Oh sh-

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*1 week later*

Lance whined softly under his breath as he curled up in his nest. His stomach really hurt , the pain was nearly unbearable...his stomach was bloated and he was now full term. He would give birth any day now. He whimpered as another wave of pain hit him , the pain was like putting your hand in molten lava. He prayed for keith to return because he couldn't stand the pain anymore. Minutes felt like hours. After what seemed like an eternity the door opened however it wasn't keith. Just Hunk asking him if he wanted food. Hunk noticed the downcast expression on his friends face. He set done the tray of food he'd brought and kneeled next to lance. "Buddy whats wrong?" He asked softly. Lance stuttered out his reply as yet another cramp hit him. Everything was too loud , like a crescendo in his ears , giving him an agonising headache that drilled right into his temples. "W-want...k-keith..." he whimpered after the sentence clutching his stomach. It was really starting to hurt...Lance reached his arms out to Hunk. He needed some form of comfort right now. Hunk gently scooped him up letting lance curl into his chest. Lance relaxed into the arms of his best friend , the beta's scent relaxed him a little. "I can go get Keith if you want me to?" Lance bit on his lip as he mulled over the idea. On one hand he didn't want to disturb Keith's training , on the other he was in excruciating pain and really needed his alpha. Against his better judgement he shook his head. Hunk sighed. "Are you sure?" Lance lowered his head to hide his face from Hunk. His best friend could always see if he was upset. "I'm sure..." he mumbled. Hunk sighed giving in and leaving the room. Lance burst into tears a split second after. His food went untouched as he sobbed into a pillow. His distressed scent filling the room. Hunk walked along the corridor to the training room. He knew lance was lying , it was obvious the omega needed his alpha. He just hoped lance could hold on till he got keith. He ran to the training room , when he reached it he had to stop to regain his breath. Once he was able to breath normally he burst into the training room disrupting Keith and Shiro's sparring session. The two were in the middle of sword fighting. "Hunk?"shiro Asked , breathless from training. He took a minute to catch his breath before speaking again. "What's wrong?" Hunk bit the inside of his cheek. "Lance...he wants keith...he's in a lot of pain and he tried to deny that he wanted you but it was obvious that he does....more like needs him...." Keith deactivated his bayard and hugged Shiro before running to the bedroom he shared with lance. His mate needed him ,training could wait Lance was more important. He already had a stitch from training and he was exhausted , but he ignored his fatigue. Lance needed him...
*with lance. A few minutes before keith comes in*
Lance was curled up whimpering as tears streamed down his cheeks. The pain had reached extremes. Every cramp felt like a vice squeezing his abdomen. He had thrown up four times already but he wasn't able to move to get to the bathroom so now he was covered in his own vomit and he just felt crappy. Then something happened that made it even worse. He felt a rush if liquid run down his bare thighs and he looked down. "Oh shit." He mumbled. His water had just broke. At that moment keith ran in and nearly crashed into the omega in his hurry to soothe his baby. "Baby what's wrong?! Hunk said you needed me , he said you were in pain are you alright?" His tyranny of questions was cut off when he took in Lances state. "O-Oh God...okay baby just relax..." keith quickly read over this list they'd made on what to do. Keith took of Lances clothes , cleaned him up and then just put a sweatshirt on lance seen as the omega was shivering and saying he was cold. He put a respirator over lance's face and helped him lay in the proper position after covering the nest in towels. When omegas go into labour their feral instincts would kick in and they won't want anyone but their mate near them. Lance laid there breathing heavily as tears rolled down his tanned skin. Keith shushed him gently and guided him through a few breathing exercises. When lance was 10 centimetres dilated , Keith coaxed him into pushing. Lance screamed and cried throughout the entire ordeal. He nearly passed out after the first pup was out and Keith was worried. Lance was extremely pale and didn't look like he could handle much more of this but he had another baby to push out. That was when things started going wrong. No matter how much lance struggled to push he just did have the energy. Keith ran to get Allura. Despite lance not wanting anyone in the room he needed the help. "N-no go away..." he whimpered. Allura knew he wanted to be alone with keith during this , but lance and the remaining pup wouldn't survive if she didn't step in. So with a sigh she ignored Lances small pleas and focused on helping him. Using a spell to enlarge his birthing canal , allowing the baby to pass through easily. Keith smoothed Back Lances hair trying to ease the pain and stress. Lance vision started the blur as he struggled to hold onto consciousness. Lance sobbed as the pup was born. He heard a ringing in his ears and his vision blurred. Back and whites filling it till darkness consumed him.
Keith watched tearfully as lance passed out shortly after giving birth to the pups. Allura quickly cleaned the pups up and wrapped them in blankets. Keith held them as Allura worked on lance. Lance wasn't breathing or moving. Keith looked down at the tiny pups , tears rolling down his cheeks. Lance had to survive...he needed lance. The pups needed lance. The whole world needed lance. The pups were so tiny and frail. There had been complications with the birth most likely caused by the trauma and stress Kyle had caused Lance. There was a desperate gasp for air as Allura managed to get Lance to come round. The omega coughed before slumping against the pillows , Allura increased the respirators air flow to Aid Lances breathing. She then left them alone to re-cooperate knowing once their instincts kicked in , anyone in the room that wasn't a pup or each other would be ripped apart. Keith out the pups in the fit they'd set up and then cleaned lance up and helped him get comfy before wrapping his arms round him "what should we name them?" He asked. Lance yawned softly "Lyra for the girl...with...Phoenix as her middle name?" keith smiled agreeing. "And Nico for the boy with Orion as his middle name." He added. They both agreed to take Keith's last name. Lance yawned again and slowly closed his eyes he was getting tired now. Keith smiled as He nuzzled the tired omega and watched as the Latino boy finally dozed off peacefully. Lance was extremely pale and looked drained. Keith was worried about his health. The traumatic birth had took it's toll on his mate. He sighed running his hand through lance's sweat dampened locks. Even sweaty and exhausted right after child birth lance looked beautiful. His cheeks were flushed and his hair fell in his face. His eyes lashed rested on his cheeks and he looked adorable and peaceful. Keith smiled kissing Lances neck and adjusted the shoulder of the sweatshirt lance was wearing so the omega didn't get cold. He made sore lance was tucked in and then he himself fell asleep holding Lances waist. They finally had a little family....
Words: 1316
A/n: Sorry it's so short I couldn't think of what else to put in the chapter. Next cheater will be Lances recovery , over protect keithy , babies and some hinderances that we will have to sort out~ I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I hope your enjoying this book in general. I plan on making a sequel called Quiznack we have teenagers , focusing on the pups being teenagers.

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