Mission: saving the marmora boyfriends

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The castle hummed with life as the team slowly recovered from the rather terrifying failed coalition. However revenge would have to wait as a lot more pressing matters were their top priority right now. One being looking after the trio of omegas that we're recuperating from their frightening near death experience. A few Vargas longed and they would of died without that cure. But now they were regaining their strength and battling off the remaining side affects. Matt was able to speak normally again , Adam could sit up properly , and lance was able to hold the pups again just not for long periods of time. The three of them were getting there. At that moment hunk walked in with a tray of refreshments. Snacks , drinks , and a bowl of ice water with three clothes to put on their heads , just as a precautionary method to keep the fever from coming back. The rest of the team were training , and Danni had been practically forced to go to bed as he'd been so worked up over Matt and lance that he hadn't slept in the last few quintents. Hunk was allowed to take small breaks from training to tend to the omegas. Sometimes keith or shiro would take over to delegate the work load from hunks shoulders. But the three were left to their own devices majority of the time. Adam was reading a book with Ash laid on his chest. Lance was asleep with Nico and Lyra either side of him. Poor guy was wiped out , between the poison and the crazy prince he was drained. Matt was playing some space video game with headphones on to listen to music as well. Hunk put a plate of snacks and a drink next to each of them on the infirmary tables. Matt and Adam thanked him , naturally lance couldn't because he was asleep. Hunk folded then dipped the clothes in the ice cold water and gently placed them on their heads. Matt gasped a little of the coldness. Adam was used to it as it was a method he used to relieve his stress induced headaches back at the garrison. Lance whined and stirred in his sleep but didn't awake. Hunk made sure they didn't need anything else before leaving. In the training room the others were fighting the drones however it was rather difficult to protect each other when there was just three of them. Keith , shiro and pidge. Allura wasn't joining in this one and was instead monitoring them from above with coran. She paused the sequence so Hunk could join in and then re-started it , much to everyone's dismay. After four or five rounds they were interrupted by Adam stumbling into the room and nearly tumbling to the ground if shiro wasn't there to catch him. Adam let out a tiny squeak as he fell before flopping into shiros arms and being scooped up bridle style. "And what are you doing out of bed?" Adam pouted looking up at shiro. "The alien computer thing started beeping and flashing....I figured it was important so I came to inform you , lance couldn't do it he's still asleep and he looks exhausted and matt keeps having dizzy spells so if anyone was going to have a chance of making it down here it was me...but I'm starting to regret that decision..." he whimpered holding his head and snuggling into Shiro's arms. "Okay back to bed with you mister , we can check the beeping and flashing while we're there." He said carrying him back to the infirmary. They entered to find Matt about to get out of bed to see what the flashing and beeping was. He fell onto the ground his legs giving out on him. Danni scooped him up and lightly scolded him putting him back in bed. Shiro laid Adam back down and picked ash up out of the crib because he started to cry. He held him on his hip sitting next to Adam as Allura pressed a flashing icon on the computer. A projection appeared in front of them , and kolivan cleared his throat. Keith raised an eyebrow. "Kolivan?whats wrong?" He asked softly , kolivan looked rather stressed out. "Well normally in this situation we'd leave it...but your no man left behind philosophy has worn off on all of us...two of my best men have been taken hostage. We're currently on a mission on the other side of the galaxy so we need Voltrons help to save them..." he sighed. The others shared a look before nodding. "Don't worry we'll help you." Allura smiled. Kolivan nodded. "I'll upload their information now." There was a ding as he forwarded two fact files of the missing blade of marmora members for them to study.

" There was a ding as he forwarded two fact files of the missing blade of marmora members for them to study

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