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This is another request by Life_is_stupid_713! I hope they enjoy it!!

Peter was eating dinner with his Aunt when it happened. He wasn't expecting it, never would've in a million years.

He had just gotten back from patrol and was feeling rather good about himself. He had been getting stronger, training with the Avengers and fighting supercharged bad guys did that.

He sighed happily, he saved a girl from being rapped, stopped 3 muggings, 1 attempted car jacker, and an almost robbery. Today had been a productive day.

He dialed Happy's number, knowing it would go to voicemail. He changed into civilian clothes as his phone rang on speaker. "The person you are trying to reach is currently unavalible."

Peter hummed lightly, coming out of his closet. (😉) A beep soon sounded and Peter smiled, "Hey Hap, everythings good." He shoved one of Tony's shirts he stole over his head. "Stopped 3 muggers, a car jacker, an almost robbery, and a rape attempt." Peter scooped his phone up, giving May a thumbs up when she silently signaled that dinner was ready. "I returned some lost dogs, helped old ladies walk across the street, you know, your friendly neighborhood spider stuff." Peter shrugged, "I gotta go though, May made my favorite: chicken tacos!" Peter grinned excitedly, "Later Happy! Oh, tell Mr. Stark I said 'hi'!"

Peter hung up the phone and tossed it back on the bed, jogging to the kitchen. "About time." May mused, setting the table.

"Sorry, I promised I'd give Mr. Stark reports after every patrol."

May waved him off as they sat down, "No, I think that's smart. So what did you do?"

Peter happily stuffed his face with tacos and went into a detailed explanation about his patrol. (Leaving out the almost getting shot part.) "-oh! Then, fis guy wa'sh all 'who are oo?' like he di'nt know!" Peter swallowed heavily, May looking thoroughly amused. "And I was all like," Peter straightened up and in a deep voice said, "I'm Spiderman."

May made an 'ah' noise, "Then what happened?"

Peter gasped, "Then he laughed! He didn't believe me!" Peter pouted at a laughing May. "Maaay!!" He whined, stopping when his Spidey Sense blared out of no where. "Get down!" May ducked instantly as their door was broken down.

"Go! Go! Go!" Guns were quickly aimed at Peter. "Restrain him!"

"What do you think you're doing?!" May tried to get to Peter but was held back by a masked man.

Peter was quick to web most of them up. "He's resisting! Bring out the big guns!"



A mean looking man with grey hair and a stupid moustache stepped up, holding a large cannon. Peter quicly recognized it as one of Vultures more violent weapons. One that was specifically made for him. "May! May, close your eyes!" Fear filled Peter as the man charged the gun up. Two buff men had the teen restrained as their boss laughed at Peter's expression.

"Peter no! He-"

"Aunt May, please! Close your eyes!!" The cannon would shoot any second. A sobbing May squeezed her eyes shut as Peter stared down the barrel of the gun. He quickly composed himself and met the sadistic eyes of the shooter with a glare. The cannon went off with an anticlimactic lazer noise and Peter screamed. Pain dominating all of his senses.

Peter had tried to hold back his cry of anguish. He didn't want his beloved Aunt to know just how much pain he was experiencing. However, when he felt the pain of the alien gun all thoughts left his mind, only pain remained. The man's sadistic laughter blended in with May's frantic pleas and sobs. All becoming one big white noise untill there was nothing.

Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now