~ Bonus Chapter ~

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3 Years Later

Annabelle has moved on. Or at least, she thinks she has. She doesn't have a boyfriend. She's doing well.

Matthew found the love of his life, Olivia. Unfortunately, she died a week prior to their wedding. He's depressed, but has gotten over it.


"Honey, where'd you put the sunscreen?" My mother asks my father.

We're going on vacation to the Caribbean to visit my aunt Flora. I'm excited--it'll be a new adventure.

My father looked up from where he wa packing. "Well, um......Fauna, you see, I-"

"You lost it again, didn't you? Now I have to go get another. The price just raised too, Tyler! How could you be so careless?" Mom huffed out a breath. "Whatever. I don't have time. The flight leaves tomorrow. We'll borrow Flora's."

I spoke up. "I have a little sample of Banana Boat's 30+ SPF, if you-"

"Oh, thank you, honey." Mom kissed the top of my head. "Sorry your father was so careless."

My father casted her a side glare.

The doorbell rung.

Mom looked up, holding two bags of stuff in both hands. "Um, I'll-"

"As if, Mom," I rolled my eyes. "I'll get it."

I swung open the door, but there was no one or nothing there.  Maybe it was the mailman who dropped off the mail by the gate...

I walked to the gate, but as I was approaching, I felt hands grab me around the waist.

I screamed, but soon started squealing and giggling. Fingers were tickling me. "No! Ahahahahaha! Creep! Stahahahahap!"

I looked behind me with tear-filled eyes, and was greeted with a familiar pair of blue eyes.



"Wha, whahahaha are yohohou doing here?" I stammered, trying to pry his hands off me. "Stahahahap tickling me!"

"Annabelle, I- I just wanted to apologize. I didn't realize it at the time, but I think that you were the-"

"Stahahap tickling me!"

Matthew stopped and blushed. "Oh, right. Anyways.....I think um......you are the love of my life."

I backed away from him. "No," I said. My voice broke. "No. You do not get to say that to me after flat out leaving for three years. You left me, Matthew. You hurt me. You hurt us. You don't get to come back into my life and say that."

"Annabelle, I-"

"Go back to Mexico. Or wherever. Where you belong."

And with that, I trudged back into the house.


"Who was that, honey?" My mother asked as I stepped in.

I shrugged. "Just the mailman."

"Then, where's the mail, Annabelle?"


"Um, apparently it rained last night. Hard. Downpour. Until about 8 am. So he only brought the neighboring towns' mail, because the rest got drenched in rain water." I gulped, replaying the words over in my head.

My mom raised an eyebrow. "Al-right." She sounded skeptical. "Go finish packing."

"Right. That. Yeah. Sure. I was...getting to that." I stuttered, and quickly took myself upstairs, my cheeks probably the color of a really ripe strawberry.

I walked into my room and packed the rest of the needed necessities- mostly toiletries now. Hairbrush, toothbrush, hairties, toothpaste-

Rocks panged against the glass.

What the?

Last time I checked, there wasn't a rock slide?

I squinted and walked towards the window.


"Go away." I snapped. "I told you to get out of my life."

"Anna, I-"

"Don't you dare call me that, you little twat," I spat. "You left without notifying us. Yea, you told us. An hour prior, after you planned it for weeks."

His eyes narrowed. "Let me speak."

"You don't get to speak. Goodbye." I walked back to the suitcase to pack.

The rocks kept coming.

I ignored them.

Until the final one was used.


"Pizza delivery!"



"Shit." Came from the other side of the door.

"Honey, did you order pizza?" Mom asked Dad.

He shrugged, turning the page of his newspaper. "Nope."

She sighed. "How odd."

I groaned. "I'll get it, yeah, no, don't worry about it."

I swung open the door to a guy wearing a cap backwards on his head, crouched on the ground, picking up the fallen pizza.

"Hey!" I crouched low and narrowed my eyes at the boy.

The boy looked at me fearfully. "I-"

"You. Dropped. The. Food."

He was about to stutter, but then I noticed something.

It was Matthew.

"Keep the pizza."

I got up and slammed the door.

"Hey, where's the pizza!" Dad yelled, rubbing his beer belly. "I'm starved."

"No pizza tonight," I said, huffing and sitting on the couch, "just an uncalled for order of jackass." I muttered.

Mom interrupted. "Language, young lady."

"Kiss m-"

"Me," Dad said.

"Not happening."



I stomped over, wrenched open the door, grabbed the pizza from him, and slammed the door in his face.

I marched over to the garbage and chucked it in.

"But the pizza..." Dad whined.

"There ain't no pizza in that pizza."

To be continued in Bonus Chapter #2.

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