Scars (2)

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I wanted to do a bit of a continuation of the first one. I hope you like it. The drawing is mine.

Peter was shaking; hair stuck to his forehead and sweat trickled down his back. His breathing turned shallow as he stared into the common room that he was just about to enter.

The laughter of everyone could be heard as they conversed with eachother. The Avengers, his friends... his family. Peter blinked rapidly, his vision tunnelling like it did back in Hydra. Everyone came up as targets in his mind and he didn't know why. He was having such a great day.

Target's aquired.


Take them out.


Peter let out a strangled cry, alerting the others of his presence. "Pete, there you are!" Peter gasped in pain, falling to the floor. His body still quaking. "Peter! What's wrong?!"

"AH!" Peter clutched his head. "S-stop it!!"

"Stop what Pete?" Tony placed his hand on Peter's shoulder but when the kid looked up Tony quickly backed away. One of his eyes were blue, which can only mean one thing. "Friday get Bucky up here ASAP!! Tell him it's an emergency!"

"P-Permission to take target out?"

"No Pete! Disengage! Disengage!"

Peter whimpered, skrewing his eyes shut. Pounding footsteps were heard before a low swear was whispered. Peter stood, both of his hazle eyes were now blue. He was still shaking though, so it was obvious Peter was still fighting for control. Bucky grunted, breathing heavily through his nose. He blinked and his brown eyes turned blue. "Spring." Winter spoke.

"Nine targets aquired. Proceeding with elimination."

"Disengage current targets. Recalebrate mission goal."

Spring frowned, "Mission: Eliminate Avengers at any cost. No witnesses." Winter tensed, understanding the hidden meaning behind those words.

"Terminate mission."

With a huff Spring nodded, "Mission terminated. Dispose of witnesses?"

"Negative. New mission: Protect those you care about."

"Recalibrating." Spring closed his eyes for a minute before opening them again. "New mission aquired. Twenty main targets."

Tony gaped, feeling safe to talk now. "Twenty?!"

"Main?" Natsha raised an eyebrow.

Spring gave a curt nod. "Overall targets: earths population. Main targets consists of: Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Steve Rodgers, Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Bucky Barnes, Sam Wilson, Jim Rhodes, Wanda Maximoff, Vision, Thor Odinson, Loki Odinson, Wade Willson, Ned Leeds, Michelle Jones, Pepper Potts, Happy Hogan, May Parker, King T'Challa, and Shuri."

"Jesus kid." Tony ran a hand through his hair.

Spring looked around, "No current threats, disengaging."

Peter fell to the ground instantly sobbing. In an instant Bucky was next to him, Winter having retreated as well. "It's okay." Bucky whispered, rocking the scared teenager. "It's okay."

"I-I-I-" Peter choked on his breath, sobbing harder. "I could've- I-I could've- hu-hu-hurt someone!" Peter clutched Bucky's shirt, "I-I-I- ha-hate this!!"

"I know." Bucky whispered, taking the blanket Natasha offered while Tony made hot cocoa. "I know Peter. It gets better. Don't worry, it gets better." Peter continued to sob and dry heave in Buck's hold for a half an hour before he wore himself out; falling asleep.

"This is crule." Sam stated solemly.

Clint nodded, "This shouldn't have happened to him. It's not fair."

Bucky sighed and gently picked Peter up. "You're right, but all we can do is be there for him. Give him a normality others won't. Don't act like he's a ticking timebomb or a piece of glass. Just treat him like he's Peter."

"He is Peter." Tony solified.

"I know, but we can forget that sometimes." And with that Bucky walked down the hall, bringing Peter into his room so he can comfort him if he wakes up from a nightmare.

How'd you like it? Was it good?? Sorry I haven't been posting. I'll try to get some chapters up soon.

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