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Lance groaned as they all trudged down to the training deck...he hated training it's even worse when you've got a hangover and you did what he did last night. Admittedly the altean painkillers helped a lot but he was still sore and not looking forward to training...even Kieth didn't seem thrilled at the idea and the male practivally lived in the training deck.
They reached the training deck and got thier bayard ready. "We'll start with lvl one to get u all used to it again seen as u were drunk last night." Allura said " 5 lvl 1 bots." Lance watched as five lvl 1 bots appeared and he readied his bayard. The trading sequence commenced and he got into position he fired at one getting a head shot and rescuing Kieth who would of got hit.
"Nice Job lance" Allura called out and lance felt proud of himself. Shiro killed a bot , then Kieth got one , then pidge and the hunk took down the last one. "Well done all of u now we will try continuous lvl 1 bots." Lance cursed mentally this wasn't going to be easy. Lance watched as more bots appeared he shot at them hitting them each time until he didn't see one behind him "lance look out!" Kieth yelled but it was too late the bot slammed its weapon into lances head and he crumbled to the ground his world spinning and white spots appearing in his vision. "ENd TRAININg SEQUENCE!" Allura shouted everyone ran to lance who laid on the ground trying to breath as normal as possible. "Lance buddy are u okay" hunk asked worriedly as he was concerned for his best friend. Lance just whimpered in response everything hurt he felt dizzy and sick and he was extremely worried about his baby what if they were hurt. Hunk gently scooped up his best friend and cradled him to his chest. Lance sniffles "m-my head hurts I-I feel s-sick." Shiro looked concerned for his tema mate as the leader he always felt that thier well-being fell on his shoulders. Kieth bit his lip on one hand he wanted to shout at lance for being reckless on the other he wanted to hold him in his arms and never let go wanted to comfort him and make him feel safe and loved.
Lance sniffles as his head spun making him want to vomit he curled into hunk and inhaled his pumpkin spice scent.
Allura crouched down to lances level "lance are u alright do u need a healing pod?" Lance looked up at and smiled softly "Don't worry Allura I'm fine a healing pod won't be necessary." Hunk looked at his friend sadly "u want me to carry u back to the lounge bud." Lance looked guilty for making his friend worry "if u d-don't mind...I don't think I can walk..." hunk smiled softly and kissed lances head a thing they had done ever since they were children lances family had practically adopted hunk as an extra child even though hunk had his own family of course...he an lance were really close thye were best friends and they were like brothers. Lance snuggles into hunks arms and let the taller male carry him. When they made it to the lounge lance was laid on the sofa and a blanket was put over him and a pillow under his head courtesy of pidge. "Thanks pidgeotto"
Lance giggled "don't ever call me that again but ur welcome" pidge huffed "WHAt DONt like being compared to a Pokemon though a weeb like u would love that." Lance said indignantly pidge rolled her eyes "yes I like Pokemon but not being compared to one." Lance pouted " fineeee" lance let his head curl into the pillow as he sleepily fluttered his eyes apparently being pregnant made u tired if he remembered correctly...this technically wasn't his first pregnancy....he'd had a miscarriage though so he didn't want to think about that..or his ex.......lance mentally shuddered nope not going there he did NOt want to think about that not now , not today not ever....! Lance took a deep breath and hoped no one noticed his mini anxiety attack...thankfully they didn't they were all talking with worried doubt about him "I'm sorry for worrying u guys I swear I didn't mean for it to happen." "Yeah well it did!" Kieth shouted he didn't mean to sound angry he wasn't really he was worried sick about lance he had this strange urge to protect the Cuban form any harm that threatened him.
"Kieth there is no need to shout this isn't the time to argue okay." Shiro said in a dad tone
Lance felt sad that Kieth was mad at him he didn't know why but it always hurt the most when Kieth was mad at him.
Lance suddenly felt the urge to vomit and clamped a hand over his mouth "lance my boy are u alright." Coran asked lance weakly shook his head trying not to throw up. "U want a bucket lance." Shiro asked softly. Lance nodded weakly. Hunk went to get a bucket and can back very quickly. Hunk handed lance the bucket "here buddy." "T-thanks." Lance managed to reply weakly...before he vomited into the bucket...a few whimpers escaped his lips and tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.
He vomited again before weakly collapsing against the sofa...he vaguely felt someone pry the bucket out of his hands and take it away he guessed it was Allura from her hands. He slowly felt his eyes droop and soon he was out like a light.

Words: 956
A/m enjoy the chappie guys sorry it's short but the next one will hopefully be longer I've never updated so much before. Adiós

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