Hold me now

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A/n: i dont really know how Keith's dad died , just that It was during a fire so this is my take on it.

*a few Quintents after the birth*

Lance was fast asleep in bed tucked in and warm. Keith was gently carding his fingers through the mocha brown locks that belonged to his boyfriend , and the small white strand at the front. Keith smiled at the sleeping omega's tiny figure. He had a brilliant Male and two beautiful pup and he couldn't be happier. Keith had always felt alone. His mum had disappeared when he was a baby , his dad was taken away from him at the tender age of nine , he'd never had any siblings either. He'd always felt so alone. But now he finally had a family. He had a pack. People that loved him and cared about his well being and he was finally happy. He smiled and slipped into bed cuddling lance. He wouldn't be lying if he said he wasn't worried about lance. The birth had really taken its toll on the omega , lance barely had enough energy to sit up half the time. Keith had to help him eat , drink , feed the pups and wash him. He didn't mind taking care of the omega but it was worrying that lance was drained. They didn't mention this in the few sex Ed classed they'd Been given in the garrison. Alphas had been given a few basic classes on various things like handling their rut , how to have protected sex and what to do if they got an omega pregnant. Betas weren't given any as they didn't have ruts or heats and it was very rare they got omegas so they didn't give them any either seen as most omega's present earlier than alphas and beta's they normally already know the basics. But this was never covered in those classes , or maybe he missed that one? Surely lance shouldn't be this exhausted right? The worry settled in the pit of the alpha's stomach as he  held lance just a bit tighter. He buried his face into lance's neck Inhaling the omega's sweet scent of strawberries with a hint of the ocean. His scent was normal , happy and content and somewhat appeased the alpha's anxiousness regarding his mates health. He eventually dozed off his face buried in his mates scent gland and letting out small rumbles.
*keith's nightmare*

Nine year old Keith was sat on the sofa clutching a stuffed purple hippo and watching the tv. It was the news , currently showing a burning building and a team of fire fighters rushing to save the people inside. The young boy watched the screen with wide tearful eyes. On screen was a firefighter that looked a lot like the young boy. This caused keith to let out a small cry and run out of the house , the stuffed animal in his hand. His amethyst eyes shone with unshed tears. The barefooted boy ignored the pain as shards of glass and small stones cut into the soles of his feet as he sprinted down the pavement. Keith reached the burning building just as he dad went back into the burning building to save a little girl. He screamed and cried as he was held back. "DADDY NO! DONT LEAVE ME! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! COME BACK!" He yelled in desperation. A little girl ran out of the building into presumably her mother's arms. Black smudged her face and she had some nasty burns on her arms and legs but she was alive. Because of Keith's dad. "M-mummy...that nice man-the roof fell on him and he's not moving!" The little girl got hysterical at the thought of her saviour being dead. Keith broke down sobbing. "NO DADDY NO! SOMEONE GO SAVE HIM PWEASE!" The little boys cries broke everyone's hearts , as the chief firefighter tried to explain it was too late. Even being told his dad was a brave hero did nothing to comfort the child. He'd just lost his only family....

A 13 year old keith sighed picking at his nails sat on one of the many beds that were lined in a row. An orphanage. The room was bleak and dusty. Slowly warm tears trickled down the pale boys cheeks. At that moment a bigger burly boy came in with his friends. Keith attempted to wipe away his tears with his sleeve as the boys laughed. The leader of the group jeered at him. "Your an excuse for an alpha. Crying? Pfft alpha's don't cry." Keith glared at them weakly. A facade to hide the pain and sorrow that suffocated his heart and soul. His eyes glossy with tears and swirling with a mixture of emotions. Hate. Loneliness. Sadness. Desperate. Heartache. Bubbling up like a cauldron inside his chest. He snapped. Punching the boy smack bang in the nose , there was a crack as it broke and blood gushed down his face onto his clothes. The boy reeled back with a pained howl. Keith knew it was wrong but he couldn't take any more of the mental torture he was put through day in and day night. A staff member stormed in and after being told what happened by the antagonist , Keith was dragged to the punishment room and struck with a belt 15 times...
Keith bolted up with a choked scream. Lance watched him sadly , he couldn't sit up to comfort so he just laid his head on Keith's lap and whines softly to get his attention. Keith looked down shakily , his amethyst orbs locking on with lance's ocean blue eyes. Keith leaned down and kissed those plump rosy lips sweetly. It was slow and passionate and loving. When they broke apart for air lance cupped Keith's cheek and stared into his eyes. "What happened baby?"
Lance asked softly. "N-nightmare...I don't wanna talk about just cuddle..." lance nodded letting out calming pheromones. Just as keith calmed down the pups started crying. Lance giggled and fed them. After bouncing them for around twenty minutes or so they calmed down and went to sleep. Lance crawled into bed and laid on Keith's chest allowing the alpha to bury his face in face into the omegas neck. The smell of strawberries and the ocean washed over keith. He tucked his head in the crook of lance's neck holding the omega Impossibly close to him. Eventually the two drifted off and everything was finally peaceful for the two young lovers...for now at least...
Words: 1090
A/n: sorry it's so short I just wanted to get something out while I wallow in my tears and pig out on sweets till I get super rush. Just love getting my heart broken by people I love. I'm sorry for my lack of updates I promise I'll do better. I'm writing a Harry Potter Marauders fanfic so for those who like HP and the Marauders check it out if you Like. There's plenty of wolfstar because YES. Anyway thank you for being patient with my lazy depressed ass. I love you all my wonderful kittens 🐱🖤💙❤️💜💚🧡💖💛

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