20. Battle Plans

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"Why is Patty here?" I asked as I entered the study where everyone had gathered. Of course, that's not what I really want to know. What I want to know is why did she bring Ray with her. I cast the werewolf a sideways glance as I step to the opposite side of the room and take a seat next to Damen who has his gun laid out on his lap as he polishes the barrel.

"We need Ray for my plan." Seally states as if it was obvious.

"What's your plan?" I ask.

"You guys want to go after Theo, right? We can use Ray to find out where Theo is hiding."

"I refuse." Ray growls which earns him a smack in the back of the head from Patty. Ray winces in surprise and cowers slightly, lowering his head silently.

"You are going to help!" Patty growls back at him and Ray doesnt say a word as he stares at his feet.

"What exactly are we going to do when we find this guy?" Damen asks.

"We are going to kill him." Christian states. His face seems determined as his mind is set on the idea.

"Thats an option." Seally mutters. "But if you get cold feet there are always other options like isolation or imprisonment. Its your guys job to deal with Theo while I will take care of the other monsters."

"Are you coming with us?" I asked, surprised. I didn't think he would want to leave the castle.

"I'll be around." Seally mutters as he turns his back on me to face Ray. "Now...for the plan."

I watch as Seally pushes a table into the center of the room and lays out a scroll on top of it. It is a map of the forest with several large structures sticking out of the paper. I recognize some of the rivers and trails from my time as messenger and I also recognize Seally's castle which rests in a puddle of fog in the map center.

"Come here wolf boy." Seally beckons Ray over with a finger. Ray snarls at him but stands up and walks over anyway. When he gets close, Seally wraps an arm around his shoulder to keep him from running and pulls him close to the table. "Now, please be a pal and point out where exactly Theo is hiding."

"What makes you think I would know?" Ray asks with a smirk.

"You are his best friend, or at least you were. You know him better than anyone."

"I haven't seen him in almost a year."

"Just tell us what you know!" Seally growls. Ray pauses.

"What do I get out of it?"

"What do you want?" Seally asks.

"I want you to let me go free."

"You are a killer and a psychopath. I can't just let you go. Anything else?"

Ray pauses again as his eyes briefly scan over the faces in the room. I catch his eye and quickly look away. Ray smiles and leans in to whisper something in Seally's ear. Seally shrugs.

"Ill see what I can do...but no promises."

Ray smiles and points out a thick patch of trees on the map. It's nestled next to a large flower field that outlines the outskirts of the forest.

An hour later and we are treading through the woods off the beaten trail through thick trees and overgrown bushes. Ray leads the way with Patty following closely behind him to make sure he doesn't run. Christian and Damen follow with two guns while I lag behind with Melody. I was given a small blade to defend myself and I hold it tightly to my chest as I stare out at the trees. Melody is one step behind me and she looks up at me occasionally before sighing and fiddling with her hands.

"You dont have to come." I state quietly and she perks up slightly.

"I want to come. I want to help." She says but there is a hesitant edge in her voice that unnerves me. Eventually we stop walking as Ray pulls back a cluster of trees to reveal a small and modest looking house similar to the one Seally used to live in only more earthy and overgrown with ivy climbing up the dark exterior which blends perfectly into the shadows of the trees.

"Looks creepy." Melody mutters as she unconsciously clings to the back of my shirt.

"This is Theo's house." Ray states. "Although he might not live here anymore"

Christian nods as he steps out of the trees and edges closer to the house which lays still and silent. Damen follows and so do I until Patty suddenly holds me back.

"Let the boys check it out first." She tells me but I dont listen. I want to go with them so I run to catch up just as they are creeping in through the doorway. Christian goes in the front while Damen sneaks around the back. I follow Christian as we step inside. The interior is exactly like the exterior, dark and overgrown, but it looks well lived in with a light on in the back. Christian holds up a hand to signal me to stay quiet as he silently steps towards the light with his gun raised. He swiftly turns the corner but there is no one there, just a single lit candle sitting on the table.

"I don't think there is anyone here." I whisper.

"Then why is there a lit candle here?" Christian asks. Just then there was the sound of a loud bang as a gunshot echoed through the house. It sounded like it came from outside so we run through the house for the front door. When we get there both Ray and Melody are gone and Patty is laying on the floor.

"Patty!? Are you alright!?" I yell as I run to her. She slowly sits up with a groan.

"Someone shot at me." She groans as she pulls up her shirt to reveal where the bullet grazed her side.

"Who?" Christian asks.

"I dont know." She growls. She seems a bit pissed. "I didnt see!"

"Where is Melody and Ray?" I ask.

"And where is Damen?" Christian asks as he looks around the side of the house. He isn't there. Patty stands up and looks around the empty forest around us.

"Well shit." She mutters.

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