A/n: baby name announcement

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Soooo I will now reveal the names chosen for the babies as well as their dynamics too (even tho I already done that but whatever-. This were picked by the overall majority for the name poll. Don't worry if the name you picked wasn't chosen there's a chance they'll be used for future babies if they win. I've also used the second most popular or one I really liked as the middle name or each baby. So without further a do here they areeee! Oh and enjoy some BTS tooo.

Lance and Keith's children:

Girl - Alpha - Lyra Phoenix Kogane (lance will take Keith's name when they get married)
Boy - omega - Nico Orion Kogane

Shiro and Adams little one

Boy - Alpha - Ash Sirius Shirogane

And there we go those are our names. I will delete them from the list now. We will use the list in future for name other kids and I will add names I like as we go. I hope you guys like the names it's what the majority chose.

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