26. Help me

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I felt my heart drop when I saw him standing there but then I thought that he's all alone, there's four of us, we can take him. My thoughts were not shared by the whole group though as I looked over everyone's faces. Melody was weak and small, she couldn't do anything, and Patty was drunk. That only left Christian and I but then I took notice of the long blade in Theo's hand and I thought...maybe I shouldn't.

"What do we do?" Christian asked me, the small edge in his voice told me he was terrified. Before I could answer Theo stepped foreword and pointed at Patty, Christian, and Melody.

"Leave." He ordered as he stepped aside and pointed out of the cave. No one moved and Theo's face got red as he repeated himself. "Leave!" He said again.

"Go." I whispered to Christian and he looked back at me wide eyed.

"I'm not leaving you here."

"I'll be fine. Please. Just go."

Christian looked uncertain at first. "I'll come back." He whispered as he picked up Patty by the shoulder and dragged her away past Theo who didn't budge. Melody looked back at me with genuine pain in her eyes as she mouthed some words I couldn't understand.

"Get lost." Theo growled and Melody flinched as she looked by him and then bolted leaving me behind. With the others gone, Theo seemed to relax as he smiled at me happily, but that smile didn't sit right with me. "Its been awhile." He muttered as if he was trying to strike up a casual conversation. I didn't want to talk to him but my buzzing senses told me that it was my best option. The longer I keep him talking the more time Christian had to go get help.

"Its been a whole year." I said. "You've grown."

"So have you."

"Not really..." The silence between sentences was agonizing as my brain struggled to come up with words all the while my feet continued to move to keep a reasonable distance between us. "I've heard you are working with the rogue monsters." I stated and Theo smiled as if I had somehow just complimented him.

"I'm leading the bunch." He told me. "With the way things are going we are set to take over within the next three months. Seally wont stand a chance and all the humans will grovel at our feet." I shivered at the thought.

"Did you help burn down the village?" I asked and suddenly he had a fake sympathetic look.

"I didn't want to but it was necessary." He said and my head was screaming 'lies'. He definitely took joy in destroying my hometown. I could see it on his face. Then suddenly his face changed and he wasn't smiling anymore, he looked somewhat upset, mad even.

"Do you have any idea how much trouble you have caused me?" He asked, his expression suddenly grim. At this moment something clicked in my head telling me to run but there was nowhere to go. He still had that knife. "One whole year of searching all the while you are living a peaceful fucking life in Seally's bullshit of a castle." He snickered and clicked his tongue. "You know he offered to let me stay there with you but I wouldn't take such an offer. He wanted to turn me into a nice little pet. Bullshit!"

"Why didn't you take the offer?" I asked him. I'm glad he didn't but I was still curious. If he had we would have never been in this situation now.

"That's not going to happen. I'm not like the others. I'm not just going to roll over and subdue!" He growled. "You've got our roles reversed."


"I knew you wouldn't understand." He muttered as he suddenly drew closer and placed a hand on my shoulder. "You belong to me." He growled. "Always have. Always will." I sucked in air and tried not to make any sound as my body was paralyzed in fear. Then he suddenly dropped his hand down to my wrists and pulled me foreword back into the cave.

"Come on. Lets go." He said as he dragged me.


"We have to go before fucking Seally comes looking. Dont want to deal with him right now. Lets go."

"No!" I whimpered and Theo stopped cold.

"Excuse me?" He hissed.

"I-I'm not going with you!" I growled, trying to sound brave.

"Since when have you had a backbone?"

"I'm not going! You burned down my house, you burned down the village, you destroyed the shrine! I'm not going with you!"

"Are you fucking serious?" Theo asked. "Are you defying me?" Suddenly there was a flash of red in his eyes and he began to laugh.

"Fuck this. Fuck this. Fuck you!" He growled. "I don't need this! I don't need you!" Suddenly Theo lunged at me with that knife drawn as he moved to stab me. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact but it never came. Slowly I opened my eyes.


Melody was there shielding my body, the long blade plunged into her chest just a few inches below her neck. Theo dropped the knife hilt and Melody dropped, blood beginning to stream down her shirt.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?" I screamed at Theo and he kinda of just looked at me, smiled, and then walked away. I immediately knelt down next to Melody and held up her head as I felt at the place the knife had pierced her. It was in deep and I wasn't sure whether or not I should pull it.

"SEALLY!! CHRISTIAN!! SOMEONE PLEASE COME HELP ME!" I screamed as I felt big tears well up in my eyes and stream down my cheeks. I felt something touch my arm and looked back down to see Melody gripping my arm. She was saying something but her voice was so faint I couldn't hear it. Quickly I leaned down and hovered over her face.

"I-I just wanted to help." She whispered and then she stopped breathing.

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