A Lover First, A Soldier Second, A Man Third (Part 1)

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Sorry, I know this isn't a popular pairing but I still like it. And you'll soon find out that I ship many different people.

Age is just a number.

Who came up with such a dumb saying? Ya, it is a number. A very important number. A number that can either keep you from jail or put you in it.

Bucky and Peter understood this better than most.

When Peter and Bucky first met they were on opposite sides. Bucky found the young hero rather annoying with all of his talking. He was use to quiet yet intense missions. Bucky disregarded the hero, thinking that talk during battle was a show of weakness. He rethought his evaluation though, when the hero had actually caught his hand. His metal hand.

And all the boy had to say for it was, "You have a metal arm?! That is awesome dude!"

Shortly after he was thrown out the window by Sam's drone, but the fact still stands. After that Bucky had spent a lot of time thinking of the spandex clad hero.

Before he went into hiding he would track the Spider's moves. Unfortunately, the Spider always seemed to know when Bucky was watching and would be able to throw him off his trail. Bucky was upset yet proud. The kid could definatly take care of himself.

But then there were times he couldn't. Or at least not in Bucky's standards.

Bucky was in Wakanda when he came across the YouTube Video. He was recently released from his Cryo-pod and was living a simple life away from the community. The king insisted he still try and catch up with modern technology though. So Bucky was attempting to catch up on recent events by using YouTube. The kings sister, Shuri, promised YouTube was the best way to do so.

He was scrolling through the 'trending' videos when his eyes landed on a blurry thumbnail of Spiderman. There was a gray blur infront of Spiderman's blur and Bucky wanted to find out what exactly was happening. So he clicked on the video.

"Oh my god!!" A scream off camera sounded and a lot of wind was heard as the recorder was running.

He gasped, "It's Spiderman!!" The camera shakily recorded the young hero swing in. People cheered and Spiderman waved lightly.

"Does ze little spider sink he can take on da mighty RHINO?!" A heavily accented german man shouted off camera.

The camera panned over to a man in a HUGE rhino suit wrecking havok. "Hey!" The camera shot back to Spiderman. "I'll have you know I grew 2 inches this year!"

Bucky found himself snorting at the kid's comment and continued to watch on.

"You sink dis is joke ya?" 'Rhino' kicked his foot backwards in warning of the on coming charge. "Well how funny do you sink dis is!!" Rhino charged forward and Spiderman widened his stance but didn't make a move to move.

Bucky's heart clenched in worry as he watched Rhino ram into the young hero and threw the building behind him.

The camera man seemed adiment to watch the whole fight though and ran after them. A block over the camera man focused in on Rhino and Spiderman in a full on brawl. Both got really good hits in and Rhino seemed to get angrier and angrier at every comment, movie referance, and taunt Spiderman trew his way.

"Enough!" Rhino galred at Spiderman. "No more games!"

"How'd you know I was playing with you?!" Spiderman shouted in mock shock. Rhino let out an infuriated roar and charged at Spiderman. Spiderman jumped to dodge but was a second too slow and got a horn in the stomach. "Aaaaaargh!"

Spiderman/Peter Parker (and Avengers) One ShotsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя