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Sorry, I read a oneshot and wanted to write my own version of the idea. Hope you enjoy!!
*Edit*: I drew this today during art. Does it look like Peter? No. But I tried. The darker shades are scars, the lighter ones are just attempts at muscle definition.
Peter had aways been shy about his physique. Even after the spider bite, the boy never wanted to show off his abbs or toned muscles.

This was even more true after he got kidnapped by Hydra. Peter went missing for 5 months, 2 weeks, and 4 days. All of his friends, enhanced or not, looked for him non-stop. It wasn't untill the 26th Hydra base did they find Peter.

The Hydra scientists had juat started to cut off the screaming boys arm when the Avengers busted in. They ruthlessly took everyone out and got Peter the proper medical attention. When the team asked Peter how he was feeling the boy only smiled and said, "Hi, thanks for checking in with me. I'm sTilL a PiEcE oF GaRbAgE!"

They didn't know if they should be relieved or worried.

It was clear that Hydra got a lot of info on Peter and his abilities though. They managed to permanently scar and brand the boy, his healing abilities seeming to not be able to heal him. "We're sorry Pete." Tony said when they found out.

Peter only shrugged, "A small price to pay for freedom." Despite Peter somehow retaining his main happy and optimistic personality it was clear by the way the boy held himself and sometimes talked that he has been through some shit. The jagged scar going down his shoulder and the brand:
'Property of Hydra'
under his neck proving that he had indeed, experienced some shit.

After being home and safe for a little over a month, Peter had insisted he could attend school again. A reluctant group of adults had allowed him, along with many rules and guidlines Peter were to follow if he ever wanted to go home.

With a sigh Peter adjusted his bookbag and entered the school. Gasps and whispering immediately started. Peter was visably buffer and held himself taller. Peter had decided he was allowed to show a bit of strength now. He was kidnapped for christ's sake; he could give himself that. Ned and M.J were both relieved to see Peter, none of them mentioning his physical change.

"You okay bro? I- You can talk to me you know?"

Peter nodded, "I know Ned. You've always been there for me." Peter squeezed his best friend's shoulder. "There's somethings I have to show you after school." He looked to M.J, "The both of you." They nodded, wanting to be there for Peter no matter what.

Line Break

Time flew by and it was the last period of the day; gym. Peter had changed in a stall to avoid anyone seeing his scars. Coming out, he had walked with Ned to the bleachers. "I have this awesome Tony Stark compund lego set we can build after school!" Ned gushed. "I've been waiting for months to build it with you." Ned blushed realising his mistake.

"It's okay." Peter smiled. "It happened, no point in acting like it didn't." The teen shrugged, "I'm actually really happy. You never gave up hope that you guys would find me and waited on me to build the lego set." Peter gave Ned a small grin, "You really are the best friend a guy could ask for."

Ned smiled, "Thanks, I try."

The coach blew the whistle and they all began to do their daily routine and warm ups. Peter would mimic Ned on occasion when his memory of the warm ups failed him. Soon it was nearing the end of the period when coach decided they'd play volleyball to end the day.

It seems as though Flash still held a hatred for Peter because the boy had spiked the ball directly at Peter's face. Peter's first instinct was to kill the boy.

Do it.

But Peter wouldn't listen to that part of his brain. He never killed at Hydra and he wouldn't start now.  "FLASH!" The coach blew his whistle, "That's a fowl! Sit out!" Flash huffed but obeyed. "Parker, take the shirt off and cover your nose before you bleed all over the place!"

Peter hadn't realised he was bleeding. Peter gingerly felt his nose. "I'll just go to the nurse." Peter called back, not wanting to take his shirt off.

"Now Parker!"

With a growl, Peter complied. Stripping his shirt, he held it to his nose. Gasps all around were heard. "Happy?"

"Peter." Ned breathed rushing to his friend. "My god I-"

Peter held up a hand, "I'm fine." Pulling out his phone he dialed Mr. Starks number.

"Peter?! Are you okay?? Are you hurt? Where are you? Do you-"

"Tony." The voice instantly shut up. "I'm minutes away from a panick attack. My senses are everywhere. Everyone is appearing as a target. - Should I take them out? - I want to go home please."

"Shit. No, disengage. I'm on my way."

Tony hung up and Peter turned to Ned. Just as he was about to tell Ned that Tony was coming Flash speaks. "Nobody's impressed with your fake scars Penis!"

Peter turned to the boy, his Hyrda Training screaming at him to take Flash out. (Which for Peter is knocking him unconscious.) Peter approched Flash in long, intimidating strides. "I was kidnapped, Eugene." Whispers eurupted. "I was tortured, beaten, and went through things you couldn't even comprehend." Peter grabbed the boy's shirt and pulled him close, "You think after going through all of that I would put on fake scars?" Peter growled. "Reminding myself of the hell I went through? To what?" Peter gestured around them. "Impress some stupid kids that will forget about me after graduation?" Peter shoved Flash away. "No. These aren't fake."

Just then Tony busted in, "Kid!" He rushed over to Peter. Taking in the boys appearance, he imminently understood what to do. He yanked off his own shirt and quickly covered Peter. "Come on." Tony guided Peter out of the gym. "I got you."

The rest of the day was filled with tears, laughter, and movies.


Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें