Poison pt 2- Ft. Danni's rut

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Yongseo haejwo - please forgive me
No hay necesidad de ser tímido - theres no need to be shy
A few days after they'd rescued Drexen and Ruma , Adam and Matt has fully recovered , Lance was getting there , he was walking around again as long as he was supervised by someone in case he passed out. Today was the day they talked to the prisoners. They'd given them a few days to recuperate. They entered the infirmary , Keith giving a sleepy lance a piggyback. Allura smiled at the two galra who were in the midst of cuddling on the bed. Ruma was sat in Drexens lap in the middle of dozing off. Drexen was gently petting his ears , the fluffy purple appendages twitched happily as Ruma purred. "How are the two of you feeling?" Allura asked softly. "A lot better thank you..." Drexen gave them a tired smile. "Is it alright if we ask a few questions?" Drexen nodded softly. "I may end up answering most of them though , Ruma is in omega space." Ruma looked up confused when he heard his name and started to lick Drexen's jaw. The alpha laughed and cuddled him. "Stop being cute Ru~" He nipped Ruma's ear making him squeak. His cheeks went from lilac to dark purple. Everyone made themselves comfortable. Keith sat on another bed with lance in his lap. Lance was still dazed and weakened and just snuggled into Keith's chest not paying much attention to the conversation at hand. He was wearing one of Keith's hoodies , the oversized worn out sleeves had holes in that he put his thumbs through and yet the arms still dwarfed him. Keith sighed. "He's running a fever again..." Allura stopped questioning Drexen and Ruma for a minute coming over to check on him. "He does look rather sickly..." she said softly placing her hand on lance's head to feel his temperature. He was definitely burning up. Lance's eyes opened slightly and brilliant blue orbs with hints of pink , silver and gold peeked at her in a haze. His eyes were half lidded and his pupils barely visible. Just colours. His eyes slowly closed again and he shivered in Keith's arms. Allura frowned getting a blanket for Keith to wrap around lance's trembling frame and a cold cloth for his forehead. Lance whined cuddling into Keith coughing feebly. The alpha kissed his head praying he'd be okay. Lance said he was up to them having some alone time later , but that won't happen if lance is sick again...lance's health came first. He wasn't some sex obsessed alpha who treated his omega like a breeding object. Lance was his lover , lance was a person who had needs and feelings and lance always came first before sex. No questions asked. Allura went back to asking Drexen and Ruma questions about the blade and their mission and other important stuff that lance wasn't listening to. Until he accidentally disturbed them with a loud squeak-sneeze. Pidge burst into laughter as lance flushed a bright red. "Oh. My. God. You sound like pikachu! That's like the universes cutest sneeze." Lance whined in embarrassment burying his face in Keith's collarbone. He tried to listen to the conversation but it just blurred together. "......blade of marmora....space pirates or something....something something big mission.....prince of.......protecting....heat...omega..." his brain zoned out completely after and he sat there his face hidden in Keith's neck panting. He couldn't breath....he couldn't breath! Lance panicked realising he was having an asthma attack. He tugged on Keith's shirt in a desperate attempt to get his attention. He could speak or breath. Keith looked confused at lance who was gasping and sweating before it clicked. "Shiro! Inhaler!" Shiro nodded quickly and ran out of the room. Danni came over and helped Keith try to keep lance conscious. Shiro sprinted into the room nearly crashing into the wall and handed Keith lance's inhaler. Keith quickly got the inhaler past lance's lips and got him to take deep breaths while Danni supported his body. When lance was finally able to breath Keith set the inhaler next to him on the bed and sighed pulling lance closer to him. "Why isn't he getting better? He just keeps getting sick over and over."
Lance looked up at Allura too. The princess let out a long exhale of breath. "By the looks of it the pregnancy weakened him a lot more than we anticipated. Combined with everything that keeps happening him is had a really harsh affect on his health...but a few hours in the healing pod should fix him right up." Lance whined and clung to Keith. "Nu!" Keith sighed and tried to persuade him to agree he was having none of it though. So in the end Keith threw him over his shoulder and carried him to a healing pod kicking and screaming. Lance banged his fists on Keith's back , kicked his legs and screamed but Keith didn't give in and as much as it pained him to force lance into doing things , it was for the boys own good and some times tough love was needed. He struggled to keep his grip and he did one of the things he'd promised he'd never do. Put lance under an alpha command. He didn't mean to  it just happened... "Lance! Stop. It. Now! Behave." Lance whimpered his eyes going hazy and he fell limp In Keith's arms. Keith felt guilty but he had to get lance to calm down...he sighed changing him into the White healing pod suit and placed him in the healing pod. He placed his hand on it and whispered. "I'm sorry....yongseo haejwo..." shiro rubbed his back and reassured him lance would be angry and would understand. The rest of the time they talked to Ruma and Drexen getting to know them keith was silent. Although he did listen in as the two had a cute backstory to how they became a couple. Drexen had been born at the blade and had lived there his entire life. Ruma had been reached from the empire where he was being held prisoner waiting a death sentence because he refused to torture and kill innocent people. Drexen was the only person he trusted and that friendship slowly turned into a romance. It just goes to show that trust is the foundation of every relationship. Romantic or otherwise. He glanced at the healing pod , he missed Lance already. "Allura how much longer?" he sighed. "just a few more ticks." Keith stood near the healing pod watching lance who had an almost ethereal appearance. The blue healing liquid in the pod sloshed around as a whirring noise was emitted. lance floated there like a ghost as some colour returned to his skin. However even though he regained his tanned colour his cheeks were still flushed with fever and the healing pod wasn't making a dent. There was a whoosh of air and the pod opened. Lance tumbled out into Keith's arms. Keith caught a hold of him easily and pulled him close whispering a hundred and one sorry's over and over. Lance's vision was lined with tears and he buried his face in Keith's neck sobbing. "I f-forgive you...just please not again...alpha don't hurt me..." Lance trembled , Keith slowly rubbed his back Whispering sweet nothings to him. "i won't i promise...i'll never hurt you." Lance hiccuped and calmed down a little. Adam was glaring , hot angry tears streaming down his face. He stormed out of the room leaving everyone shocked including shiro himself , he'd never seem his fiance that pissed off. Lance looked up at Keith hesitantly a hint of worry in his eyes. "is he mad at me?" shiro frowned. "i highly doubt that...but i don't know why he's upset...i'll let him calm down then i'll go look for him...he can be volatile when he's upset..." shiro sighed wondering what was bothering Adam.

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