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This was requested by REVENGESTAN and I hope  they like it!


Tattoos were beautiful things. They could hold so much meaning and stayed with you always. Peter often stared at peoples tattoos when he saw them. He knew it was rude but they were such enchanting pieces of art.

Sure, some people got meaningless tattoos. Some got them just to get them. Some got one because 'hey it looks cool' and while Peter hated people like that he still loved the thought of having tattoos. So, it was inevitable that he, himself, got one eventually.

Peter's first tattoo was hard. He didn't know where he was going to put it and he didn't really know 100% what it would say. He thought about getting '#42' tattooed on the back of his neck but decided against it, not wanting it always visible. He though about just getting a picture of a spider, but again decided against it due to its design not being meaningful enough. He finally decided that he would get, in elegant writing, 'Arachnid #42' tattooed up his spine. Signifying 1 of 3 most important things in h is life. After all, he wouldn't be Spiderman without that pesky spider.

It wasn't until 3 months after being mentored by his childhood hero, Tony Stark, that he got his second tattoo. On his rib cage was another black and white tattoo of the element Iron with the word 'MAN' inked underneath it. Peter was very pleased with it, it not only signified the meaning of how special his mentor was to him; but also dabbled in Peter's favorite subject in the form of a pun.

While Peter was happy with the two tattoo's, he felt wrong; incomplete if you will. One of the 3 most important things in his life still wasn't tattooed onto him yet, and that was his Aunt May. It frustrated Peter more than the other two because he had no idea what he should get for her. He wasn't going to get a portrait of her. (Admittedly he found those to be a tad too much.) Her name also seemed way too basic. I mean, everyone, gets tattoo's of their loved ones or a celebrity role model on them. The idea hit him when he walked by a flower stand, Sisyrinchium striatum. Those were his aunt favorite flower! (Specifically the yellow and white ones.) That's how Peter got his first colored tattoo. Resting on the back of his right calf, sprouting out of his heal, was a bundle of soft yellow Sisyrinchium striatums.

 Resting on the back of his right calf, sprouting out of his heal, was a bundle of soft yellow Sisyrinchium striatums

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His friends had thrived off his tattoo's, wanting one for themselves. SO, for Peter's fourth and final tattoo he got 'P.N.M' on his wrist. Ned got 'N.P.M' and M.J got 'M.N.P'.  It was simple but it was something that only the three of them would understand and he loved it all the more for that.

Peter assumed that his friendship tattoo is what gave it away to the Avengers.

"What do you have written on your hand, ребенок паук?" Natasha asked, striding up to Peter. 

Said teen furrowed his eyes in confusion and looked down at his hand, he hadn't written any notes down today. "What do you mean Tasha?"

The black widow grabbed the young arachnid's hand and twisted it to read his wrist. "P.N.M? Peter I didn't know you had a tattoo."

"Tattoo?" Tony looked up from his phone, "Come 'ere Pete." Peter walked over and allowed Tony to examine his wrist. "Does Aunt Hottie know? Cause, I'm not getting blamed for this."

"Of course she knows." Peter defended, drawing his hand into his chest protectivly.

"Hmm, well you got any others?"

"Other what?" Clint asked as he and the others walked into the lounge.

"Tattoo's," Natasha answered gesturing to Peters wrist.

Steve gave a disapproving frown but said nothing. "Ooo, cool lemme see!" Peter sighed and presented his wrist for the others to see. "What does it mean?"

"It stands for me, Ned, and M.J. The three of us got it together."

"That's cool kid, but do you have any others?" Peter nodded. "Well let's see them!"

Huffing out another sigh Peter stripped his shirt and stood tall. Tony, Steve, and Rhodey saw the delicate scrawl on his spine while Natasha, Clint, and Bruce saw the Ironman pun on his rib cage.

"Want to explain?" Tony said, not fully understanding it. 

Peter turned so the others can see the torso tattoo that they couldn't see at first. "'Arachnid #42' is the spider that bit me and turned me into Spiderman. I stole the files from Osborn Industries before they collapsed." He gestured to his Ironman pun, "This is to signify my childhood hero who I have had the pleasure of knowing while putting a funny nerd spin on it."

Tony sucked in a sharp breath, clearly taken aback by the teen's words. "Kid..."

Peter slid his shirt back on and lifted his pant leg to show the flowers on his calf. "These are Sisyrinchium striatums. My aunts favorite flowers." Letting the pant leg fall back down to cover it Peter smiled. "They're the four most important things to me. At first I only planned on three: Spiderman, Ironman, and my Aunt. Then I realized with the help of my best friends that  there were four thing's that I never want to forget and keep close to me. 

Tony pulled Peter into a hug, "I'm honored kid."

The other's took Peter's word to heart and each of the slowly started to collect tattoo's that mean the most to them as well. Peter smiled wherever he caught sight of one of them sporting a new tattoo. He started a nice little trend.


I hope y'all liked it! REVENGESTAN I hope it was to your liking!! Sorry for it being so short! Well, that's all for now.

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