2. New Messenger

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This was a bad thing for him to say because it immediately made Mutt go ballistic as he jumped out of the bushes barking like a madman who in turned startled the poor boy who set off his gun, sending a shot up into the air which in turn startled me causing me to scream in fright.

"WHO'S THERE!?" The boy yells as he points his gun back at my bush but he no longer seems threatening as, for one thing, he is shaking like a leaf and he also seems to be deathly afraid of Mutt and won't come any closer to the hysterically barking dog. Nonetheless, slowly I stand up and creep out of the bushes with my hands up in surrender. As soon as the boy sees me he lowers his weapon.

"Are you a...human?" He asks as he eye's me over suspiciously. It must be hard for him to tell because while my face appears human I am wearing forest clothes given to me by Seally.

"I am human." I say as I slowly lower my hands and bring them back down to my sides.

"What are you doing out here?"

"What are 'you' doing out here?"

"I asked you first."

"And I asked second but I don't really think the order matters."

He looks at me peculiarly as I lean down to calm Mutt who growls and then sits down on my feet with his body facing the stranger and his teeth still bared.

"I'm Damen." The boy mutters as he ruffles his curly orange hair but he still has out his gun which tells me that he doesn't quite trust me yet.

"I'm Y/n." I mutter. "What are you doing in the woods, Damen?"

"I should be asking you that. It's dangerous for a young girl to be wandering alone in the woods!"

"I'm not alone. I have Mutt." I pat the dog affectionally on the head and Mutt relaxes slightly as e presses his face into my palm. Damen does not seem to be a fan of the dog as he shies away slightly off the trail.

"Why are you here?" He asks again.

"I live here." I say and Damen snorts before he looks me in the eye and his smile quickly falls.

"Wait...are you serious?"

"Yes, now why are you here?"

"I'm the new messenger. I came to deliver the offerings to the forest king." He points at the shrine and I nod in understanding.

"I'm familiar with the job." I mutter.

"Anyway, you shouldn't be out here in the woods. I'll walk you back to town." Damen turns to walk back down the trail and he expects me to follow but instead I stand still.

"Aren't you coming?" Damen asks once he sees I'm not following him.

"I can't go. I have to go back to Seally." I say as I turn and walk back to the shrine to retrieve the offerings.

"What do you mean you can't go back! And who the hell is Seally!?" Damen yells as he runs back to me but stumbles back slightly once he gets close to the dog. Meanwhile I use Seallys key to open the back of the shrine and take out the offerings. Damen watches with wide eyes but he doesn't say anything. I don't really want to tell him about Seally nor do I want to explain how it is I came to be living in the woods so instead I keep my story simple.

"I work for the forest king." I state as I put the offering in my bag and close the shrine. "I need to take these back to him."

"Really?" Damen asks and I nod as a very troubled expression comes over his face. Based on the way he speaks I can guess he has high respect for the forest king so, on one hand, he doesn't want to do something to upset him, like take away one of his servants, but on the other hand he is obviously uncomfortable with the idea of letting me just walk off by myself.

"I want to make sure you get back okay." He mutters. "So can you make me a promise?"

"You can't come back with me if that is what you are going to ask."

"No, not that. Can you promise to meet me again here next week. I'll give you the offerings myself."


"Becuase that way I will know that you are okay. As long as you come to meet me I will know you are fine."

Automatically I could see several flaws with his reasoning but his face looked so concerned and desperate that I couldn't help but say...


Damen beamed. I think he would have hugged me if it wasn't for the dog keeping him at a relative distance.

"Then I will see you here next week." He said.

"Okay." I said and then I watched him walk away with a funny stride in his step as he whistled down the trail.

"He wasn't as scared as I thought he would be." I said to Mutt as I silently recalled my first few times coming into the woods. Mutt huffed as he turned around and walked back to the big oak tree as I followed. Standing before it I tapped the bark as Seally had done and watched as the portal opened up before me. The portal still scared me so I took a deep breath before jumping in and the next time I opened my eyes there was my brother Christian standing in front of me.

"You're back!" He screamed as he wrapped me in a bone crushing hug. I was relatively surprised to see him as I quickly returned the gesture before pushing him off me.

"What are you doing over here?" I asked. He usually stayed indoors and never ventured farther than the garden

"Seally told me he sent you into the woods so I came here right away to wait for you. I was worried sick!"

"Sorry but I didn't have much of a choice."

"You could've told me before hand!"

"Sorry." I mutter and Christian sighed as he takes the bag of offering from me.

"It's fine." He said. "Now go get ready."

"Ready? Ready for what?"

"Seally's girlfriend is coming over."

"Seally's what!?"

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