Battle Scars

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The next morning no one wanted to get up. They were all groggy and getting up sounded like too much effort. But unfortunately they couldn't stay asleep all day , so reluctantly they got up. Lance decided he would make breakfast today so he sleepily dragged himself from the nest and two the kitchen. He rubbed his eyes with his sleeve and yawned before he started to prepare the breakfast for the team. He put some music on his altean phone and hummed and sang along as he cooked. The others hid behind the door and listened in. They watched lance sing and dance around the kitchen to Hips don't lie by Shakira. Keith was totally entranced by lance. His eyes followed the movement of lances hips. "Dude your totally whipped for him." Pidge laughed. Keith pouted before his eyes went straight back to lance , who was now dancing and singing to Uma Thurman - Fallout boy , while he mixed something in a bowl. His sweet melodic voice graced their ears and the hypnotic movements of his body had Keith memorised. They couldn't keep quite when lance started singing Girlfriend- Avril lavigne , using a spatula as a microphone. "HEY HEY YOU YOU I DON'T LIKE YOUR GIRLFRIEND NO WAY NO WAY I THINK YOU NEED A NEW ONE HEY HEY YOU YOU I COULD BE YOUR GIRLFRIEND" Danni snorted and lance whipped around going bright red. Keith laughed wrapping him in a hug. "Your adorable , but seriously your a really good singer and dancing." Lance pouted cuddling into Keith's chest. "Avril lavigne is my guilty pleasure okaaay." He whined cuddling closer into Keith's chest before remembering he was cooking and quickly tending to the pancakes before they burnt. Keith chuckled kissing the back of his neck. "It was cute~ I can see child you doing that."  Danni smirked. "You do not know how true that statement is. He used to jump on his bed with a sparkly pink microphone singing that song , Mama fainted when she heard him swear." Lance huffed. "In my defence I was 6 and I didn't know that Motherfucking Princess was a bad thingggg." Keith smiled resting his chin on lance's head. Lance kept pouting as he finished cooking and plated it up. Danni and Keith helped him carry it all to the table. They sat and chatted while they ate. Lyra was eating baby food mostly by herself , with a little bit of help from Keith to keep the spoon in her mouth and not being thrown around the room. Nico was curled against lance's stomach suckling on his bottle. He was still not on baby food yet , even Ash had surpassed him. Nico was developing unbelievably slowly and Keith was really worried , but Lance still had hope. Adam nuzzled Ash who giggled. Shiro smiled watching over them fondly. After breakfast they went to the lounge to chill. Adam went to go get a drink , however he didn't return for at least twenty doboshes. Shiro started to get really worried when Adam walked in with a glass of water , his hand was trembling and he looked pale as he sat down and snuggled into Shiro's chest. "Baby are you alright?" Shiro asked softly. "I'm fine Kashi...just a migraine..." Shiro frowned. "You normally only get migraines when your stressed. What's bothering you?"
"Nothing...just worried about the war I guess." He smiled weakly at Shiro hoping it convince him. He couldn't tell shiro what he was worrying about , it would kill the alpha , besides he didn't need to worry about it was over. Thankfully Shiro bought it for now. He held Adam closer to him and helped him steady his hands while he drank the water. Adam was grateful for how caring and sweet Shiro was. He fell asleep tucked into Shiro's side after he finished he water, Shiro watched over him worriedly. "He's got a fever....this is more than a migraine. There's something he's not telling me.." shiro mumbled as he watched Adam sleep , tiny puffs of air leaving the omega's slightly parted lips. "Well has he been exposed to any anomaly's in his routine recently?" "Uh in in English?" Danni said blinking in confusion. Pidge rolled her eyes. "You know like has he ate anything that he doesn't normally eat , or has he been exposed to an environment he's not normally in?" Shiro shook his head. "Not as far as I know." Shiro said as his frown grew deeper. He ran his human hand over Adam's thigh and used his metal one to play with Adam's tousled hair. The omega's head was clammy now and he was panting heavily in his sleep. Adam whined in his sleep nuzzling closer to Shiro who picked him up and cradled him in his lap. Adam melted against Shiro's chest purring in his sleep , but his purr sounded weak and raspy , like he was struggling to breath properly. Lance got up and left the room before coming back with a tray of different things. A cup of tea that smelled of lemon , a bowl of ice water with a cloth , and what looked like cotton pads and some sort of oil? Lance set the tray down and squirted some of the oil onto a cotton pad before handing it to shiro. "It's tea tree oil...rub it on his chest or neck , it'll help him breath easier." He explained as he dipped the cloth into the ice water and placed it on Adam's head. The omega shivered , cuddling closer to Shiro , before letting out a little sigh. Shiro rubbed the oil over Adam's neck and chest. "I think I need some of that tea tree oil" Danni mumbled more to himself than anything , but lance still heard him. Lance narrowed his eyes at his brother. "Are you sick?" He tried to sound stern but his voice wavered with worry. Danni pouted. "It's just a cough..." Matt scoffed at that statement. "Just a cough? You sound like your trying to cough your lungs out of your body every night , and you keep throwing up and wheezing like you can't's worrying." Lance shook his head. "Your meant to tell me when your sick..." he sighed before turning to Shiro. "When Adam wakes up get him to drink the tea , Lemon helps with headaches." Shiro nodded gratefully while lance grabbed the oil and a fresh cotton pad and walked over to Matt and Danni. Danni unbuttoned his plaid shirt and let lance take care of him because he didn't have the energy to fight him. Lance looked really upset and worried the longer he spent taking care of Danni because Matt was right , Danni's breathing sounded awful. Sometimes it sounded like he was wheezing , other times it sounded crackling and hoarse. At other points it almost sounded like his lungs were filled with liquid or sand. Lance kissed Danni's head when he was done. "I'll go make you some tea alright? Just rest for now. No physical activity What so ever." Danni rolled his eyes and hugged lance. "Yes MUM~" he teased , his eyes crinkling as he grinned. Lance huffed as he made a cup of lavender and Cinnamon chia tea for Danni. Lance knew a lot about aromatherapy. He brought the tea to Danni and frowned when he heard Danni's breathing. It sounded even worse than when he left the room a few seconds ago. "Don't look so worried lance I'm fine , it's just a cough." Danni said as he sipped his tea. He ruffled lance's hair to try and comfort him. "Have you heard how bad your breathing is?!" Lance suddenly got his phone out. "What are you doing?" Danni asked feeling really confused. "Shhh. I'm going to record you breathing and play it back to you so you can see just how bad it is." Danni rolled his eyes but shut up and let Lance do what he wanted. The others went quite too. Lance recorded Danni's breathing and then played it back to him. Danni's eyes widened , it sounded awful. "Damn is it that bad? I never noticed it..." Lance smiled sadly. "Most people don't notice it themselves unless it's played back to them...can you see why me and Matt are so worried though?" Danni nodded weakly. Matt ran his fingers through Danni's hair. "Take it easy for a few days alright? I'll ask Allura to give you a check up wherever she is." Matt said , at that moment Allura walked in , however before Matt could say anything Allura was already speaking. "Paladins we have an emergency , please follow me to the main bridge."  She said as she started walking to the bridge. The others looked at each other before following her. Shiro carrying Adam like a koala. Adam had his face buried against Shiro's collarbone and was purring softly. Matt and Lance helped support Danni. Allura looked pretty stressed. She pressed a button on the computer and Kolivan appeared on the screen. "Kolivan? What's going on?" Keith asked bewildered. Ruma and Drexen also seemed bemused. They hadn't been informed of any problem when they'd gone to check in with the blade. "A problem just recently occurred , we are currently on the other side of the galaxy still and we need Voltron's help." "Of course , what is the problem." Allura asked. "A young prince has been kidnapped , his parents are rather upset and want their son back. Can you please rescue him. He was last seen in his room in his castle before he disappeared. We have managed to track him to a galra empire ship. He needs rescuing." Kolivan stared as he uploaded the schematics of the galra ship the prince was being held in and which cell he was In. With a heavy sighed the paladins nodded. "We'll save him don't worry Kolivan." Keith answered firmly. "I'm sure Ruma and Drexen will be of great assistance. They know a lot about this prince , they were originally assigned to protect him before they were taken hostage." Kolivan noticed Ruma's downcast expression and flattened ears. "Do not feel to guilty Ruma. It was out of your hands." Ruma sighed and nodded mutely. With that they had to prepare to rescue this prince. Shiro sighed as he placed Adam down on his feet. Adam swayed a little and pouted. "Nuuuu want snuggle..." he tried to cuddle back into Shiro. "I know baby but we have a mission to do..." Adam sulked. Danni gently took his arm and guided him away. He felt a little better now so he'd regained some strength. "I'll look after him don't worry Shiro." Shiro nodded. "Just make sure to look after yourself too~" Lance said in a motherly tone. Danni laughed , which turned into a painful coughing fit. "See! Coughing his lungs out of his body." Matt said in exasperation as he shook his head. "I'll make sure both of them rest Shiro , and the pups will be fine." Shiro patted his head. "Thanks Matt." Allura turned to Lotor. "Lotor...we could really use your help. You know the galra empire ships better than any of us." Lotor bit his lip. He didn't want to go back...but he has to help them , so reluctantly he agreed. With that they suited up in their armour , the five paladins in their usual armour , Drexen and Ruma in the B.O.M armour and Lotor in his personal armour. Allura and Coran were in main bridge controlling the comms. Danni and Adam were in the lounge with Matt and the pups. Matt smiled fondly , Danni and Adam had ended up cuddling , because Adam wanted cuddles even if Shiro wasn't there. Matt had a comms earpiece with him so he could keep in touch with what's going on. Nico was asleep with his head on Matt's thigh , clutching a blanket. Ash and Lyra were crawling around after each other in a baby version of Tag. So far everything was okay. Matt kept an eye on Danni's breathing just as a precaution. Adam was fast asleep now...

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