The Field Trip

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Sorry for the long Hiatus! This one was requested by in_the_fandom_hol3. I hope they like it!


Peter, Ned and M.J were walking around, looking at different exhibits in the New York Hall of Science. The three friends broke away from the group to the more quiet areas of the large museum. "You doin' good Parker?" M.J inquired peering to get a better look at Peter's face.

Peter's eyes were narrowed and his face scrunched up slightly. An expression one would have when thinking of something particularly complicated and one (in any other circumstance) M.J would love to draw. "'M fine." His voice was rough, sounding almost as if he was holding his breath. He slowed to a stop and closed his eyes, bringing his hands up to rub at his temples. With a large sigh he spoke, "It's fine, just a headache."

"Peter," Ned urged, "You know headaches are never just headaches with you."

Peter squeezed his eyes shut, "Don't Ned," He clenched shaking hands, "I don't need a panic attack on top of it." It was a well known fact between the group that Peter absolutely freaked out at the thought of having his identity leaked. He feared for his Aunt and friends. For the Avengers that he's come to think of as a crazy, unstable, extended family once removed. Hell, he was even worried about assholes like Flash. If his identity were to be leaked he didn't doubt that his enemies would target the school to get a one up on the web-slinging hero.

"Sorry," Ned whispered. "Don't worry though, if you do... ya know... me and M.J with be able to cover for you. After all, I'm sure Mr. Stark would be able to convince them that you get intense migraines on occasion."

Peter shook his head, "While it's a decent cover story you can't call Mr. Stark this time. Him and the others all left on a mission. Only Natasha is here and that's because she had just gotten back from a mission when the others were leaving." With another sigh he began to walk forward, "I'll be fine."


Peter winced violently at the sudden loud sound. "Hopefully," he muttered, turning to face Flash.

"What're you doing all the way down here dork? Come to make out with your boyfriend?" He made kissy noises, his two friends laughing.

"Actually, it's a threesome. So unless you wanna watch, get lost." M.J said coolly, stepping up.

Flash's eyes widened in surprise, not expecting that response. Not really knowing how to respond to that he turned to his friends, "Let's get out of here guys. Friggen weirdos.." The three shuffled off leaving behind a snickering pair of friends and a smirking girl.

"What if he tells people and everyone actually thinks we had a threesome in a museum?" Peter asked, quirking an eyebrow at M.J.

"Just so long as you mention cuffs, a strap on, and a biting kink I don't mind."

A bright red blush spread across Peter's face while Ned doubled over laughing. "M.J!"

"Guys!" A voice called, dragging attention away from the embarrassed Peter. The group turned to see Mr. Harrington waving them over. "Let's go! We're having an assembly in the foyer then going to the cafeteria! I'm hungry and it's taco night here so hustle!"

The three quickly jogged over to join the class and began walking towards the foyer. Flash and his friends seemed to have recovered from their lapse because soon all three of them were throwing tiny paper balls at the back of Peter's head. Usually he wouldn't mind but the sudden steady thumping (no matter how soft) of paper on the back of his head had his forgotten headache coming back with a vengeance. Fortunately, Mr. Harrington came to stand beside Flash when they all gathered in the foyer to listen to a quick speech from their tour guide.

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