Fireworks (3)

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Once Peter reached the beach he stayed as close to the ground as possible. The farther from the fireworks the better.

Unfortunately, the distance did nothing to help Peter. A group of fireworks were set off and Peter was unable to supress his Sensory Overload any more.

Like a baseball bat to the back of his head, Peter fell forward and black took over his vision for a minute. The sudden surge of pain too much for him. Peter withered on the ground as more fireworks were shot off.

"Peter." Neds hushed voice was like megaphones next to his ears. Peter screamed slightly, silencing himself immediately when his ears screamed in protest. "Peter, please. I'm sorry but- you have to keep going."

Peter gasped in pain at his best friends voice but nodded. Ned was right, he had to keep going.

On shakey limbs Peter began to scammper across the beach. Towards the wearhouse that was lit up by the fireworks.

Afer what seemed like an eternity to him, Peter reached the wearhouse. He threw himself through the doors, hoping the wearhouse would muffle the fireworks.

Oh how wrong he was.

The fireworks were amplified by the acoustics the empty wearhouse gave. "ARGH!" Peter fell forward once again. Clutching his ears, that felt like they were bleeding.

A dark chuckle emmited around him, "Oh I'm so glad I got that on camera." Peter stood weakly, leaning on the wall for support as he looked around for The Vulture. "That should be my new ringtone." Peter blindly shot a web towards the voice which only gained another round of chuckles. "I'll be waiting at the top Pedro."

He heard and felt the strong beat of metalic wings, signaling The Vultures departure. Peter groaned and shook his head lightly, jumping up to latch onto the wall, he began his track up.

Instead of talking, Karen showed the dimmest dot she could to Peter. Signaling to follow it. Peter changed direction, hoarsly asking, "What'd you find?"

"I picked up other lifeforms. I believe it is the Avengers." Her voice was nearly muted. But once again, Peter's senses made it seem like she was on full blast. Upon reaching the destionation, Peter found a metal door welded shut. "My scans show that they are being kept behind this door."

Peter weakly looked around the room, wincing every time a firework exploded. "It's a security room." He told himself in an attempt to focus on something other than the pain. He approached the monitors only to see the Avengers, all held in different rooms. Bruce was nearly out cold, an IV in his arm keeping him sedated enough to stop an appearance from the Hulk.

Another bang followed by an uproar of cheers had Peter on the floor withering. "Peter, you need to hurry! The finale is coming up." Ned whisper shouted, meantly appologizing to his Super Friend. His suit shot something out, "Plug the flashdrive into a port and I'll free the Avengers. You go deal with Toomes."

Peter nodded, "Be careful." He whimpered, "Looks like Toomes has machine guns set up at the doors. The typical booby trap of death." He tried to joke weakly.

"Got it."

Peter plugged the flashdrive in and turned, trusting his man-in-the-chair completly, he headed for Toomes.

Line Break

The Avengers woke up with pounding headaches. Not knowing what was going on until they heard Toomes's laughter broadcasted around their rooms. "Well goodmorning! You're just in time for the show." A loud bang went off outside that the Avengers could only guess were fireworks.

They planned on watching them with Peter from the Tower. Knowing about his increased senses.

"In front of you are alien advanced machine guns. They will be activated if your chair moves even an inch. It can also activate if an outsider tries to enter the room." He laughed, "And don't worry, your big green pal is being heavily sedated so he's not missing out on any of the fun."

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