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This was requested by Life_is_stupid_713. I hope they enjoy!


"Peter." A soft, loving voice broke through the veil of darkness.


"Peter." The voice tried again. "Come on," fingers carded through the boy's hair. The sensation intoxicating. "Wake up sleepy head. Don't you want to open one of your presents before school?"

An eye cracked open at that, "Pr'snts?"

With his vision coming into focus he saw the angelic sight of his Aunt tilting her head back and laughing. "Yes, sleepy head." She teased lightly, ruffling his hair as she stood. "Have you forgotten your own birthday?"

Peter quickly sat up, "Oh!" A grin spread across his face as he realized what day it was. "Thank you so much May!" Peter pulled her down into a hug, "I larb you."

May laughed, "I larb you too Peter. Now get up so you can eat breakfast and open your present. I won't let you be late to school."

Peter smiled, "Okay!" May walked out of the teen's room, shutting the door behind her so the boy could get ready in peace. Sliding out of bed Peter got dressed, deciding to go with a lazier style. He pulled on his grey sweatpants that he usually worked out in and slid into a white tank top, pulling a black and white flannel on over it. After he slid on some grey Vans he took his phone out of his charger and checked his texts.

To_Kool_For_Skool: Happy Birthday nerd.

Guy_In_The_Chair: Happy Birthday Peter!!! 

Peter smiled down at his phone and quickly sent a reply before pocketing it and rushing to the kitchen with his bookbag.

9x-7i > 3 (3x-7u): Thanks guys!

"It smells delicious Aunt May." Peter greeted her with a kiss to the cheek as he sat down at the table.

May smiled and served Peter his usual birthday breakfast of chocolate chip pancakes topped with whip cream. "Thanks baby. No eat up so you can have your present before school."

Peter nodded and quickly ate his food, graciously taking the small square box from his Aunt. "Oooh, I'm so excited!" Peter grinned, earning a laugh from his Aunt. Tearing into the wrapping Peter grinned as he pulled out a tiny, Star Wars themed box.

Glancing up at May he saw that she seemed to be more excited than he was. "Well? Open it!"

Peter laughed, "Okay! Okay!" Lifting the lid Peter gasped as he stared down at a pair of car keys. He looked back and forth between the keys and his Aunt. "Wh-I-y-..... Seriously?!" Peter's brain caught up with what he saw and he jumped up, "You're lying!"

May shook her head laughing, "No! You're seventeen and have a license you can't even use!" May stood with a grin, "I figured with school and your internship that you may need one."

"Ohmygosh MAY!!!!" Peter engulfed her in a hug.

She laughed, "Don't get too excited! It's nothing special." Peter wasn't listening though, any car was a good car in his opinion. So, grabbing his bookbag, he dragged May out the door, down the stairs and into the apartment's lot. Looking to his Aunt she smiled and pointed towards the orange car. "It's old and has many faults but-"

"It's perfect." Peter assured. He rushed over to the car and unlocked it.

"Now listen, it's old so you need to be extra careful!" Peter nodded and started the car, an ugly screech emitting from it. May winced, "Yea, I don't know what that is but once you start driving it'll go away." Grabbing Peter's shoulder, she made him pay attention. "Now, the windows don't work so if you try and roll them down you won't be able to get them back up; so no touching the windows." Peter nodded. "The back opens up but the top glass doesn't stay up like it's supposed to so be careful and the cup holders are broken so don't try and use them."

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