Baby Bump

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A/n: i couldn't find any fan art where lance had a baby bump so I went with this image because it's pretty and he looks so beautiful like the radiant boy he is. Anywhoooo enjoy the chapter!
Translation of what lance was saying: I'm sorry please don't leave me...
It had been a week since Adam had been staying with them. And a week since Shiro's breakdown. He was a lot happier now though. After waking up , Adam had given him a massive hug telling him everything was okay. They were okay. Honestly he really needed it. Even Alphas needed reassuring from time to time. Everyone expected them to be strong 24/7. No one is strong 24/7. Everyone has moments of vulnerability. Because we are people. Human or Alien , doesn't matter , in the end we all are wired the same. To feel sadness and pain Is what makes us real. After that the two had spent the entire day cuddling. Adam was now healed. Couple bruises hadn't completely faded yet but they no longer hurt. The cuts had gone and his concussion had disappeared. They were walking hand and hand through the castle as shiro showed him round properly , explaining different things on the way. Adam was as fascinated by the technology as pidge and matt were. Shiro smiled rubbing his thumb over Adam's hand. Dear lord he loved this man with his heart and soul. He looked at Adam's neck sadly. His mate mark had faded after their argument and now it had disappeared. It must of broken the omega's heart. A mate mark disappearing was an awful thing. It normally either symbolised the death of ones mate , the mate no longer loving the omega or being unfaithful , or a fractured relationship. The latter in their case. And he was hell bent on fixing that relationship. He'd Be damned if he was going to let Adam feel that way again. Kissing the Latino's cheek he took him to the ball room or whatever it was where they held the parties like the one with the Arusians. He spun Adam round before bringing him close. One hand on his hip , the other intertwined with his hand. "Taka-What are you doing?" Shiro smirked. "Dancing my love~" Adam huffed placing his free hand on Shiro's shoulder. He'd give the alpha the satisfaction for now. He'd get him back later anyway~ the two danced around the empty room until they tripped. Shiro falling on top of Adam. He gave the omega a wolffish grin leaning down to capture his lips. Adam closed his eyes melting into the kiss. Shiro smiled pressing his head against Adam's before getting up and helping the omega onto his feet. "Don't fall over on our wedding night~" he cooed teasingly earning himself a slap to the arm as Adam went bright red. "D-DONt say things like that out loud!" He stuttered. Shiro smiled twirling him round once more before they went to the hangar and took one of the pods. They did t want to risk taking a lion to the space market. They were going to get Adam some clothes of his own and some things the others had asked them to pick up while they were there.
*with keith and lance*

Keith yawned waking up from the nap he and lance had been taking. Lance was still sleep. He smiled rubbing the omega's tummy before pausing. There was a hard mass. He looked down. In his half asleep state he'd missed it..lance had a baby bump. For now it was only small but it was there. He smiled resting his head on it. "Hey there kids~"  he whispered to the bump. Placing a kiss onto it he sat up and stretched , his joints popping in the process. He left to go get some water. In the short time he was gone , someone was able to sneak into the room. Fiddling with a bottle of vitamins they poured out half the tablets into a bag and replaced them with similar looking ones , before quickly bolting from the room upon hearing footsteps. Keith walked back into the room with two bottles of water and some snacks. Lance let out a muffled whine burying his head into the pillow before raising it his face creased from where he'd been laying. He yawned crawling into Keith's lap. Keith smiled wrapping his arms around the pregnant omega. "Lance baby have you looked at your tummy recently?" Lance looked bewildered. "No why?" He looked down. "Oh" he had a baby bump. Keith watched as the Cuban ran his hands delicately over the bump an adoring smile on his face. "Our pups..." Keith hummed peppering kisses over lance's face. "You need to take your vitamins baby." He said going to the bottle of pills and taking one of the little green pills. Handing it to lance with one of the glasses of water. Lance swallowed the pill with a gulp of water. They were the altean version of the vitamins pregnant people took on Earth. "Blergh...grosser then usual. Swear they get worse every day." Keith chuckled thinking thing of the comment. "Your taste buds are changing silly~ I'm dreading the day you start eating weird concoctions~ knowing you it'll be like a fruit salad covered in hot sauce or something." Lance's eyes filled with tears. "Well fuck off then!" He yelled before he burst into loud sobs. Keith was shocked before it registered in his brain. Mood swings. He held out his palms flat as he slowly approached him. "Shh I'm sorry baby I didn't mean it I was just joking~ please don't cry sweetheart....c'mere." Lance fell into his arms. His body a mess of trembling limbs. The noises of misery escaping his lips. "I h-hAtE this! All of it! I hate it s-so much! Everything a-aches , I'm n-nauseas...I'm cranky....I'm s-snapping at y-you so n-now y-you p-p-probably hAtE me again! I just want to s-sleep and n-never wake up! Keith I'm sowwwwwyyy!" Lance worked himself into a scream by the end of his rant. His sobs cutting off his air supply making him gag and choke. Keith rubbed his back feeling guilty. He'd set off the mood swing and lance was scared of him getting Mad at him. "Shhh it's alright shooga. Don't apologise." Lance sniffled burying his face into Keith's shoulder. "Lo siento por favor no me dejes..." keith blinked. "Lancey you know I don't understand Spanish." Lance just closed his eyes dozing off. Keith sighed laying the omega back down and tucking him in. "Get some rest kitten~" he kissed Lances head before leaving him to sleep deciding to go do some training to stretch his sleep muscles. He walked to the training room and decided to go easy on himself for once having not trained in a few days. "Start training level 3" a few bots dropped down and he fought them. The clash of metal on metal rang out through the room and hall.
*half an hour later*
Lance woke up sweating profusely and gasping for air. It wasn't a nightmare however. He simply just could not breath. He early rolled onto his side trying to get air into his lungs. "Ke...ith...." no answer. Keith wasn't here. He was alone. Until he heard a deep chuckle. Kyle. "" he uttered out between gasps for air. Kyle smirked. "You'll find out~ goodnight lancey~" as he said that lance passed out. He hand hanging limply off the bed. His face pale and clammy. His chest barely moving. Practically lifeless. And that was house keith found him when he returned from his training. His heart stopped and he dropped his bayard running to Lances limp figure. He cradled him close to his chest. "Lance...?....LANCE!!" Nothing. Not a single twitch. No sign of life. Ice cold fear coursed four his veins turning his blood to slush. No...there was no way..."ALLURA!!" He screamed in desperation. Allura ran in with the others. Shiro and Adam looked shattered as they'd just got back when they heard Keith's terrified scream. "Wha-Oh my God! What happened!" Keith sobbed. "I don't know...I left him to sleep and when I came back he was like this." He cursed himself mentally for being so stupid. Leaving lance alone when Kyle was on the loose. Adam was actually in tears despite barely knowing lance. He liked the lighthearted Latino omega a lot. They got on well , he was easy to talk to and they had a lot in common. He was also funny and had a mischievous streak. Seeing the boy who'd been grinning away as they talked yesterday now laying motionless Im his mates arms was spine chilling. Keith briskly carried lance to the med bay were the omega was put into a healing pod. Coran quickly looked at his stats. "Slow heart beat...low oxygen levels...there's something foreign in his system....what's he eaten today?" "Fruit salad with honey , a Yogurt , some crisps and he took his vitamins around half a Varga ago." Coran frowned. "Someone tampered with his pills..." Their was a chorus of surprised gasps. "What...?!" Adam exclaimed. "Who would do that? He's bloody pregnant! Are they trying to kill his pups!" Coran's eyes darkened. "I believe that was the intention....the drug in his system is a pill called Lupa. It's given to adults to help with high blood pressure. It drastically lowers it. That caused lance to pass out. It's extremely dangerous to children..." Keith was beyond livid. There was no word to describe how furious he was. Someone dared try to kill his mate and pups. He knew who even if know one believed him. Kyle...he swore to himself he'd make him pay for this. But right now lance was the only thing on his mind. Revenge could wait. Lance couldn't. "How long till he's out..."
coran sighed. "The pod will have pumped the drugs out of his system by tomorrow." Keith sighed. "And the pups?"
Coran looked at the scanner. "They seem to have survived. The drug is slow release so they may have escaped it...however if complications arise I'll let you know..." Keith nodded placing his hand on the pod. "I love you...please be okay..." with that he walked out his head facing the floor so no one could see the hot tears running down his face.
Adam was glaring at Kyle. He knew it was this guy. He just knew it. There was something going on here.
Later that evening as he sat with shiro in there now shared room he asked his alpha to fill him in on what he knew about that Kyle boy. Shiro complied without thinking about it. "He's part of the rebel's and Matt's boyfriend. He's also Lances ex. Some weird things have been happening to lance lately and Keith's been blaming them on him. Keith even attacked him..." Adam raised an eyebrow. "Weird things? What weird things?" Shiro sighed trying to remember all of them. "Well he fell off a cliff....and now this...and he's really jittery around Kyle. They used to date actually. Adam bit his lip as he thought. 'Psychotic ex playing suck up to everyone else leaving the victim vulnerable...he would of tried to kills Keith's pups wanting to fill lance with his own , not realising he could've killed lance this guy is fucked up.' Shiro watched Adam. "What are you thinking of baby?" Adam let out a long exhausted sigh. "That this Kyle dude isn't everything he seems...and might very well be behind all of the things happening to lance...and that their might be a good reason lance is jittery...who broke up with who?" Shiro frowned. "Lance dulled a rather rude fashion...he was pretty harsh...Kyle is a sweet kid...Adam your thinking too far into this." Adam shook his head. "No. Your not thinking far enough into this. Think about it shiro. Since he showed up things started happening to lance. Kyle acts sweet in front of you guys to gain your trust. Did lance ever mention anything about his past? Anything dark to be exact?" Shiro racked his brain. "He hid that he was an omega until he got pregnant...when Keith asked his reason for hiding it he said it was personal and he'd tell us when he was ready. Which he's apparently still not ready." Adam sighed. "Shiro wether you want to believe it or not I think Kyle is behind this...i think Kyle is the reason Lance hid his dynamic. It's obvious Keith dislikes him so he probably knows something we don't....we need to be smart about this. Takashi I'm asking you as my lover to stand with me...lance is your team mate , your ally , your friend...Kyle is also an ally...but can you trust him? Has lance ever had a reason to lie to you?" Shiro lowered his head. "I'm so stupid..." Adam kissed him softly. "You just want to see the best in everyone. I love that...but sometimes it clouds your judgement...We'll talk to keith and lance when he's the mean time I'm exhausted.... how about we hit the pillows?" Shiro smiled pulling the omega into his arms as they fell asleep. Would they be able to stop Kyle though?
Words: 2260
A/n: 2 chapters in One night~ your spoiled rotten~ its 03:09am but I'm still here writing and drinking a juice box. Go ahead and judge me I still drink juice boxes so what~ I hope you enjoyed the chapter my love kittens~ 🐱❤️💙

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