Fireworks (2)

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"Hello Pedro."

Peter's blood went cold as he stared into the green beady eyes of The Vulture's mask.

"Did you miss me?"

No, no he did not.

"You know, I was quite impressed with you last time we talked. I thought for sure that building would kill you." He shrugged, "Guess not." With a heavy, sarcastic, sigh he continued. "Anyways! You better do your stretches Pedro. I have all your little Avenger friends."

Peter could just imagine Toomes sadistic smirk.

"I'll send you the cordinates to the facility I am keeping them in in a few hours." His robotic eyes flashed. "See you soon."

The feed cut off and it was silent in the tower. Peter fists were clenched and his breathing was hard. "Peter." Karen's voice was soft and caring. "You need to calm down. Your levels are spiking."

Peter wanted to snap at Karen. Tell her that he couldn't calm down. That his new family had been taken by his enemy and were probably being tortured because of him. That it was all his fault and he had no right to calm down.

But he didnt. She was right. He knew that he needed to calm down and start preparing.

So, taking a steadying breath Peter silently turned to the elevator and stalked towards it. His body stiff, he ran on autopilot.

He refilled his webshooters, made sure they were in mint condition, and stashed some extra web fluid away on his suit. He stretched his limbs and jogged in place. Warming himself up for the up coming battle. Peter had video called Ned, letting him know the situation and forcing him to focus on helping Peter with his web grenades.

They were on the experimental stage of the testing and so far nothing was properly distributing the webs. They had spent the next few hours on it. Peter giving access to the Tower to Ned so he could be at his best from the comfort of his own home. Afterall, he needed his guy-in-the-chair now more than ever.

Soon it was 9:15, and F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s voice sounded through the lab. "Peter, you h-have an-nother message."

Ned started freaking out, his face morphing into an 'oh shit' look from the hologram screen he was projected on. "Peter! Peter are you sure about this?! Maybe you should call in some back up!!" Ned whisper yelled.

Peter sighed, rubbing his temples. All of this stressing was getting to him. His senses were slowly going into overload and Peter was dreading the fight. Hoping he could contain it until him and the Avengers were home safe. "What back up Ned?" He looked up at his friend. "Daredevil and the others are out on a mission. The Fantastic Four are in Japan doing god knows what, and Wade is growing back his lower body parts." Peter looked down sadly, "There is no back up." He gestured weakly to himself, "It's's just... me." He glared at the ground. "The fuckup that got the Avengers into this mess."

"Hey!" Peter looked up as Ned got closer to his webcam. His angry expression taking up the hologram projection. "Stop saying stuff like that! None of this is your fault!"


"No! Did you tell Toomes to become a supper villian? No! Did you tell him to come kidnap the Avengers? No! None of this is your fault!" Ned gave Peter a sad look, "You can't keep taking the blame for everything man."

Peter sighed, "I know, I'm sorry but... that's just the way it feels." He sighed and shook his head, "Anyways, I left everyone a message. Maybe one of them will get back to me." Peter pulled up another screen and spoke, "F.R.I.D.A.Y. play the message."

Instantly Toomes's masked face appeared. "19th street on Collins Rd. Next to the fair. They're in the abandoned warehouse a few meters southeast of the peer. I'll be waiting." He chuckled and the feed cut off.


"Already on it Peter." A small beep emmited from his suit and Peter saw a little tracking line. "I will direct you."

"Thanks. Ned?"

"I'm here." His friends voice was in the suit. Much like Karen's.

"What can you guys tell me about the location?" Peter jumpped out of the open window in his lab and began to swing with a new found speed to the location.

"Well, nothing much really. It's more deserted than the city due to the beachside location but, there is actually a lot of people there due to the fair." He could hear Ned humming in thought. "Oh... oh."

Peter grew concerned with the tone his best friend spoke the simple word. "Oh? What does 'oh' mean? What's oh?"

"Wellllll..." Karen told him to take a right and cut across some rooftops while Ned gathered his thoughts. "So, there are two 'oh's. One, I think the reason Toome's waited so long to tell you is because a firework show is going to start soon." Peter pales at that. He was already forcing a sensory overload back (which is extremely dangerous) but now he had to deal with fireworks?

He gulped, he was about to feel a whole lot of pain. "And two?" He almost didn't want to know.

"Oh number two is that the warehouse is an old assembly factory. Not only is there a TON of dangerous machienes that Toomes could very well use against you but it's also a very old building. The spider grenades could take the building down of you toss it at the wrong beam."

Peter sighed, "Web grenade is a last resort. Got it."

Peter saw the lights of the fair up ahead. "The fair is in my sights."

"Be careful Peter! The firework show is about to start!" Just as Ned finished his sentance a screech sounded, followed by a loud bang, followed by sparkling lights.

Peter winced, letting out a small whimper. "Yep." He wheezed. "I can feel that."

"Sorry," Ned whispered. He fell silent after that, allowing Peter to focus on the task at hand.

Saving his family.

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