I've Got You

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The sad song-fic no one asked for but everyone wanted.
When we were young we were the ones

The kings and queens oh yeah, we ruled the world

A young Thor and Loki ran through the glorious meadows of their home Asgard. Both had huge grins on their faces; Thor laughing as he ran ahead of his brother. In a spurt of magic, Thor was pushed to the ground; Loki jumping on top of him.

"That's not fair brother!" Thor shouted, yet his voice held no malice and his smile showed he wasn't bothered in the slightest.

"No," Loki countered. "What's not fair is how a big brute like you can run so fast!" The two giggled at the description, Loki rolling off his bother to stare up at the bright blue sky. 

We smoked cigarettes, man no regrets
Wish I could relive every single word

"I love you brother."

Loki smiled softly, and in a rare show of affection grabbed his brothers hand. "And I, you Thor."

We've taken different paths
And traveled different roads

"Why have you done this?" Thor asked, heartbroken at the sudden change in his brother.

"To prove to father that I am the worthy son." Loki hissed back with venom. "When he wakes, I will have saved his life. I will have destroyed that race of monsters; and I will be true air to the throne!" 

"You can't kill an entire race!" Thor pleaded.

"Why not?" Loki mocked, laughing. "What is this new found love for the Frost Giants?" Loki walked towards Thor. "You, could've killed them all with your bare hands."

"I've changed." Thor quickly defended.

"So have I." Loki quickly lashed out, hitting Thor in the face with his scepter. "Now fight me." Loki backhanded Thor with his scepter, breaking his brothers heart.

Thor knew the fight was inevitable, but he still resisted.

"I never wanted the throne! I only ever wanted to be your equal."

"I WILL NOT FIGHT YOU BROTHER!" Thor screamed, unable to control his emotions.

"I'm not your brother."

Thor's mind went blank after that, all emotion seemed to leave him just as his brother had moments before. What happened was all a heartbroken blur until he saw his brother falling. Throwing himself towards Loki, Thor held out his hammer for him to grab onto. His father shocking them both by saving Thor from falling as well.

Tears ran down Loki's face at the sight of his father. Thor crying as soon as he saw his brother's tears. "I could've done it father! I could've done it!" Loki looked up pleadingly, "For you! For all of us."

"No Loki." Was all Odin said. Breaking the fragile god's already cracked heart.

With a last meaningful look to Thor, Loki began to let his grip slip. "Loki no!" Thor pleaded. As soon as Loki let go Thor wailed, "NOOOO!!"

I know we'll always end up on the same one when we're old

Thor's heart swelled when he heard of Loki's appearance on Earth. He was easily able to find his brother in the Midgardian ship and took him back.

"Brother." He whispered

And when you're in the trenches
And you're under fire I will cover you

"He really grows on you doesn't he?" Bruce asked, looking around the table.

"Loki's gonna drag this out. So, Thor, what's his play?"

Thor forced himself to look away from his mislead brother and focus on the task at hand. "He has an army called the Chitauri." He informed sadly. "They're not of Asgard, nor of any world known." With a sigh he continued, "He means to lead them against your people. They will win him the Earth, in return, I suspect, for the Tesseract."

"An army. From outter space?"

"So he's building another portal. That's what he needs Erik Selvig for."

Thor turned to Bruce at the mention of his old friend. "Selvig?"

"He's an astrophysicist."

"He's a friend."

"Loki has him under some kind of spell," Natasha informs looking down. "Along with one of ours."

"I wanna know why Loki let us take him. He's not leading an army form here."

"I don't think we should be focusing on Loki." Bruce shook his head. "That guy's brain is a bag full of cats. You could smell crazy on him."

Thor's anger flared slightly at the insult towards his brother. "Have care how you speak." Thor warned. "He is beyond reason, but he is of Asgard. And he is my brother."

"He killed 80 in people in two days." Natasha said bluntly.

Thor looked away sheepishly from his brother's actions. "He's adopted."

If I was dying on my knees
You would be the one to rescue me

Sensing his brother's death Loki jumped out of hiding, hoping to help save (or at least pro-long) his brothers death. "If you're going to Earth," Loki barley glanced at Thor, unable to keep his gaze away. "You might want a guide. I do have a bit of experience in that arena."

"If you consider failure experience."

"I consider experience, experience." Loki bit back, unable to defend himself in the way he wanted to. Gathering his self-will and the love for his brother, Loki spoke. "Oh mighty Thanos, I, Loki, prince of Asgard." Loki looked down and over at his brother shyly; trying to convey his apologies with his eyes. "Odinson."

Thor's sob of forgiveness was muffled by the metal he was trapped in. Only the shake of his body letting Loki know he forgave him.

"The rightful king of Jotunheim. God, of mischief." A dagger materialized in his hand, causing worry to course through Thor. "Do hereby pledge to you: my undying fidelity." Loki bent down as if bowing only to shoot up and try to stab the titian.

The lilac titian stopped his attempt with the magic the Tesseract gave him. "Undying." He hummed, bending Loki's wrist, forcing him to drop the dagger. "You should choose your words more carefully." Yanking the young god forward, Thanos wrapped his large hand around Loki's neck and began squeezing. Watching with sadistic glee as Loki struggled against him.

Thanos looked to Thor, smirking at the hate filled glare he was shooting him. Turning back to Loki the dying god gasped for what little air he had left. "You... will never... be... a... god." Tilting his head, Thanos smiled and tensed his hand, snapping Loki's neck.

Thor sobbed, a muffled 'no' sounding from behind his binds. 

And if you were drowned at sea
I'd give you my lungs so you could breathe

After Thanos left Thor crawled to his brother, "Loki." He whispered. Forcing himself to sit up he dragged Loki's body onto his lap. "I've got you brother." He whispered, hanging his head to cry.

I've got you brother-er-er-er
I've got you brother-er-er-er
I'm not sorry.

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