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*6 months into lance's pregnancy*
*3 months into Adam's pregnancy*

Keith smiled at the boy sleeping in his arms. The artificial sunlight danced on lance's caramel skin making it glow. His silky brown locks fell in his face as he slept. His long eyes lashes rested on his cheeks. Keith stared at the dusting of freckles across lance's cheeks and the bridge of his boopable button nose. Lance was self conscious about them but keith thought they were gorgeous. You couldn't see them unless you were close to him. Many nights keith had attempted to count them but he always ended up falling asleep before he finished. Keith's gaze travelled to the rest of lance's body. His soft feminine jaw line , plump rosy lips , perfect cheek bones , biteable collarbone , slender shoulders. His slim arms and tiny wrists , his even tinier hands , perfectly manicured nails , hourglass waist , small hips that we're perfect for him to put his hands on , luscious thighs , his tiny feet. He was adorable and gorgeous. Keith wanted to hold him close for the rest of his life , to admire the beautiful sight every night before he went to sleep and every morning when he woke up. He kissed lance's nose before slipping out of the bed to get a glass of water. He sighed leaning against the counter and sipping the water letting the cool liquid slide down his throat. Lance wandered in a few minutes later looking groggy and wearing nothing but a sweater and lace panties. He yawned and face planted Keith's chest making said boy chuckle.
"Your so cute when your sleepy~" he mused , watching lance's cheeks heat up. Lance couldn't even make a come back he was so sleepy. Keith chuckled guiding lance into sitting down while he made him a cup of tea. Lance eagerly accepted the warm beverage letting it warm him. After a few sleepy yawns , a cup of tea and a kiss , Lance was properly awake. The others filed in as lance cooked breakfast and keith watched over him. The Cuban was half way through cooking when pregnancy decided to bite him in the butt. He clamped a hand over his mouth and gagged. "Oh bOy morning sickness" he mumbled before running out of the to throw his guts up. Hunk took over cooking , while keith went to check if lance was okay. Keith didn't have to go far , Lance was in the nearest bathroom crying and throwing up. He kneeled next to him rubbing his back till lance had finished then he pulled him into his arms and kissed him ignoring lance's protests. He pulled away and stared into lance's eyes. "Why would you do thaaat! I just threw up so I'm gonna be all gross and you kissed me keef what's wrong with youuu!" Lance complained and Keith just chuckled. "Baby it wasn't even bad stop worrying about everything. Trust me I've had worse. Drunk makeouts when people have been throwing up multiple times , smoking and downing vodka at parties are much worse." Lance giggled. "Your such a rebel." Keith was happy lance didn't get all offended that he'd once made out with someone. You'd be surprised how many people got upset over things that happened before you met them. But lance didn't seem to care. He laughed and teased Keith about it in a cute flirty way. Their friendly loving banter was part of their relationship and it made them who they were as individuals and as a couple. He slid his arms under lance's legs and round his back so he could pick him up. Lance sighed leaning into him and letting keith just take control and carry him. He was drained and he'd only been awake for half an hour tops. Keith carried him back to the kitchen occasionally glancing back down at the sleepy omega in his arms. Hunk gazed at lance softly. "Hey buddy are you okay?" Lance nodded softly. "I'm sorry...I really wanted to cook for you guys because you always cook and I wanted to do something for you but my morning sickness is making it hard and I'm so weak and now I feel awful , I'm the worst omega ever I can't even take care of the pack-." Keith shut off lance's depreciative rant by kissing him sharply. "Baby. Stop. You are an amazing omega don't even think your not. You can't help being sick your bloody pregnant for heavens sake. Stop tearing yourself down it's not healthy and it's not fair to yourself." Keith cupped lance's cheek and wiped away the tears dripping down his cheeks. Lance buried his head in Keith's neck choking on his sobs. "I s-sowwy alpha..." Keith sat down holding lance close on his lap. "Shhh baby boy. Don't apologise you haven't done anything wrong. Your hormones are imbalanced because of the pups. Just relax sweetheart okay?" He said while running his hand through lance's hair. Lance whimpered closing his eyes and tried to calm his breathing. He was shaking and hiccuping he hands fisted Keith's shirt. "Breath baby breath..." Keith cooed as he rubbed lance's back. It slowly worked and lance calmed down. His eyes fluttered shut and his grip loosened until his hand fell limp as sleep took him. Hunk hadn't even finished cooking yet. Shiro watched sadly. "He looks absolutely drained...these last few weeks have been hard on him..." guilt shone in Shiro's eyes. Adam gripped his hand tightly trying to provide him with some comfort. Keith sighed shifting lance so the omega's head rested against his shoulder as he didn't want him to get a bad neck. He woke lance up for breakfast , pretty much ending up spoon feeding lance who'd gone into omega space and was really not with it right now. Lance would whine when he wanted more food and keith multitasked between feeding himself and feeding the boy in his lap. God help them when they had two hungry pups to feed as well. Lance's eyes were glassy and not focusing on anything because he was in omega space. After breakfast keith took lance to the lounge and they cuddled for awhile. Lance eventually came out of omega space looking groggy however he was happier and content. He laid on Keith's chest purring. Keith nuzzled his neck where the mating mark was. Lance chirped softly which had keith dying. It was very rare omega's chirped and when they did it means their extremely happy so to here lance chirp made Keith's heart nearly explode. He peppered lance with kisses causing a small giggle to escape the blue paladins lips. Allura brought a few boxes of stuff in with help from coran , Matt and Hunk. Pidge looked up from her computer. "What's in the boxes?" She asked with an eyebrow quirked in confusion and interest. Allura chuckled. "A mixture of all sorts really. I'm sure there's some baby stuff in here somewhere...and some electrical parts , and scrap metal." She glanced at the two nerd siblings with a soft smile as she said the last part. Pidge and Matt looked at each other and laughed. The all moved to the floor and sorted through the boxes. Although keith and shiro protested about their mates doing anything , claiming it was too strenuous. But lance and Adam could be as stubborn as the two alphas , So reluctantly keith and Shiro let them help sort though the boxes , not without making them promise to take breaks and sit out if they were tired. "Ooo keith look at these~" he picked up a bag that had a variety of colourful dummies in. He tipped them out and he and Adam gushed over them. Keith and shiro just watch not really understanding why the dummies were so appealing. Hunk chuckled at the alphas confusion. When lance and Adam had sorted out which dummies they wanted they returned their attention to the box. Pidge and Matt harvested some scrap pieces of metal , electrical components and some spare parts. Who knew what they'd end up making. Danni found a baseball cap that had an alien face on it. "I'm claiming this it's now mine." Lance rolled his eyes. "Your obsessed with baseball caps , you literally have a collection of like over 200+ baseball many more do you bloody want." Lance protested. Danni stuck his tongue out as he put the cap on. "Like a million more~" lance pouted grabbing the hat off him and putting it on. "HEY- nuuu gimme my hat back!" Danni whined sounding like a lost puppy. Lance giggled jumping on the sofa. "Nope~" Danni playfully growled as he chased lance. Lance soon ran out if energy , curse being pregnant , and ended up getting caught by Danni he stung him over his shoulder and took his hat back. "I'd throw you in a ditch but we're in space~" lance hit danni's back. "Your fucking Evil you dickhead!" Shiro sighed. "Language lance."
Lance pouted, "sorry space dad~ but fair warning Danni is even worse for curing than meee." Danni rolled his eyes dropping lance (gently) on the sofa. "At least you were nice enough to be gentle when dropping me." Lance grumbled sarcastically. "Your such a baby~ aweee who's a lil cutie~" Danni teased lightly pinching lance's cheeks. Lance made an adorable whining noise that made everyone's heart melt. He blushed brightly upon hearing the sound that left his lips. Danni cooed at him and cuddled him. "Awe baby bro that was so cuteee. Your so adorable and pure~" lance choked. "Pure? Since when?" Danni laughed. "Okay you got me on that one lil bro. Dang my little brother got laid before I did." Lance giggled punching Danni's arms playfully. "You'll find Someone one day bro~" lance smiled. Shiro looked up. "Out of curiosity what is your sexuality?" Danni smirked. "I'm as about as straight as a circle." Lance jumped on Danni's back. "He has Gay big dick energy!" Danni choked. "Okay. Thanks for summing that up. And you know the size of my dick how?" Lance gave him a blank stare. "You walk round in just a towel after your shower..." Danni blinked. "Oh. right."
The others shook their head at the pair. Such dorks. Danni carried lance back over and placed him down next to keith before plopping down next to him. Lance leaned against his brother with a smile. Danni rested his chin on lance's head. Hunk couldn't help saying "Awee" at the two. Danni raised an eyebrow. "Why are you awing?" Hunk shrugged. "Because you guys have an adorable relationship. Your playful and you tease each other mercilessly but at the end of the day you love each other and I just think it's cute." Danni smiled and kissed lance's head. "I never thought about it like that but I see what you mean. Lance is an ass but I love him." He received a smack to the arm. "HEY! I am not an ass! I'm an angel~ your the dickhead here bud." Danni just ruffled lance hair. "Grrr~ your lucky I love you." Lance smiled hugging him tightly. "I know I am~" he hummed before looking through the box again. They found plenty of babies things. Toys , bottles , clothes , nappies , ect. There was all sorts inside the box. Hunk picked up a funny crystal. "What's this?" Hunk asked Allura gasped and scrambled back along with coran. "What's wrong?" Hunk said. "Those crystals...their Ashenite Crystals..they are extremely dangerous to Altean...near fatal..." Hunks eyes widened and quickly dropped the crystal. Lance sighed. "I'll get rid of it. Want me to chuck it out the airlock?" Allura nodded. Lance and picked up the crystal. He felt a sudden tingle in his hand that suddenly became a wave of agonising , torturous pain. He screamed falling to the ground as the crystal glowed blue as well as his eyes. "LANCE!!" Everyone screamed. Keith attempted to wrench the crystal out of lance's palm but it was like it was glued to his hand. Lance's ear sharpened to long pointed ears like Allura and Coran's. Blue altean markings appeared on his cheeks. And a single strand of lance's hair turned a pure snowy white. The rest of his hair stayed it's normal mocha colour. Lance gasped desperately for air as the Crystal fell out of his hand. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he had a seizure. Keith started to panic. "Fuck what do we do!" Shiro didn't even scold him for swearing. "Put him in the recovery position. Lay him on his side , put a pillow under his head." Adam said sounding unusually calm. Inside he was a wreck but he needed to stay calm. Keith grabbed a pillow putting it on the floor and Danni gently lifted lance and laid him in the recovery position. The spasms eventually stopped and lance laid on the floor unconscious. Danni and Keith were growing and gently calling his name trying to get him to come round. Danni ran his hand through Lance's hair and keith stroked his cheek. "B-baby...? Please wake up..." there was a soft whimper and Keith gasped as lance slowly opened his eyes, they were glowing blue. The glow slowly faded revealing lance's ocean orbs , however his eyes now had small flecks of pink , silver and gold. He looked stunning. Adam kneeled next to him putting his hand on lance's shoulder stopping him from moving. "Don't try and move yet okay?"
Lance whispered a tiny Okay , his voice hoarse and thirst dry. Hunk got him a glass of water with a straw to help him drink it. When Adam said he was allowed to sit up , Keith gently helped him up allowing him to lean on him. "W-What happened to me?" Lance asked confused and a little shakily. Hunk bit his lip and Allura just handed lance a mirror. Bewildered lance took it and looked in the mirror but screeching and shuffling back. "WhAT ThE AcTUAL FLYInG FUCk!" He screamed...and honestly Shiro couldn't even blame him for swearing. Keith tried to calm him down. "Hey , hey's okay..." lance just sunk against keith. "If this is a dream wake me up when it's over...if not I'm going to sleep..." Keith kissed his head. "I know it's a shock...just get some rest love..." Lance curled into Keith's side clinging to him. His eyes fluttered shut and he soon was slumbering peacefully. The others side looking at him. This was definitely an unusual development to say the least. Allura and coran were in shock. "Danni are either of your parents altean?"
Allura asked. "Well if you mean do they have pointy ears and little v on their faces...then no..." Allura sighed. "This is complicated but I'm sure we'll find a logical explanation for this." Keith nodded. "But for now I'm taking this one to bed, he needs rest." He indicates to the sleeping omega curled in his side. With that said he scooped Lance up and carried him to bed. He laid him down and caressed his cheek. Lance whined opening his eyes "Rest baby , go back to sleep." Lance didn't argue just closed his eyes again. Keith sighed getting in bed and wrapping his arms round the omega. He promised he'd protect him and he swore he would. Lance was in even more danger now...if the galra find out there is another altean alive...who knows what they'll do...
Words: 2684
A/n: yeeet author is hereee. Sorry for the short chapter I have really bad cramps in my palm making typing and writing painful but I needed to update for Ya'll so here you go~ I have writers block so if anyone has some good prompts for the next chapter or next few chapters even that would be helpful.
It's 01:01 I have school but I can't sleep. I'm not tired and I don't want night terrors sooo sleep isn't an option Yeet. So I'm just gonna eat a ton of food , drink lucozade and listen to beartooth , nirvana , BVB , MCR , BTS and f(x) ect. I listen to so many different bands and have weird music taste. On one side of the spectrum we have kpop on the other we have metal/rock/screamo ect. The voting for the names ends Friday when I will count up the votes and announce what the children will be called. Lyra seems popular for Klance's girl. There will be more kids so there will be a chance for other names. Goodbye my beautiful , amazing kittens 🐱❤️💙 and remember as chim chim says, "you nice keep going~"

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