Provisional not Fugitive

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It's was no secret that Bucky Barnes (a.k.a The Winter Soldier) was living with the Avengers and was now considered one. There were mixed feelings all around the world on the subject but through it all there was one soul (besides Steve) that supported Bucky no matter what.

"People don't know what they're talking about! You're innocent! I'd like to see them have had to go through what you went through and still claim you're a bad guy."

The young teenage hero had his arms crossed and was glaring at his phone. Peter was just scrolling through the news when he saw a mean, strongly worded article written by J. Jameson about Bucky.

"He can pick on me all he wants but this is too far." Peter looked ready to put on his suit and go have a strongly worded conversation with J. Jameson; but Bucky put a calming hand on his shoulder before he could do anything.

"Pete, it's fine. It's not the first time mean things have been said about me and it won't be the last."

"But he's using false evidence and claiming it to be fact! He's twisting all the good you've done around to make it seem bad! Like it's some kind of conspiracy!!"

Bucky gave Peter a genuine smile letting him know his worry and care was appreciated. "Its happens to the best of us. Look at all the things he's said about you."

"But that's different-"

"No it's not." Bucky gave Peter a look and stood, "We can talk about this later. Don't you have plans with Ned?" Peter's eyes widened causing Bucky to chuckle, "Go on." He waved a dismissive hand. Peter offered a sheepish smile before rushing off.

Bucky watched Peter fondly before leaving himself; hoping to get a good workout in.

Line Break

Peter had just got back from hanging out with Ned. He was exhausted and wanted to get patrol over with so he could sleep.

So when he entered the Tower he wasn't thrilled to see a bunch of reporters being held at bay by security. Peter sighed, ready to slink past them, assuming they were just there for Tony but stopped dead in his tracks when he heard a reprter yell, "But he's evil! Who knows if he really even is on our side?!" Peter turned and saw a few propaganda signs against The Winter Soldier.

Peter's heart rate picked up in anger. His fists curling as he listened to all of the awful things people said about Bucky. Before he knew it he yelled out, "SHUT! UP!" The crowd quietened and turned to Peter in shock. Peter wasn't going to get cold feet now though.

Storming over to the group of flashing cameras Peter placed his hands on his hips. Going into Steve's disappointedTM stance. "Honestly, have you no shame?!" When nobody made a move to answer Peter continued. "You guys would come to a man's home, start a ruckus, and shout such awful and untrue things?!"

"But he's evil! He's killed innocent people!" One reporter shouted.

"Ya! What would you know?"

Peter scoffed, "Bucky is like an older brother to me!" Instantly reporters tried to ask questions on the matter but Peter wouldn't be disracted from his goal. "Yes. Bucky has killed." They quietened at Peter's statement. "So has Natasha, and Clint, and Tony, and even Steve. It's, unfortunately, part of being a hero. You loose some lives and have some casualties."

"But he killed innocents under the command of the teriost group HYDRA!"

"Yes. He did." Mummers broke out, "And he's not denying that. All he's saying is he didn't mean to. That that wasn't him in the sense of his mental state. He was brainwashed. What don't you guys understand about that?" Peter gave them a hard glare, "Nobody is saying that being brainwashed excuses what he's done but you have to take into account that he didn't have a choice." Camera's flashed and Peter tried to convey the weight of his words with his eyes. "Everyday people do something that they regret and wish they could do over. You guys included. The only difference between that and Bucky? You had a choice. You could've been late to work so you could see your kid get on the bus but you chose not to. You could've said sorry to your friend but you chose your pride over it. Bucky didn't have that."

The reporter's looked at eachother and a girl stepped forward. "Well how do we know he isn't still under that same control? He could just be pretending but is really a double spy!"

Peter sighed, "I can't reveal too much because it's not my story to tell. But when Bucky was at HYDRA the way they brainwashed him was they said a set of words. Those words would 'activate' The Winter Soldier." Peter made sure that they were all listening and understanding just what he was saying. "We found the file on Bucky, got the information on it, and broke him out of that. So if a HYDRA agent were to ever try and use it to get to him it wouldn't work."

"Which is why I let him into the Tower." The reporter's gasped and started flashing their cameras more at the group of Avengers that were walking over. Tony squeezed Peter's shoulder and stepped forward, paparazzi smile in place. "Our job as Avengers is to make sure we keep New York and the world safe. If we even suspected Bucky to be anything but good we would do everything in our power to help him and take care of the situation." Peter nodded agreeing full heartedly. "Now, if you could follow security they can show you out."

Tony spun on his heel and wrapped an arm around Peter. Walking away with the rest of the Avengers. Bucky was silently walking next to Peter, glancing down at the kid every few seconds in wonderment. "You did good kid." Tony finally said.

"I did?" Peter looked up at his mentor unsurly. The others were at a loss on how the kid could think he did anything but good. "I kind of blew up on them." Peter fidgeted nevously. "They were saying such awful things. I-I got so-so angry." Peter clenched his hands, his heart rate spiking again. "I just thought they deserved to know the truth and be put back in place."

Bruce chuckled nervously, "I know how that feels. And if that's you angry. Well I'd say you did better than what I could've done."

Peter laughed, appreciating Bruce's attempt to lighten the situation. The group soon broke off and Peter went to go get ready for patrol when Bucky stepped out of the shadows. "Hey Bucky! How'er you doin'?"

Bucky silently stared at Peter for a few seconds before speaking, "Target aquired. Mission: Protect. Permission to proceed?"

Peter gave Bucky a confused look, "What?"

In a more natural sounding voice Bucky said, "Thank you. I appreciate what you said back there and it means alot. I got your back."

"Oh." Peter grinned up at Bucky. "No problem! I got your back too!"

Bucky smiled and gave Peter a nod before disappearing back into the shadows.

How'd I do? Did you like it? I hope you did! Please feel free to leave requests whenever you want! I will make sure to write them! Hope yall are having a fantabulous day!!

Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One ShotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin