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This one was requested by PraiseTheCassSass. I hope they like it!


Tony looked on amused as Peter begged and pleaded with him to go to Comic-Con. The boy didn't even take a break to breath, much less let Tony reply, as he listed off reasons on why they should go.

The kid had found out earlier that Tony (along with the other Avengers) had been invited to do a Q&A at Comic-Con with a special guest. Seeing the kid geek out over Comic-Con had Tony teasing him about possibly not going. Peter had never been able to afford going to Comic-Con and was absolutely scandalized at the teasing comment.

"-honestly Mr. Stark you should just-"

"Kid," Tony cut him off, a wide grin on his face. "Do you know who the special guest is?"

Peter frowned and furrowed his brows, "Of course not. How would I know that?"

Tony shrugged and slid his hands into his pockets, "Oh I don't know. I just thought Spiderman would know that he's the special guest."

"Well good for him but- wait WHAT?!" Peter gaped at a laughing Tony. "You knew and didn't tell me?!"

"I was just joking about not attending it kid. You're the one who jumped to conclusions."

"But-I-You-" Peter took a deep breath, "Why do they want me? Don't they think I'm a vigilantly?"

Tony let out a bark of laughter, "Nobody thinks that kid, only J.J." Tony frowned at that, "I still don't see why you won't let me sue him."

Peter ignored Tony's last remark and began pacing, "I can't believe they want me to do a Q&A, at Comic-Con, with The ­Avengers!"

"Kid, you know us."

"Not the point!" Peter froze and gasped, "I gotta prepare!" And like a bullet he was gone.

Shaking his head Tony walked back to his desk, "Friday, remind me to skip out on the sweets next time I go shopping."

"Yes boss."

Time Skip

Everyone in the panel was laughing at Tony's charisma and quick wit. They had been there for 10 minutes already, answering questions and addressing concerns. "Now," An older fellow and the sponsor for the Q&A, Stan Lee, spoke into the mic. "Let's give a warm welcome to our much anticipated, special quest... SPIDERMAN!"

A deafening cheer filled the large room as Spiderman swung in from behind them. Doing a back flip he landed in a superhero pose and quickly rose. Waving both hands he shouted out into the crowd. "Thank you! Thank you! Aw, you guys really are too sweet! Honestly! Aww, guys, thank you!!" Soon the cheers died down to clapping, then to a relative silence.

"It's an honor to have you here tonight Spiderman!" Stan began, "I hope you didn't have plans."

"Are you kidding?" Peter laughed, his chuckle sounding a few octaves deeper than his normal voice. He could've swore a girl fainted into her friends arms at the sound. "If you didn't invite me to the Q&A I'd still be walking around the building. I'm a huge nerd! I love Comic-Con!" At his last declaration the panel broke out into another round of cheers.

"That's good to hear! Good to hear!" Stan smiled and shuffled the cards he had on his podium. "So, I hope you don't mind if we dive right into the questions we have prepared."

"Not at all." Peter settled into a seat the team cleared for him. Tony throwing an arm over his shoulder and Bruce relaxing into his side.

"Great! So, these are fan's most asked questions! Question number one: What is Spiderman's favorite song?"

"Oh, that's easy. Confident by Demi Lovato." He gave a nervous laugh when he got a few cheers from the crowd.

"Really? Interesting choice. Why that song?"

"It's a good song." Peter defended, "The lyrics really speak to me and my situation in life. It keeps an upbeat tone which puts me in a good mood and just gets me ready for the day." Peter shrugged, leaning back into Tony's arm, "It pumps me up."

Stan nodded, "Okay, question two: What's Spiderman's favorite color?"

Peter smiled, "Another easy one, red." He laughed as Tony gestured to his suit.

"Alright, one last easy question and then we get down to business." Peter gave another nervous laugh and nodded. "What is Spiderman's go-to dance move?"

This has Peter blushing. Rubbing the back of his head he answered, "As embarrassing as it is... the sprinkler."

That got a laugh from the panel audience and Stan. "Fantastic, you'll have to show me it sometime."

Laughing and nodding, Peter smiled, "For sure, I'll even give you pointers."

They laughed a little more. "Okay, probably the hardest question to answer. Who is Spiderman's favorite Avenger?" Peter gaped at him causing the man to let out a hearty chuckle.

The Avengers gave Peter varying looks and began to list off reasons why they'd be his favorite. A playful argument with a heated undertone broke out causing Peter to think quickly. "Karen." They all blinked at him at his sudden answer. Even Peter had to comprehend what he just said.


"Karen." Peter said with more confidence, "She's my A.I. Karen, say hi."

"Hello." A female voice sounded from Peter's suit.

"An A.I I made beat me?!" Tony shouted scandalized.

Peter offered a sheepish smile, "Sorry Mr. Stark." The other Avengers just laughed and rubbed Peter's head.

With another hearty laugh Stan brought things back to focus. "Okay, one more question and we'll start taking questions from the audience." He gestured to the three mikes spaced out in front of the stage.

Three hours later the Avenger's exited the panel complementing each other on their performance. "You did good for your first time Peter."

"Really? Thanks!"

Tony nodded, "You're a natural kid, they loved yo-where did he go?" They all looked around and found him a few paces back holding a semi-large stuffed animal, cotton candy, and wearing an anime hat while taking a selfie with a group of teenagers. "How the hell did he get all of that in the span of 3 seconds?!"

"Thanks Spiderman!" The teens called getting high fives from the hero before running off.

Peter waved after them and ran back to the group of staring Avengers, "Sorry, you were saying?"

Tony blinked a few times before laughing and pulling Peter into a side hug. "You're something else kid."


I'm sorry it's so short! I hope you still like it! Let me know your thoughts on it please! See you next time!


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