Killer in the mirror

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Warning: mention of self harm and suicidal thought may be triggering to some readers , read at ur own risk!

Lance sighed defeatedly as he stared at his reflection in the mirror he just couldn't seem to come up with a way to explain his pregnancy , he needed an excuse to explain this away....he was stressing out about this and he knew it wasn't good for his or the babies health. 'Ur pathetic ur a cold blooded killer lance.' 'Shut up...I'm not' 'yes u areee u murdered ur own baby..u killed Lila.' 'No..N-no shut up SHUt UP...I didn't...I didn't kill my baby...n-not my baby..' ' oH bUt u did lanceeee u were to weak and worthless to stop kyleee and poor baby Lila paid the price DIDNt SHe.' 'S-stop please p-please no more leave me alone...I didn't do it! I DIDNT KILL MY BaBy!!' Lance collapsed in a fit of tears , his body trembling. He clamped his hands over his mouth to try and stifle his sobs as he cried....urges to cut came flooding back..he hadn't done it for Awhile voltron had taken so much of his time there had been no time for his toxic thought to fester...but now...being pregnant again...all the painful memories were back at full force it consumed him like a whirlpool dragging him down the cold dark depths of the ocean. An ocean of insecurity and hopelessness. Lance swallowed back the tears and let the weakness disappear. He couldn't waste his strength crying. Crying was for the weak and defenceless. He was stronger than this he didn't have time to cry it wouldn't get him anywhere. He couldn't allow himself to cry he had to be strong for the baby. HE WAS NOT WEAK!
Lance stared at the mirror. He looked at his reflection. The 'killer' in the mirror. Ocean eyes glistened with tears surrounded by red , they were swollen , his tan skin looked paler and sickly his cheeks had dry Tear tracks on them. He looked terrible.
Lance grabbed a flannel and scrubbed at his blotchy face splashing water on it. He re-did his skincare routine and used a little foundation and concealer to hide that he'd been crying. He'd have to tell them the truth...all of it eventually. He'd start by just saying he was an omega and that he was pregnant...he wouldn't say who the baby belonged to yet...and he wouldn't mention his ex yet...they didn't need to know why he hid it yet...he wasn't ready for that. Lance breathed deeply gripping the edge of the sink (draco Malfoy style!) "maybe the voices are right....maybe I am a killer....the killer in the mirror?.....I'm fucking worthless....I shouldn't be a paladin of voltron...and I'm not cut out to be a mother." Lance punched the mirror shattering it.
Lance's eyes widened "fuck why did I do that!" Lance looked at his hand covered in blood. He watched as the crimson liquid dripped form his hand to the ground. One drop. Two drop. Three drop. Four drop. Five drop "I should just die"
Lance thought back to the times he had sat in the bathroom curled in the corner crying as he dragged a blade over his arms. Hating himself because of what Kyle did to him and what he was doing. Then losing his baby. That tore him apart. He'd gone to deep , he was rushed to hospital. And had to go to therapy to help him cope with the loss of his baby. Not like it helped.
Lance shook his head ridding himself of the unwanted memories. He cleaned his hand picking the pieces of glass out. He scooped all the shattered glass of the ground and into a bin. He'd tell Allura he fell backward and the mirror would have to do as an excuse. He did need his mirror after all to do his skincare routine. Lance sighed grabbing some bandages. Wrapping his hand up then grabbing a black hoodie with a blue galaxy print it had overly long sleeves and was like five sizes to big so it hid his hand and how thin he was....and his feminine figure. He slowly made his way to the lounge and found everyone there. "Oh hey lance come in" shiro said lance smiled and curled up on a free sofa he liked shiro he was nice and friendly even for an alpha. He had that 'Dad' aura about him that just made u feel safe and comfortable around him.
"Allura I kinda slipped and fell into the mirror and it smashed." Lance looked down guilty "don't worry about it lance it's easily replaceable I'll get it sorted for u." She said softly "Thanks it means a lot. "Also there something else I need to tell u all."
"U may hate me afterwards if u don't already....I'm not ready to tell u my reasons...but it's serious and I thought I should I know." Everyone looked confused. "Lance we are ur pack...we could never hate u whatever it is please tell us." Shiro ever the voice of reason spoke up , being the pack alpha and the leader of the team he really was like a dad.

Words: 806
A/n I'm sooo evil for leaving it on a cliff hanger oh well you'll have to wait for the next chapter kittens...don't worry I'll be updating real on an unrelated note...if u know the band at the top THEN BLEES UR BEAUTIFUL SOUL if not...then they are an amazing band called Set It Off they are so freaking fabulous but are seriously underrated the deserved so much more recognition please check them out they are just so freaking good I die every comeback!
Anyways take care my kittens 🐱 💜💚🖤

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