A Lover First, A Soldier Second, A Man Third (Part 2)

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Two days after the big reveal Peter and Bucky found themselves sitting in Bucky's room.

It's was silent for a long while before Peter finally spoke. "I'm sorry." He looked down at his feet and gripped his arm tightly. Bucky stared silently at Peter. He went over everything in his head before asking why. "I- I knew that once you found out who I really am you would be disappointed and disgusted and that's why I was so scared!"

Bucky's eyes widened in shock at the kid's words. He didn't think that at all! If anything he was disgusted with himself! Peter was so young and innocent; Bucky wanted to be selfish and snatch the boy up for himself but that wouldn't be right to Peter. "Peter-"

"I just really really like you! And I wanted to believe-"


"-that I was worth something and-"

"Peter!" The kid froze and Bucky stared sadly at the shaking kid. Peter's eyes were unfocused and full of tears. Bucky strode over to Peter and pulled him into a hug. "Pete, listen to me." Bucky's voice was much softer now. "You are worth something. You deserve the world and then some. I don't find you disgusting and I'm not disappointed that Spiderman ended up being you."


"No." Bucky pulled back and looked into Peter's eyes with unrestrained intensity. "You are amazing Peter. I'm glad it was you under that mask." And at that moment Bucky didn't care. To hell with morals. To hell with trying to be selfless. To hell with it all because the vulnerability and look of utter trust on the young heros face drove Bucky wild. "And I'm glad it's you standing in front of me." Bucky then leaned in and gave Peter a passionate kiss.

At first Peter didn't respond; having a hard time believing Bucky was kissing him. When he did though, Peter kissed back with inexperienced passion. Bucky groaned into the kiss and grabbed the teen's thighs. Peter seemed to understand because he instantly jumped, never breaking the kiss.

Bucky walked forward and pressed Peter against the wall next to the door. When they finally did break from the kiss Peter was a panting, flushed mess. Bucky only looking slightly out of breath. Leaning in, Bucky nibbled Peter's ear and whispered, "I'll be seeing you doll." He then kissed the boys cheek and opened the door, walking out.

Peter stood there for several minutes, blinking to make sure he wasn't dreaming. "Hey Fri?" Peter's voice was still breathless even after the kiss.

"Yes Mr. Parker?"

"Can you let Mr. Stark know I'm heading out?"

Line Break

"Dude." Ned breathed. "I can't believe that happened to you. You're so lucky!"

"Ned!" Peter whined, "Not helping!"

"What?! Hey, I'm the one that got you to take the mask off which got you the man of your dreams. I've helped enough!" Ned laughed as Peter continued to pace his ceiling.

"Yes, and thank you for that, but I'm having a mid life crisis right now!"

"You're sixteen, not twenty-five dude."

"So he clearly feels something for me." Peter continued, ignoring his friends statement. "But what if he just did it in the heat of the moment? What if that's why he left so suddenly?! OhmygodNedIcannevergobacktothetower!!!"

"Peter calm down!" Ned laughed at his friends dramatics. "He said 'I'll be seeing you doll.' That means he wants to see you again."

"To kill me." Peter whispered horrified.


"I don't know! I'm freaking out!!" Ned sighed and picked up Peter's discarded flip phone. "What are you doing?"

Ned didn't respond at first, but once he closed Peter's phone he smirked up at his best friend. "I told your boyfriend to come get you because you're freaking out over the kiss and need reassurance."

"WHAT?!" Peter fell off the ceiling and dove for his phone; opeing 'BB's messages.

Me: Hey! It's Ned, Peter's bestfriend. ✌ Can you come get your boyfriend? He's freaking out over this kiss and needs reassurance. 💋😂 Thanks, my adress is (enter adress).
Me: Oh, and we need to have a serious talk. Bestfriend to boyfriend. 😑

Just as Peter finished reading the messages the sound of a motorcycle pulling up was heard. "I'm dead." Peter breathed, clearly freaking out. "OhmygodNed!! Why would you do that?! I'm never trusting you again!"

"Your welcome." You could hear knocking at the door downstairs. "Coming!" Ned ran out of his room before Peter could stop him.

"Ned!" Peter chased after him but stopped short when he saw Bucky at the door. His face instantly flushed and Bucky turned to Peter with a cocky smirk, his eyes held worry though and Peter felt a little bad for worrying him. "Hi BB." Peter squeaked.

Bucky tipped his head to Peter, "Hey doll." Peter got even redder (if thats possible) and Ned cooed.

"He really does call you doll!!" Peter made a 'you-did-not-just-say-that' face while Bucky's smirk got wider. Ned cleared his throat and made what he thought was an intimidating face. "Now, what are your intentions with my bestfriend?"

"Oh my god Ned." Peter whined, burrying his face in his hands.

"To love and apreciate him." Peter peaked up at Bucky who was already waiting and winked at the boy as he added, "In more ways than one."

"Oh-ho-ho-kay!" Ned held up his hands, "Not going there. Just have him back by Monday; we have a quiz in Spanish."

Bucky chuckled as Peter sheepishly walked over to him. "Don't worry," Bucky wrapped an arm around Peter. "We'll study real hard."

"Not too hard I hope. We have gym last period."

"OKAY!!" Peter began to shove Bucky out the door. "Thanks Ned, I had fun. Let's not do this ever again. Byeeee!" Ned laughed loudly as the two walked over to Bucky's motorcylce. Bucky turned to Peter and pulled him into another passionate kiss. Once they pulled away Peter asked, "What was that for?"

"Reassurance." Was all Bucky said before handing Peter a helmet and starting his bike.
^w^ How'd you like it? Let me know in the comments! Hope you enjoyed and I hope you guys are having a fantabulous day!

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