Brown Recluse

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This was just a random promot I had. Sorry about the crappy drawings, they were rushed. Hope you guys enjoy!

Peter paced the cieling on all fours, heaving as his back arched like a cats. Peter stretched his shoulders blades every which way, as if he was trying to escape his own skin.

"Stop being an ass Rick." Peter growled, the black veins that crawled up his neck and connected right under his eyes was disturbing.

I'm trying to protect us!

Peter heaved, "You're going about it the wrong way!" All the entry ways and exits were sealed tight with webs; the whole lounge was covered with them. "He's not even a threat!" Peter knew his inner spider didn't agree with him for a second. Rick-short for Recluse- was adimit on maiming his long-term tormentor.

Yes he is. When have I ever led you astray?

Peter grumbled, Rick was right. He never lied to Peter. "Well, this still isn't the way to-"

"He's in here! Peter, let me in!!" Tonys muffled voice came from behind the elevator seal.

"Tony!" Peter moved to let his father figure in when his spidey sense lightly buzzed. Peter hissed, understanding Rick's warning. "He's with you isn't he?!"

"Wha- Who? The new intern?"

The black veins connecting to his eyes seemed to leak into Peter's eyes, turning them completely black. "I'll kill him!"

Tony cursed, understanding the situation. He went back to ground level, kicking Flash Thompson out before going back up. "Rick! Let me in!!"

The webs were cut like butter, allowing Tony to enter. In an instant the hole was sealed shut again. "You dare let that insect near my Peter?" Rick seethed, his black eyes narrowing.

"You know me Rick. I'd never put Peter in harms way."

Rick hissed, "Oh, I know. It's why you're my favorite." Rick lowered from the cieling on a thread of web. Suspending himself infront of Tony. "Peter is too kind. Let's people get away with too much. The insect you brought happens to be one of Peter's main enemys."


"Yes. He harms Peter on a daily basis at school." Rick growls, eyes flickering to the elevator. "The only reason he still breaths is because my precious recluse does not want to kill anyone. Which means, I, cannot kill anyone." He huffed, "It's rather irritating."

Tony scowled, "I'll make sure to deal with him."

The spider grinned, "I know." With a sigh he crawled back up the thread and went to a far web. "I must rest and calm my little recluse down now. You know how he is."

Tony laughed, "Tell Peter I said hi and that Pepper's cooking tonight."

"Ooo, we love her Shepards Pie."


Tony left and Rick retreated, allowling Peter to have contol of his body once more. "RICK YOU SON OF A-"

I know, another short chapter. I'm sorry but it's an idea I've had for a while now. I hope you liked it??

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