Sick (NSFW)

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The next day lance fell out of the pod into Keith's arms and was taken to bed instantly. He had a high fever and fell asleep instantly. Keith put a damp cloth on his head trying to soothe him. Lance's blue eyes fluttered open weakly. "Hey baby...get some rest..." lance weakly held onto Keith's hand. He was scared. Keith could see it in his eyes. He cupped lance's cheek rubbing his thumb over the soft skin trying to reassure him. "Shh your alright. The pups are fine. Your okay." Lance's eyes closed again , exhaustion taking over his entire being. Keith sighed looking at him. He'd make Kyle pay for this. Brushing lance's hair back he heard a knock at the door, the noise caused lance to wake up. "Who is it?"
He heard Adam's voice. "It's shiro and I , just the two of us no one else. May we come in?" Keith looked at lance who gave him a tiny nod. "Yeah you two can come in." The door opened and Adam walked in followed by a sulking shiro. His eyes were downcast and he seemed to be wallowing in guilt. "What's up...?" Keith asked hesitantly. "We want to talk...about Kyle...I have noticed he isn't...normal...and I've persuaded shiro to see what we can see. That Kyle is...evil to put it simply." Keith sighed slowly. "Baby...? You want me to tell them or would you rather tell them yourself?" Lance looked at keith tearfully "..can you tell them...? I don't think I can was hard enough telling you..." Keith nodded , he gestured for the two to sit down while he climbed onto the bed pulling lance close to him. Lance rested against Keith's chest while Keith rubbed his thigh lovingly. Keith then explained that Kyle was lance's ex and the real reason lance dumped him is because Kyle abused and raped him. Obviously only lance and Kyle knew the full extent of the torture lance had been out through as lance had only told keith the bottom line. He'd kept it vague. Even so it was enough to bring the other two young men to tears. Adam as a fellow omega knew how hard that must of been on lance's mental state. He wrapped lance in a hug , cuddling him and scenting him. Shiro had his head in his hands. Another wave of guilt and grief washing over him. He'd failed as a leader , as an alpha and as a mate. He'd hurt Adam , he'd allowed Kyle to hurt lance again because he was too blind to see the truth , he'd let Allura punish keith and lance when it was Kyle who should of been punished , his little brother , his team mates , his family. Keith couldn't Stan seeing shiro so torn up about this , he reached out a hand gently ruffling shiros jet black locks and running his fingers through the snowy white tuft. "Stop crying dummy~ it wasn't your fault and we don't blame you , you had the teams best interests in mind , if you'd known the truth you would've of done it differently we know that. Stop beating yourself up over it." Shiro stared at keith for a minute. "It's n-normally me giving advice..." he mumbled laying his head on Keith's leg using it as a pillow. Adam chuckled. "Seems your wise words of wisdom have worn off on your little bro~" both the alphas smiled. Shiro then turned to lance. "Lance I apologise for how uncomfortable you must of felt around Kyle...I know sorry can't cut it but I'm really really sorry. I failed you not just as your pack leader , but as your friend too....we are meant to be a pack...a family...a team...and I failed too see that my family was hurting." Lance shook his head. "C'mere Silly~" he teased as he hugged shiro. "It wasn't your fault. Like Keith said , if you knew the truth you would of done things differently. I should of told you earlier about what Kyle did to me...I just wasn't ready...talking about it meant reliving it and I wasn't ready mentally nor physically...but thank you...this means a dad~" shiro chuckled hugging the boy. "Jeez don't make me feel old kiddo." Lance stuck out his tongue. "If you call me kiddo your making yourself sound old." He fired back. The friendly banter between the four of them lightened the mood. The took care of lance , taking it in turns to get food , water , pain killers and ice packs. They all felt protective of the omega. He was Keith's mate , Adam thought of him as his pup. Shiro was pack leader , lance was family. So when the others walked in , Kyle in tow they were met with two ferocious growls and an angry hiss. Hunk stepped back the smell of protective pack overwhelming the beta. "Woah..." Allura raised her hands trying to make peace with them. "I'm simply here to give lance a check up." Adam was the one who diffused the situation. "You May stay but the others have to leave." He knew if he singled out Kyle an argument would start so he just made it sound like they didn't want any visitors. Allura nodded and coran escorted them out. There was a lot of protesting from pidge and hunk but eventually they left. Allura didn't question them , she just assumed it was an earth dynamic thing. Altean dynamics worked slightly differently. She rubbed the ultra sound jelly on lance's exposed stomach , after keith rolled up the omegas sweatshirt. Instantly keith , Adam and shiro cooed at the baby bump on show. Allura giggled. "The pups are fine~ your around 3 months now so you'll be entering your second trimester. Soon we'll be able to find out the genders. It's hard to tell how many there are but by the looks of things it's a pair of twins." Lance squeaked. "Twins! So I have to give birth twiceeee." Keith chuckled brushing through his hair. "I promise it will all be all right~" Lance sighed relaxing. He was still very weak and feverish. Shiro put another damp cloth on his head. Allura wiped off the gel and packed up the equipment letting them have their space, Keith smiled kissing lance's baby bump before pulling the sweatshirt back down. It covered lance's thighs giving him some decency as he was only wearing panties underneath. Something he tended to do now that he was getting bigger. Adam was still gushing over how radiant lance looked. "Your positively glowing~" lance blushed. "Um thanks but I really don't look that good-I mean I'm pregnant. I looked pale , sick and fat." Keith let out a warning growl. "Sweetheart we've talked about this. You promised me you wouldn't talk bad about yourself." Lance lowered his head. "Sorry..." Keith sighed cupping his cheek. "Your forgiven. Promise me no more? Your amazing you just don't see it, we all do. Adam is right you look absolutely gorgeous." Lance blushed snuggling into keith. "I pwomise alpha..." he mumbled into Keith's chest starting to doze off. Keith smiled petting his hair gently. He let out a sharp gasp as Keith smacked his ass. "What was that fooor" he whined with a pout. It wasn't that it hurt , more the fact Adam and shiro was here. "Punishment for talking bad about yourself~" lance hugged burying his face into Keith's chest. Adam was giggling and shiro smirking. Lance went red with embarrassment. "I hate all three of you~" he complained. The just smiled chorusing "we love you tooo" in unison. Lance smiled happily. He didn't feel alone anymore.
*later that evening in Shiro's room. NSFW warning*

Adam was laid on Shiro's chest as the two cuddled. He bit his lip...there was something on his mind that he really wanted to talk about but he was scared. How would shiro react...? Shiro sensed something was wrong with his omega. Gently running his hand through Adams hair and nipping at his ear He broached the subject. "What's wrong love...?" He asked softly. He felt Adam tense up. "I...I want to ask you something...but I don't want you to get mad..." Shiro sighed rubbing Adams back to ease the tenseness. "I won't get mad I promise." "I....want to have pups..." he ducked his head shyly. "Why would I be mad? Of course I'd love to have pups with you..." Adam looked up shyly as he wrapped his arms round Shiro's neck moving so he was laid on the bed shiro on top of him. "Reconciliation sex?" He asked with a giggle. Shiro smiled. "I prefer the term making love to you~" he leaned down capturing Adam's lips in his. The omega moaned softly tangling his hands in Shiro's hair. His scent was stronger than usual clearly showing he was In heat. His eyes were glowing as he clung to shiro , his eyes half lidded as they made out. They pulled away for air , shiro stared at Adam's flushed figure. His own eyes glowing. He was in rut. One thing for sure...they would definitely need to wash the sheets after this. Shiro carefully slid off Adam's jeans and held his hips. Adam bit his sleeve. It had been so long since they had done this so he knew it was going to hurt quite a lot. Shiro teased Adam till the omega started slicking , then he prepped him. Adam moaned softly his hands fisted in the sheets. "Takashi...hnn..." shiro bit Adam's collarbone causing theomeag to gasp and scratch at his back. When Adam was prepped , Shiro gently held his thoughts before slowly pushing in. Adam's nails dug into his skin drawing blood as the smaller Male cried out. Shiro shushed him gently letting Adam adjust. Adam let out a shaky breath burying his face into Shiro's shoulder. "Kashi it hurts...." he let out a tiny sob. "I know baby...we're never going this long again..." Adam agreed with him on that one. After a few minutes Adam whispered. "You can move now kashi..." moving back down and wrapping his legs round Shiro's waist. Shiro pulled back to the tip before slamming in. Adam arched his back his hands fisting the sheets once more as he moaned lewdly. Shiro let out a deep throaty moan as he built up speed. Adam squealed as Shiro picked up the pace. The alpha left love bites all over Adam's skin. A possessive growl tore from his throat as he pounded into the omega underneath him. Adam mewled and screamed as Shiro abused his prostate. Adam clung to shiro trembling as he neared us high. "Alpha...please..." Shiro knew what he wanted. His thrusts became more erratic and jerky. A inhuman pace. Adam was definition of pleasure at this point. Drool ran down his chin , his mouth open in constant screams of ecstasy , his eyes half lidded , tears of bliss running down his cheeks , body quivering in anticipation. Adam let out a muffled scream biting his sleeve as he came and shiro knotted. The alpha leaned down biting Adam's neck with his now elongated fangs. Blood ran down Adam's neck. They were mates again. Their bond had been renewed. Shiro shifted so they were laid down as he cuddled an exhausted Adam. He was still buried deep in Adam but they were too tired to care. He closed his eyes , his metal arm sling over Adam's waist and his human one running through Adam's hair. Adam tugged his sweatshirt down a bit to cover his thighs and curled up under the blankets falling asleep. They were together again...
Words: 1951
A/n: sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoyed the chapter and the Adashi smut~I'm drinking lucozade and I'm sleep deprived but who needs sleep anyway Yeet. I'm also eating skittles. Taste the rainbow bitches! Perfect for yaoi~ goodbye my lovely kittens~ 🐱🖤🖤

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