My Pleasure

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Peter never liked being spoiled. He thought it was unnecessary and wrong. Why buy him fleeting things and nick-nacks when there were plenty of other children that could use the money for things they need? He just didn't get it.

However it doesn't change the fact that having luxuries is nice. Maybe that's why Peter started applying for different jobs. Sure, he could just start letting Mr. Stark pay him for working in the labs but he knew the man would go overboard with his pay.

Smiling Peter tucked in his red shirt before buckling up his pants. He just stuffed his school clothes into his bookbag when his watch beeped. He had five minutes to put his stuff in the back and clock in. Unlocking the large stall he left the restroom, briefly fixing his hair in the mirror. "Peter!" Peter smiled at Tina who rushed over to hug him.

"Hey Peter!" Peter waved to Crystal, Tina's sister.

"Hey guys." Peter nodded to Jeremy and Jack who were in the middle of taking orders.

"You clocking in?"

Peter grinned and nodded, "Yea, I just have to set my stuff down.


Peter walked through the sliver door and was instantly greeted with the loud beeping, shouted conversations, and clanking of the kitchen. Walking down the isle towards the break room Peter greeted some fellow workers. "Hey Kevin! How're you?"

"Hey Pete, I'm fine. How're you?"

Peter shrugged, "I'm alright. Is Brandon coming in?"

Kevin shook his head, "He came in this morning."

"Aww." The teen hero entered the break room and shoved his bag into the cubby under the counter. He saw the request book and quickly scribbled in some dates before walking back to the front to clock in and check his position.

"You're iPOS today." Lila, one of his managers, told him with a grin. 

Peter grabbed his slip, crumpling it up and tossing it. "Sweet." He grabbed the safety vest and slid it on, "Do you need me out there now?"

Lila shook her head, "No, for now you can run for Isabella."


And that's how his next 5 hours went. He chatted with co-workers and customers, ran food out to tables, and went outside to help with the drive thru when it got too packed. It was a little past nine when he clocked out, the bathroom's taking longer to clean than usual. 

With his book bag slung over his shoulder he waved, "Bye guys!" The remaining workers said their goodbyes as Peter walked out of the restaurant. Peter smiled at his Aunt who was in the parking lot, waiting to pick him up. May gets off at nine as well and because the Hospital is just down the street Peter never has to wait long for his ride. Tossing his bag in the back, Peter slides into the passenger seat. "Hey May."

"Hey bud." May pulls him closer and kisses the top of his head. "How's my hard working boy?"

Peter hummed, "Good. How was work?"

May let out a hefty sigh and backed out of the lot, "Grueling as ever."


Peter had been working at Chick Fil-A for months. His friends constantly teased him whenever he said 'My pleasure' to someone and the Avengers still didn't have a clue that he had a job. At first the thought him saying 'My pleasure' to them would give it away; but it didn't. Mr. Stark just laughed and ruffled his hair saying that Peter was too well mannered for a teenager. 

It was actually pretty funny how the team found out. One of the days Peter was working Dining Room a young boy barreled out of the playground and over to him, begging him to play with them because the team's were uneven. Not thinking much of it Peter agreed and set his apron on the seat in the playground, quickly joining the weird pirate tag game. Unknown to him at the time, one of the parents began recording him playing with the children.

"Okay!" The young boy, who Peter learned to be Robert, shouted. "Now the teams are even!"

"But you have an adult on your team! That's no fair!!" Lucy protested, her team agreeing.

Peter got down on his knees, "Don't worry, I've never been good at sports. I promise it'll be a fair match." Lucy didn't look completely convinced but relented none the less.

After establishing the rules the game began. Peter chased and was chased around the small playground, going up into the car to ambush Jay, Lucy's seconds in command, and sliding down the slide to offer back-up to Nathan. Unknown to Peter, Robert had made a peace treaty with Lucy and was planning on ambushing him. The plan worked and Peter was rushed on both sides, quickly becoming the bottom of a dog pile. "Nooooo! Robert!!" Peter reached a had towards Robert dramatically before succumbing to the prodding hands of children. 

The young boy who had betrayed Peter was then betrayed by his own team in an attempt to recuse the hero. "No! I trusted you!" Robert had his hands up while Daisy, his sister and second in command, pointed a finger at him. (Her finger representing a sword.)

"And Petey trusted you! I am sorry brother, but you will lead us no more! Leave here!" She dramatically pointed to the slide. "And never return!" Robert hung his head in defeat and climbed up the slide, the enemy team following.

"Thank you fair maiden." Peter knelt in front of Daisy and bowed his head, "How could I ever repay you?"

"Marry me!" The girl shouted without any thought.

Peter laughed in shock but nodded. "It would be my pleasure."

The parent recorded their 'wedding,' Robert being Peter's best man, and posted it on YouTube. The title of the video was 'Chick Fil-A Employee plays with Children 😍.' The video went viral and Peter actually got a raise for it.

"Why didn't you tell me you worked there?" Tony whined. "You never let me pay you for working!"

"Because you would go overboard with pay." Peter answered, ignoring the first part as he clipped his name tag on.

"You ready ребенок паук?" Natasha asked, car keys in hand.

"Yea." Peter walked off ignoring a wailing Tony. "Thanks for driving me."

"My pleasure." Natasha smirked.

Hope you guys liked it! Another idea of mine because, why not? It totally fits Peter's personality. Lol, anyways hope you guys enjoyed!! Have a good day!

ребенок паук = baby spider

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