First kick

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Translation: Daniel Marcus McLain stop getting water on my sofa or I swear to the heavens I will feed you to the wolves!
Lance: yes , that was perfect!
Not sure how accurate the they are

Lance sighed contentedly , he was curled up on the sofa with keith snuggled underneath a blanket. Keith was caressing his cheek causing him to purr softly. The smell of cinnamon and apples mixed with strawberry and the ocean. Their scents mingling together as they cuddled. Keith's was spicy and lance's sweet. The others were situated around the lounge apart from Danni who was taking a shower seen as he was icky from being kept prisoner. Adam was sat in Shiro's lap playing with his white floor while said Male read a book. Matt and pidge were playing some video game they'd managed to hook up. Allura and coran were having a chit chat about altea and hunk was trying to get the space mice and Spook to eat one of his new recipes. At that moment the smell of caramel Frappuccino wafted through the room as Danni entered wearing nothing but a pair of jeans. He was completely shirtless , showing off his rock hard abs. Water droplets still dripped down his body and he had a towel slung round his shoulders. "Ugh I missed taking hot showers~" he stated as he yawned and stretched before plonking himself down on the sofa. "Ew your getting water on meee" lance whined and snuggled closer to keith in an attempt to avoid the water droplets. "You'd be dead if mama was here." Danni chuckled. "Trust me I know. Daniel Marcus McLain deja de echar agua en mi sofá! Juro por los cielos te alimentaré a los lobos!" He yelled in an imitation of his mother. "Si eso fue perfecto!" Lance giggled. The others just looked bemused not understanding the Spanish except Adam who started laughing so hard he couldn't breath and Shiro had to pat and rub his back like a child. They laughed and chatted for awhile until two sharp gasps were heard. They looked over to the two males in the corner. Keith's eyes were frozen wide in shock , his hand on lance's tummy. Lance's eyes were as wide as saucers and filled with surprise and slight pain. "Is everything okay?" Shiro asked concerned. "I t-think the pups...or one of at least...just k-kicked..." lance spoke softly. His voice a mesmerised whisper. "I felt it...that" Keith mumbled running his hand across lance's tummy. "Try feeling it inside of you~" lance whined letting his head flop back on Keith's chest as he snuggled down. Keith chuckled kissing his head. "Does it hurt?" Adam asked a hint of fear in his voice as he rubbed his own stomach. "A little bit but not too mu-AhN!" Lance gasped again as he felt another kick. "Okay thAt one hurt more than the last one..." Keith gently rubbed his tummy trying to settle the pups down. Lance whined as he started lactating. It was irritating and embarrassing. Keith tried to shush the omega but lance was wound up and keith already knew a mood swing was coming. All it took was Danni shifting his leg accidentally knocking into lance's leg and lance exploded blowing up at his older brother who just sat there blinking in surprise. "I'm sorry?" He uttered an apology in bewilderment. Lance stopped his eyes filling with tears as he sobbed and hugged Danni. "I'm sowwy! It's the m-mood swings I'm sowwy Dan Dan." He rambled apologetically. Danni shushed him telling him it was alright. It was obvious the pregnancy was starting to take its toll on lance. He looked exhausted , he was starting to limp when he walked , he was definitely showing now , he was getting back pains and cravings. He was definitely pregnant there was no denying it. Keith allowed Lance to lay on his chest as the Latino boy slowly drifted off to sleep. Lance had been asleep for little more than five or six minutes when he started to toss and turn , his brow furrowing. Keith frowned in worry as his mate tossed , seemingly having difficulty sleeping. Maybe he couldn't get comfortable? Lance let out a whimper clinging to Keith's shirt balling it in his fists in an iron grip. He was having a nightmare...keith realised with a sad sigh. Lance let out a small whine his nose scrunching up. Keith would of found it cute had the situation been different. Instead lance was having a nightmare and he didn't know what to do to help. Did he risk waking him up and possibly spook lance , or let him suffer through the nightmare? However he didn't need to decide as lance shot up with a gasp. He was clammy and breathing heavily , his blue eyes wide with fear. "Shhh your safe baby I'm you want to talk about it?" Keith cooed. "The b-babies...Their were problems with the birth...they didn't make it...and I died...I was so scared..." he sobbed into Keith's shoulder causing a damp spot to appear on his shirt. Keith's heart shattered for the omega. That must of been awful to witness. "Shhh your safe , the pups are safe. It was just a nightmare shooga." Keith bit his lip trying to think of something he could do to make lance feel better. He smiled when he remembered what lance had told him awhile ago. "How about we take a hot bath to unwind for a bit?" Lance smiled up at him tearfully and nodded. Keith picked him up and carried him out of the lounge. On the way out Danni spoke up. "Put bubbles and scented oils if we have them in the bath as well. He'll be relaxed in no time." Keith thanked him for the advice and carried lance to their bedroom and laid him on the bed while he tapped a bath. Heeding Danni's advice he added candy floss scented bubbles and some natural oils , not knowing what scents he was meant to use he went with peppermint , lavender and rose. Where they even got this stuff he had no clue but lance loved using them. He went back into the bed room to find lance laid on the bed dozing off. Chuckling he ran his hand through lance's fluffy mocha locks. His hair was silky smooth and Keith loved running his fingers through it. He gently undressed lance , unable to stop himself from running his thumb over lance's hip bone. He felt the omega shudder and watched lance's blue orbs flutter open. He smiled picking lance up , chuckling when lance cuddled closer to him claiming it was for the purpose of staying warm only. He put lance in the bath while he got them a change of clothes and a fluffy towel each before getting in behind lance. Said boy leaned back against Keith's toned chest relishing in the warm water against his clammy skin. Keith buried his face in lance's neck nuzzling him and inhaling his scent before playfully nipping on his collarbone. Lance mewled as his eyes darkened and he melted against Keith's chest slowly slipping into omega space. Keith smiled washing lance down enjoying the soft purrs he got from the Cuban. He washed lance's hair , how lance had taught him to. After cleaning them both up he relaxed in the bathtub letting lance rest up against him. Lance was soon yawning and struggling to keep his eyes open and by the time the water was cold and the bubbles disappearing he was fast asleep. Keith hummed softly as he got them out wrapping lance in a towel , drying him off and dressing him in a sweatshirt and pj shorts before drying himself off and changing into sweatpants. He drained the bath before crawling into bed to join his slumbering mate. Life was starting to look up for the two of them...
Words: 1332
A/n: sorry this chapter is short and kinda crappy it's more of a filler chapter. I hope you enjoyed the fluffy klance tho~ I'm back at school now so updating will be slow but I will try my best~ we are getting closer to meeting lance and Keith's babies. Adam has a little way to go~ what do you guys think of Danni so far? I love him personally, he's my alpha son and he is a sweetheart UwU. Then again that could be biased as I did create him...anyway I hope you enjoyed the cheater my lovely kittens! 🐱💙❤️

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