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A/n: idk where Adam is from but I like to think he's Latino. Maybe even from Cuba too. So I'm making him Cuban. I love the idea of him and lance teaming up to get their alphas~ pranking them and teasing them. I see them being very good friends. Some of you might agree with me some might not it's your opinion but it's my story so I'll put what I think. So Adam is Cuban like lance and he's an omega because I see shiro as a top , screw what cannon says. He's a gay Dom daddy. Sue me~
The next morning Keith woke up to find the nest empty. Where the hell was lance! He bolted up his ears twitching. Suddenly the smell of vomit and a distraught omega filled his nostrils. Lance... Keith got up running to the bathroom to find lance doubled over the toilet heaving , gagging and sobbing. "Oh baby..." he gently rubbed Lances back till the omega stopped throwing up and calmed down. "I h-hate m-morning s-sickness..." the omega whimpered shakily, Keith pulled the trembling figure close to him kissing his head. "I know baby I know, it'll be worth it in the end." He gently rubbed lance's tummy earning him a soft purr. Carrying the incapacitated omega back to the nest keith sighed looking down at the lax features. Lance had closed his eye and now was asleep. Keith putting him down in the nest and making sure he was comfy , kissed his head and then left. He went to the kitchen and grabbed some snacks and bottles of water. As lance's pregnancy progressed he'd spend more time in the nest and would want his alpha close. He'd also not want other people around. So soon they'd need to build a supply of food and drink and other essentials, he brought the food back to their room and fed lance when the omega woke up. Lance giggled as keith fed him blue crisps that tasted like salt and vinegar. He had his head in Keith's lap while he read a book. Keith smiled at how adorable he was. Suddenly the coms came on and Allura requested everyone join her at the hangar. Keith and lance included. Lance looked up at keith. Keith shrugged as he picked lance up. Lance whined sharply. "Nuu crispsss me still hungwy keef." Keith chucked letting lance hold the pack of crisps as he carried him bridal style to the hangar. They arrived at the same time as the others surprisingly. Coran and Allura were already there along with someone else...last time they had a surprise guest it didn't end well...however when the person turned their head there was two sharp intakes of breath. One from keith one from shiro. "A-Adam...?" Shiro whispered his voice breaking. Allura raised an eyebrow. "You two know each other?" Keith snorted. "Do they know each other? Their engaged..well they were..." lance choked on the crisp he was eating. "WHaT?!" Pidge had heart eyes and hunk passed out. Shiro was bewildered by the reactions. After hunk had came round they explained. Pidge suddenly got sad. "Wait why did keith say you were...aren't you still together..." they both looked down and Keith ended up answering. "They had a massive argument...Adam didn't want Shiro to leave for Kerberos...Shiro was sick at the time..." Adam had tears running down his cheeks as he looked at shiro. The robotic arm , the scars , everything. Shiro felt incredibly guilty. He slowly reached out his arms to Adam. No matter how much he wanted to be mad at shiro , Adam couldn't bring himself to be mad. He had felt so alone , betrayed , scared , unwanted...
"I'm sorry Adam...I didn't mean to hurt stupid alpha pride got in the way.." Adam fell into shiros arms sobbing.
"I'm s-sowwy too...I didn't mean what I said...I just didn't want to me alone hurts when you leave...I dont want you to leave me anymore kashi...please..." Adam broke into hysterics falling to his knees. Shiro caught him going down with him. They both stayed like that knelt on the ground hugging each other. "I won't I promise...I love you Adam..."
Adam buries his face into shiros shoulder. "I love you too..." when they pulled back shiro gasped now noticing the injuries that littered Adams body, blood ran down his head , he was battered and bruised. Shiro growled. "Who did this to you..." Adam clung to shiro tighter. "The galra..." Shiro's eyes flashed in annoyance. "First me and now my Fiancé..."
Adam nuzzled and kissed Shiro's jaw to soothe him , letting out calming pheromones in the process. The scent of vanilla and rose petals filling the room. Shiro took a deep breath and calmed down. Adam then surveyed the room. "Keith you have a mate! And he's pregnant too!" Adam exclaimed excitedly , glad to meet another omega. He gushed over lance leaving a bewildered but smiling shiro shaking his head. Adam and lance chatted about omega stuff and Latino things that no else seemed to understand. Turns out the two had a lot in common and were instantly best friends in a matter of seconds. The two started conversing in heated Spanish leaving everyone bewildered and unable to understand a thing they were saying apart from the word yes. Everyone had learnt that at school. Minus Allura and Coran of course.
"Earth has such a diverse language...or you have little sections called countries? And each country has its own language?" Allura asked as she pieced the information she'd learnt from the paladins together. "Well kinda. Some countries share the same language. Like in Cuba we use the Spanish language. And England and America have a similar language with just a few different words and accents. We also have larger sections called continents. Inside the continents are the smaller sections called countries , then you have counties , cities , towns and villages. Earth is very complex." Allura stared in amazement. "Someone knows their Geography~" pidge teased. Lance just shrugged with a smile before going back to rapid for Spanish with Adam. Eventually Shiro stepped in , his worry for Adams health overriding his happiness at seeing Adam smile. "Okay you can continue whatever your talking about later. Right now we need to get you cleaned up and in bed. I don't want you passing out on me." Adam pouted. "Says you~ who used to stay in the training room till 4am until I physically had to drag you out of there~" Adam teased hoping to wheedle some more time. He wanted to chat not sleep. He hadn't seen civilisation for quite awhile. At least not hospitable civilisation. The Galra empire being the only beings he'd encountered for (what he guessed) the two months he'd been out here.
Shiro huffed. "That was ages ago. I don't do that anymore keith does. Your injured need to rest...please?" Hearing the alpha plead with him made his gaze soften. "Fine...only because I'm tired...not because I can't say no to you when being a bloody sweetheart..." shiro giggles picking Adam up koala style. (Idk what you call it. When the person is facing you and you have you hands under their thighs to keep them up and their arms are round you neck? I just call it koala style Cos their like a koala) Adam nuzzled into shiro tiredly. Now the adrenaline of being reunited had worn off he was exhausted. Keith smiled. "Lovebirds~ Oh and shiro? Don't think I didn't hear that comment~I don't stay in there till's 2am at the latest." Lance glared weakly. "It's still not healthy. I worry about you..." Keith sighed cupping his face and kissing him chastely. "I'm sorry. I'll stop I promise. I haven't even trained this week~" lance smiled a bit at the reassurance. Unbeknownst to the others in the man was now plotting. Kyle grinned as he thought to himself. 'So keith likes to train late? Meaning if I take keith down while he's training and weakened, lance will be alone and vulnerable. No alpha to protect him. As long as I make sure no one hears him scream for help they'll never see it coming. We'll be gone by the time there awake and have discovered Keith's'll all be over by them.' He smirked at the thought. Over Shiro's shoulder Adam was watching the Male. He recognised him as one of the students from the garrison. The Male was smirking...or maybe that was his smile? It was a creepy smile if that was the case....there was just something bout the kid Adam didn't like. His eyes...they held a malicious glint...the way he talked...sounded fake...everything about him seemed amiss. Adam wasn't normally one to judge others...but he just had this gut feeling that this guy was bad news. However he wasn't able to dwell on it much longer as he carried off to the med bay. Once there he was laid in one of the beds as Allura and shiro patched him up.
Once the blood was cleaned from his head and bandages wrapped round it , the cuts disinfected , and a soothing cream applied to the angry bruises and welts to ease the pain , Adam was dressed in a shirt (belonging to shiro) and some shorts (belonging to keith) the omega snuggled down to get some rest. Shiro holding his hand. "Why can't I sleep in your roommmm?" The omega whined. "Because we need to monitor your Health. Until we know your definitely okay you need to stay in the med bay...that way if something is wrong we have the necessary equipment on hand to help you...I'm not taking the risk of losing you...not again..." Adam could tell the alpha was still holding onto the guilt. Not able to let go of the argument it weighed heavily on his shoulders. The guilt , anger and self contempt shiro had bottled up for so long now wrapped round his heart like a snake. Hurting him over and over again. Making him afraid. Afraid to love the man in front of him , scared that if he did...he'd hurt him. The blame preventing him from being happy. He couldn't be happy having his mate here knowing his mate had to spend months alone and feeling unwanted , to fly into space and fight galra...just to be with him....he who had left him...Adam had been right. He didn't need to prove anything else. So why has he been so insistent on going on the stupid mission? He was ripped from his self deprecating rant by Adam grabbing his collar and yanking him down for a passionate kiss full of desperation , forgiveness and love. It was Adam telling him it was let free himself of the guilt. Shiro buried his head into Adams stomach sobbing. The others politely left giving the two some space. "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry....i failed you as your alpha...i should of been there for you...i left you alone instead...i made you feel unwanted...I'm so sorry....i don't deserve you...oh Gods Adam I'm so so fucking sorry...i dont know why I was so insistent on going on that damn mission! That mission ruined my took you away from took my gave me ptsd...if I'd listened to you none of this would never of wouldn't be'd be safe on earth...we never would of thought...Pidge would never of lost her brother and father...without three people there wouldn't of been a Kerberos mission...they would never of been kidnapped...this is all my fault...this is all my fault damn it!" His voice rose as he panic sky rocketed. Tears streaming down his face , bangs covering his eyes and body shaking. Adam had only seen him like this once. Only ever heard him swear once. When he'd run in holding the unconscious body of a young boy with messy jet black hair. The boy was bleeding from cuts lining his arms. Keith. When shiro had found keith. The boy had lost everything. His family , his home , he was shunted from foster home to foster home , bullied at school , he had nothing.  He'd given up on life and had decided...what was the point of living? Shiro had run into their shared dorm screaming to call a rucking ambulance after shaking the boy had swallowed some pills and cut himself. It had been traumatic and had broke shiro. He'd been utterly miserable. Seeing shiro like that again. The vulnerability. The pain and sorrow that engulfed him. It broke his heart. Shiro was only human. He could only take so much. This was too much. He gently ran his hand through the males hair watching Shiro's eyes flutter closed. Tears still falling. The sobs slowly ceased as shiro fell asleep on Adams stomach. Adam breathed out a sigh. "I love you Takashi...please don't blame's's over..let go..." he whispered softly to the sleeping Male. This was too much...they all wanted to go home. It was all too much...

Words: 2131
A/n: here's another chapter Sorry for the wait I was busy updating my other books. What is Kyle plotting? Next chapter we see lance with a baby bump! And more pregnancy struggles~ poor boy. Should Adam and Shiro have pups? I think their kids would be adorable. Comment if you want them to have pups and if you want some Adashi NSFW. Hope you enjoyed the chapter my lovely kittens~

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