A Very Punny Day

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"Hey, Annabelle." Matthew called.

I looked up from my book. "Hmm?"

"I love you...a latte."

I sighed. "What is it, National Pun Day?"

"No. It's National Make-Annabelle-Annoyed-Day."


"Hey Annabelle. You're acute girl."

I curled into a ball at the foot of my bed. "Make it stop!" Even though the puns were pretty cool.

"But you must know...I will never leaf you because words cannot espresso how much you mean to me." He came over and tickled my foot. "Cheer up!"

"Never. Leaf my foot alone."

"You'll always have a pizza my heart!" He said, tickling my sides.

"MATTHEW! Nahahaha! I'm serious, leave me alone!"

"Okay..." He walked out of my room, skulking.

I felt kind of bad, but I needed my alone time.  I finished reading my book, then decided to hit the hay while laying on my stomach, head on pillow.


I snapped my eyes open. Rain was coursing down in small rivers down my window, pit-pattering harshly. Of course. It just had to rain.

I looked to my right, and there he was. My true love, my soulmate...and I had pushed him away.

I kissed his forehead, stroking his hair as he slept with a smile on his face.

"Lover boy." I shook my head playfully.

His arms suddenly snaked around me,  pulling me on top of him. "Excuse you!"

I giggled. "Lemme go!" I squirmed in his firm but gentle grip.

"Never!" He tickled my sides as he held me hostage, clearly enjoying this.

"Nahahahaha! Mahahahatthew! Nohohot thehehere!" I squealed, kicking playfully. "Hehehehahaha!"

"Aww, your giggles are so stinking CUTE!" He wiggled his fingers up and down my belly.

I arched my back, letting out a little scream. "EHEHEHEHE!"

He laughed. "Cute!" He kissed my nose, laying kisses all the way down my arms, my belly, stopping at my bellybutton. He planted a kiss on my navel, then blew a little raspberry.

I screeched. "EEP! HAHAHA!"

"Alright alright. I'll stop." His tickling ceased, and he eyed me intently.

"Listen...I'm sorry for before. I didn't mean to sound so harsh, and I-"

He cut me off by kissing me. "I was never mad. I understood that you wanted your space."

I smiled. "Thank you."

"No problem, anything for my baby girl."

I blushed at his compliment, sudden feeling overwhelmingly shy. He pulled out something from behind his back.

He handed me a pear. "Hey, Annabelle?"

"What's this for? Hmm?"

"We make a great pear."

"AHAHAHAHA! EEP! NOOOO! HEHEHEHEHE!" I squealed and wiggled around as Matthew tickled my ribs mercilessly.

"But you're so fun to tickle!" He smiled, wiggling his digits into all of my ribs expertly.

I laughed and squirmed around. "Buhuhut ihihit tihihickles!"

"Doh! It's called a tickle!"

I sighed, scooting a little away from him. "Let's take a little break from tickling."

"Hmm fine. Only for a little bit though." He wrapped one arm around my waist, pulling me close so I was staring into his bright green eyes.

I whined. "Leave me aloooooone."

"Don't you mean 'leaf me alone'?" He teased, smirking down at me as he enveloped me in a hug.

"Mmmph. Fine. Leaf me be."

He cocked his head thoughtfully. "Hmm, lemme think about it.....no."

I laid flat, eyes flat, arms struck at the sides.
"That won't do!" He tickled my exposed arnpits, wiggling his digits in the hollows.

"Noooo! What happened to the breheheheak!" I squirmed, trying to wiggle out of his ticklish grasp, but to no avail.

He smiled. "You said a little break. Really, Anna, you gotta be more specific."

"Ehehehehehehe! Yohuhuhu lihihittle tehehease!"

He then tickled behind my knee, trailing down my leg to my toes, then back to my knee again.

"AHAHAHAHA! STAHAHAHAP!" I rolled onto my side, curling into a ball.

He leaned over my belly and kissed all over it, not missing an inch. "Mwah!"


He kissed my nose and hugged me, again.

"You are purrfect, I'm not kitten you."

I kissed him as the room grew dark and silent.


Stupid math homework.

I sat there stumped as I tried to analyze and answer these questions the best to my ability.

I quickly filled in the last few questions, taking a bite of my oreo.

"I'm gonna head out for a bit," Matthew's voice made me jump.

"Okay...where are you going?"
"I just need to do something."

The door shut behind him, and I wondered how long he would actually be gone.

Note: Thank you guys SO much for over 300 views!

Please vote and comment as always! I will be thanking anyone and everyone who votes, and will be replying to comments.

Have a good day!

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