Mood swings and morning sickness

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BVB for live also I was screaming black parade on the way home from school and some yelled bless your emo little soul. She then crossed the road and we had a convo on how sad we are mcr broke up and other emo things and yeah.
Italics- thoughts
Lance sighed laying in the bed in his back. He was waiting for kieth to come back. Keith has gone to...dispose of Kyle. Lance just hoped he wouldn't do anything reckless. Lance turned as he heard the door open and Keith wall in. "Hey baby you feeling any better." Lance let out a long deep sigh. "Not what did u do with Kyle." Keith smirked. "Knocked him out and dragged him to his room." Lance blinked. "Okay..." Keith chuckled and crawled into the bed pulling lance into his arms. Lance buried himself in Keith's chest and clung to his shirt. "Hey what's wrong ur safe now I've got you." Lance snuggled further into keith sniffling. "B-But I'm scared..he nearly raped me again...he hurt me so much keith...I'm terrified...p-please don't let him hurt me again...p-please.."
Keith looked sadly at lance pulling the boy as far into his arms as possible. "I won't." He gently petted the distressed omegas hair till lance was just trembling and sniffling. "Hush baby ur safe now. Lance if u ever need me I'm here. I always will be." Lance tilted his head to look up at keith. He kissed keith on the lips before smiling albeit shakily. "I know. I love you keith." Keith grinned and peppered lance's face In kisses. "I don't know about you...but I want a bath seen as I'm caked in blood." Lance giggled. "Yeah I bath sounds helps me relax when I'm stressed." Keith made a mental note to remember that. Keith disentangled himself from lance and walked to the bathroom and started tapping the bath. He grabbed to massive fluffy towels. Then got some scented oils to put in the water. Lavender , rose and chamomile. Once he had added them he turned the taps off. Dipped a finger that didn't have blood on in the water and once happy with the temperature he took off his jacket and walked into the bedroom. "Baby baths done." Lance was naked apart from a dressing gown. His back was to keith and he was looking in the full length mirror. Keith walked over to him and wrapped his arms round lance slim waist. "What's wrong sweetheart.". Lance was tracing his fingers over some old scars on his stomach. "Just thinking bout my past." Keith nuzzled lance's neck and trailed kisses down it. Lance giggled. "Stoooop it tickles." Keith smirked grabbing lance bridal style and carried him into the bathroom. He took off lance's dressing gown and kissed the little omegas head. He stripped and then gently placed lance in the warm bath climbing in behind him. Keith slowly rubbed lance's back to get him to relax. Lance shivered leaning back against the alpha. Keith nibbled on lance's ear. "Keith stooop or I'm gonna slip into omega spaceee." Lance whined. Keith chuckled. "That's the plan baby...u need to let go and relax." Lance looked up wide eyed. "B-But." Keith shook his head kissing lance's nose. "No buts relax...ur safe I'm here and I'm not going anywhere sweetie. I promise." Lance teared Up. What did he do to deserve such and amazing mate. He weakly leaned back on Keith's shoulder. Keith rubbed his side and drew little shapes into his caramel coloured skin. Lance was soon putty in Keith's hands. Lance laid there purring while Keith washed his hair and body making sure to use conditioner and do everything lance taught him. He washed himself and then got out picking up lance who was shivering slightly as the water had started Turning cold. Keith wrapped them in fluffy towels and dried them he tugged on a black sweatshirt and some blue jeans and dressed lance in a white belly top that had a green alien face on with the quote "I always believe." On it. Some comfy black leggings with blue and gold stars running up the sides and a blue hoodie with cat ears attached to the top of it. Lance smiled he'd slipped out of omega space but he felt so much more happier and relaxed. That happiness was ruined as a horrible churning feeling made itself present in his gut reminding him that 'your pregnant so go throw up.' Lance ran to the bathroom and heaved into the toilet. Keith came up from behind him and silently stroked his hair to comfort him. When lance finally finished dry heaving from lack of food Keith helped him up. "Let's get something to eat baby." Lance nodded in agreement. They strolled down the corridor singing Rebel love song and chasing each other. The reached the dining room and entered they were surprised when they were met with glares and disapproving looks. It was about tea time now so everyone was in the dining room. Kyle sat there holding tissue to his bloodied nose. It seems Allura tried to heal it. Allura gave them a sharp glare. "Why did you attack Kyle. I'm disappointed in both of you." She stated sharply.
Lance whimpered and looked down. Keith hugged lance from behind kissing the omegas temple. "He attacked us first it was self defence he had lance pinned to the ground and was hurting him." Pidge scrutinised them. "That's not the story he told us." Keith glared at the blonde boy. Then looked back at pidge. "He's lying." Soon it was a massive verbal fight.
Shiro stopped just before it got physical. He held Keith back from trying punch Kyle in the jaw. Keith uttered strings of curse words under his breath as he panted heavily. Allura sighed heavily. She didn't want to do this but keith was trying to punch seemed like he was at fault. "Lance and Keith you are both confined to your room. Keith u may only leave for missions and group training. No solo training , no other reason. Lance you are only allowed to leave for check ups and to get food and drink for you and Keith which must be taken to the room. This will last for a week." Lance nodded meekly accepting his punishment. He was used to punishment...and in his eyes this was merciful compared to what he'd been given before. Keith on the other hand was out raged. His inner alpha refused to submit. "WHAt! We're innocent and he's walking away without a punishment. And why is lance being punished to!" Keith yelled hotly. Allura and him had a glare competition. Allura flinched at the sudden burning hatred in Keith's eyes. "My word is final. You can eat at the table today then hunk and shiro will escort you to you room." Keith huffed angrily. Lance put a hand on his shoulder silently pleading for him to just go with it. Keith did it...but only for lance. After eating some space stew hunk had made they were escorted by the sunny smiled teen and the protective leader. Shiro sighed shaking his head reaching the door. Keith had struggled the entire time. "Keith stop making it worse for yourself and just accept it." Shiro said stoically. The normally kind happy leader's voice was laced with disappointment and annoyance. Keith felt disheartened that even shiro didn't believe them. Hunk just looked sad and confused. They were nudged inside the room. When the door was closed and the lock clicked shut preventing them from leaving Keith lashed out at the wall.
"THis IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS!" He yelled hotly , slamming his fist into the wall. Lance whimpered curling himself up in the corner. All his brain registered was an angry alpha...and that meant pain. Keith stopped his enraged attacks against the wall turning to see lance hugging his knees in the corner. He was rocking back and forth as tears cascaded down his cheeks like a waterfall. He must of scared him. "Shhh baby...I'm sorry...i didn't mean to scare ya...c'mon shooga let's cuddle." Lance looked up Keith's scent didn't smell angry anymore...just guilty and sad. He didn't want keith to feel like that. He made grabby arms at keith smiling shyly. Keith grinned scooping him up and carrying him to the bed. They both laid down , lance hiding his face in Keith's chest clutching his stuffed blue kitty. Keith smiled as he cradled lance against him. He was still peeved about this new rule...but it wasn't so bad being locked up with lance...

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