank you."

"Blow 'em out. Or do you need help?" My father said.

Matthew waved him away. "Nah, she doesn't need help, Mr. Green. She's an adult now."

I heard a sob, and looked over at my mother, who's face was beet red, had tears streaking down her face, and had a wad of tissues in her hand.

"My darling baby girl is all grown up..." She reached out and stroked my hair tentatively, then choked back a sob and hugged me. "Never change, honey. You may be a legal adult now, but never change."

I smiled at her. A true, genuine smile- one I hadn't used in weeks. "Thanks, Mom. I'll try not to. It's not like I'm moving to Argentina or anything, don't worry."

She smiled, but I could see the sadness in her eyes. "We'll leave you two be for now."

She and my father exited, leaving me and Matthew alone.

"Happy birthday!" He wrapped his muscular arms around me, humming the tune to "Happy Birthday".

"Thank you." I patted him on the back.

My phone dinged.

Message from E-Z-Being-Esmee. 7:34 a.m.

I opened up the message.


Belle-A-Boo: Thank u!!! 🎈

"Who's that?" Matthew asked, peering over my shoulder.

I pushed his shoulder playfully. "Such a nosy boy! Shoo!"

He looked at me.
In the eyes.

I cracked.

"My BFF Esmee."
"Mmmm hmm."

I rolled my eyes. "It's my birthday. You have to do whatever I say."

"Well then, baby boo, your wish is my command."


Author's Note: EEP! GUYS! 1,000 VIEWS! THANK YOU SO MUCH!        ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡
This is Part 1 of this section. Part 2 will be uploaded within a week or less!

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